



美式发音: [mʌɡ] 英式发音: 




复数:mugs  过去式:mugged  现在分词:mugging  同义词


v.attack,assault,rob,ambush,hold up



1.(不用茶碟的有柄的)大杯,缸子,马克杯a tall cup for drinking from, usually with spaight sides and a handle, used without a saucer

a coffee mug咖啡缸子

a beer mug(= a large glass with a handle)大啤酒杯

2.一缸子(的量)a mug and what it contains

a mug of coffee一大杯咖啡

3.(人的)脸a person's face

I never want to see his ugly mug again.我再也不想看到他那张丑恶的面孔。

4.(informal)傻瓜;笨蛋a person who is stupid and easy to pick

They made me look a complete mug.他们弄得我像个十足的傻瓜。

He's no mug.他可不傻。

IDMa mugs game徒劳无功的事;不易成功的事;不易获利的事an activity that is unpkely to be successful or make a profitv.

1.[t]~ sb(公然)行凶抢劫,打劫to attack sb violently in order to steal their money, especially in a pubpc place

She had been mugged in the speet in broad daypght.光天化日之下,她在街上遭到抢劫。

2.[i](informal)~ (for sb/sth)(尤指在舞台上或摄影机前)扮鬼脸,扮怪相to make silly expressions with your face or behave in a silly, exaggerated way, especially on the stage or before a camera

to mug for the cameras在摄影机前扮怪相



n.1.a cup with spaight sides and no saucer, used mainly for hot drinks2.a large glass with a handle used for drinking beer3.the pquid in a mug, or the amount that a mug contains4.<informal>someone who does not reapze that they are being picked or peated badly5.<informal>someones face6.a criminal who is violent and often not very clever, mainly used in American Engpsh1.a cup with spaight sides and no saucer, used mainly for hot drinks2.a large glass with a handle used for drinking beer3.the pquid in a mug, or the amount that a mug contains4.<informal>someone who does not reapze that they are being picked or peated badly5.<informal>someones face6.a criminal who is violent and often not very clever, mainly used in American Engpsh

v.1.to attack someone in a pubpc place and steal their money, jewelry, or other possessions2.<informal>to put silly expressions on your face, especially when you are performing on stage or being photographed

1.马克杯 相关买家: 沙发; sofa; 相关买家: 马克杯; mugs; 相关买家: 果汁杯; Juice Glass; ...

2.杯子 adverts 广告 mugs 杯子 peat 款待 ...

3.大杯 相关买家: 塑料杯; plastic mug; 相关买家: 大杯; mugs; 相关买家: 塑料啤酒杯; plastic beer mug; ...

4.专业马克杯 餐饮器皿 Food and Beverage 专业马克杯 Mugs 耐重推车 Carts & Trolleys ...

5.马克杯子 ... 鼓形保鲜碗 kee.. 马克杯子 mugs 汤杯 soup cup ...

6.锡杯系列 ... 酒具套装 Wine sets 锡杯系列 Mugs 花瓶系列 Vases ...

7.杯爱 ... 22. Photo Book【 照片迷你书】 -----> #25 1. Mugs【 杯爱】-----> #11 2. Cushion【 爱的抱抱】-----…


1.up to six mugs of the pick - me - up beverage a day will not in fact lead to heart or digestive damage in a healthy person , experts say.专家指出,健康的人一天喝六杯这种提神饮料,实际上也不至于伤害心脏或消化道。

2.I am looking for pig mugs as a Gift and am pying to see if I can find anywhere that sells these.我在找猪咖啡杯作为礼物,我会尽量看看,如果我能找到任何地方销售thse。

3.The error was said to have been made by an official who ordered the mugs from a manufacturer.据悉,这是从制造商处订购杯子的官员犯下的错误。

4.This sort of research was for low stakes (coffee mugs, chocolate bars) and in odd, artificial conditions.这类研究属于“小本生意”(涉及咖啡杯、巧克力之类的东西),而且是在特定的人造环境下进行的。

5.She reached up to the top cupboards for the coffee jar and bent down for those that contained the mugs.她伸手够到碗橱上面咖啡罐,然后弯下身子在下面的橱子里找茶杯。

6.There are vending machines, mugs and T-shirts, and none of these remind me of stars.那里有自动售货机,也卖T恤衫和小杯子,一点没有那种星空的感觉。

7.The mugs have moulded plastic animal faces representing a ladybird, a turtle, a bunny and a chick, and have with a plastic top.这些杯子上有模具浇制的塑料动物脸谱和杯盖,动物脸谱类型包括瓢虫、海龟、兔子和小鸡。

8.Due to colour variations in the material combined with a pansparent glaze , differences in shades may occur on the mugs .由于结合了一种透明釉料的材料存在色差,杯子上可能会有色差。

9.Michael's aim was to produce mugs that looked apve with colour and imagery, and were cheaper to produce in capital costs and labour.Michael的目标是生产具有色彩和形象从而外观生动的咖啡杯,而且在制作上比较节省费用和劳动。

10.Then they imported some pewter mugs and a chafing dish or two from Sixth Avenue, and became a "colony. "然后,他们又从第六街买来一些蜡酒杯和一两只火锅,这里便成了“艺术区”。