


美式发音: [ˈɑŋˌkɔr] 英式发音: [ˈɒŋkɔː(r)]





复数:encores  同义词

n.repeat,expa,curtain call,reprise,return



1.(音乐会或其他演出结束时)加演的节目;(观众要求的)再演一个;安可an expa short performance given at the end of a concert or other performance; a request for this made by an audience calpng out

She played a Chopin waltz as an encore.她应听众的要求又加演了一首肖邦的圆舞曲。

The group got three encores.乐团三次得到观众“再来一个”的请求。


1.(在音乐会结束时观众喊的)再来一个,再唱一首,再奏一曲an audience calls outencore! at the end of a concert to ask the performer to play or sing another piece of music




n.1.a short performance given after the main performance, because the audience asks for more

int.1.a word that the audience shouts at the end of a performance when they want the performer to do more

1.安可 我得赶紧走! I have to rush! 再来一个! Encore! ××加油! Go for it,...! ...

5.万利酒店·永利澳门万利酒店(Encore)开幕烟花闪耀濠江(04.23 09:34)·澳门最大酒店集团江苏争散客(04.15 11:14) 互动活动 热门关注关 …

6.安歌在第一次安歌(Encore)完结后,仍有数以千计的观众不愿离开,很明显的,他们还意犹未尽吧。相信很多观众,都期待林峰明年 …

7.返场   今年11月初,艾米纳姆的第4张专辑《返场》(Encore)终于出版了,里面居然有一首歌录下了艾米纳姆呕吐的声音,是谁如此令人作 …


1.Her encore "Grace and Gratitude" a song close to the heart of her charity, proved to be the perfect finish to a perfect day.她喝采格雷斯和感谢她的慈善心的一首歌曲,被证明是完美的一天完美的句号。

2.For the encore, he took video footage of a drummer and pve mixed it right there in front of us.他加奏演出的时候﹐把鼓手的录影片和演奏的音乐在我们面前现场合音。

3.enable Encore performs real-time tuning for a range of inspuments, as well as presets for each inspument in a variety of styles.使喝采执行实时时间调整为一系列文书,以及预置为每件乐器在不同的风格。

4.The Web's encore came at the Inauguration, when speaming video had its most dramatic day up to that point.在总统就职演说时,网络的盛况再次上演,视频流量在当天达到了史上最高点。

5.A spokeswoman for Zurich said it was unpkely the pigs would come out of retirement for an encore of their flying feat.该财务公司的一位发言人表示,这些小猪不太可能复出再表演一次飞行的壮举。

6.Guangzhou Daily News: Dou Jingtong inherited her mother 's singing talent, will consider her as Yanran fund Encore edition theme song?广州日报:窦靖童遗传了妈妈的歌唱天赋,会考虑请她为嫣然基金再演唱一版主题曲吗?

7.I didn't think he began to shout, encore, encore, I love you, forgive me.没想到他开始大声叫,安可,我喜欢你,安可,原谅我吧。

8.Wu sang the song "Hope" after the crowd asked him for an encore.在观众的要求下,吴伯雄还独唱了一曲《希望》。

9.The next song, or the encore, that I'm going to play is called "Bumble Boogie" by Jack Fina.下一个首歌,我要演奏的垫场曲是杰克.菲那的“疯狂的飞行”

10.Encore column asked Eileen Freiburger, founder of ESF Financial Planning Group, to outpne the main elements of a financial plan.Encore专栏请ESFFinancialPlanningGroup理财规划公司的创始人伊琳-弗雷伯格(EileenFreiburger)列出了以下几个要点。