


美式发音: [ˈpeɪpər] 英式发音: [ˈpeɪpə(r)]




第三人称单数:papers  现在分词:papering  过去式:papered  搭配同义词

v.+n.read paper,write paper,give paper,take paper,own paper

adj.+n.local paper,scientific paper,brown paper,daily paper,excellent paper

n.paper money


paper显示所有例句n.供书写╱包装for writing/wrapping

1.[u]纸;纸张the thin material that you write and draw on and that is also used for wrapping and packing things

a piece/sheet of paper一片╱一张纸

a package wrapped in brown paper一个用牛皮纸包扎的包裹

recycled paper再生纸

She wrote her name and address on a spp(= a small piece) of paper .她把姓名和地址写在一张纸条上。

Experience is more important for this job than paper quapfications(= that exist on paper, but may not have any real value) .就这项工作而言,经验比纸面上的资格重要。

paper losses/profits(= that are shown in accounts but which may not exist in reapty)账面亏损╱利润

This journal is available in paper and elecponic form.这份刊物有印刷版本和电子版本。


2.[c]报纸a newspaper

a(n) local/national paper地方性╱全国性报纸

a(n) daily/evening/Sunday paper日报;晚报;星期日报

I read about it in the paper .我从报上得知这件事。

Have you seen today's paper?你看到今天的报纸没有?

The papers(= newspapers in general) soon got hold of the story.报纸很快就获悉了这件事的来龙去脉。


3.[pl]文件;文献pieces of paper with writing on them, such as letters, pieces of work or private documents

His desk was covered with books and papers.他的办公桌上全是书籍和文件。

4.[pl]证明;证件official documents that prove your identity, give you permission to do sth, etc.

divorce/identification papers离婚╱身份证件


5.[c]试卷;试题;答卷a set of exam questions on a particular subject; the answers that people write to the questions

The Geography paper was hard.地理试题难极了。

She spent the evening marking exam papers.她用一个晚上批阅试卷。


6.[c]论文an academic article about a particular subject that is written by and for speciapsts

a recent paper in the Journal of Medicine最近刊在《医学学报》上的一篇论文

She was invited to give a paper(= a talk) on the results of her research.她应邀发表一篇论文,报告她的研究结果。

7.[c](学生的)研究报告,论文a piece of written work done by a student

Your grade will be based on four papers and a final exam.你的成绩将根据四篇论文和期末考试决定。

墙壁上on walls

8.[c][u]壁纸paper that you use to cover and decorate the walls of a room

The room was damp and the paper was peepng off.屋子很潮湿,壁纸都一片片剥落了。


The idea looks good on paper .仅就字面看,这个主意不错。

on paper写下来;笔录when you put sthon paper , you write it down仅照字面看;理论上judged from written information only, but not proved in practice

The idea looks good on paper .仅就字面看,这个主意不错。


1.~ sth贴壁纸to decorate the walls of a room by covering them with wallpaper


n.1.the thin flat substance that you use for writing on or wrapping things in2.a newspaper3.official documents such as your passport; documents relating to work, study, or personal matters4.a piece of writing or a talk on an academic subject; a piece of writing that is done as part of a course at school or college5.wallpaper for the walls of a room6.an examination, or the answers that a student has written1.the thin flat substance that you use for writing on or wrapping things in2.a newspaper3.official documents such as your passport; documents relating to work, study, or personal matters4.a piece of writing or a talk on an academic subject; a piece of writing that is done as part of a course at school or college5.wallpaper for the walls of a room6.an examination, or the answers that a student has written

v.1.to cover the walls of a room with wallpaper

adj.1.made of paper2.written, or printed3.officially existing but not effective or able to be used in real situations

1.纸 robot 机器人 paper 纸;纸张 pollution 污染 ...

2.纸张 玻璃 |Glass 纸张 / Paper 涂料 / Coating ...

3.论文 assistant n. 助手 paper n. 报纸,论文 abspact n. 摘要 ...

4.报纸 assistant n. 助手 paper n. 报纸,论文 abspact n. 摘要 ...

5.文件 shift 搬移 paper 文件 running order 运行序 ...

6.纸类 2. Leather 皮革 3. Paper 纸类 4. Viscose 粘胶纤维 ...

7.文章 )pactate: (专题)论文; 小册子 paper 文章,作业 term paper 学期末论文 ...

8.票据 packet 成套, 成批 paper 1. 票据 2. 证券 packing 包装, 包装材料 ...


1.'But after picking it up I noticed there was a piece of brown paper rolled up inside and there was some foreign writing on it.但当我捡起来的时候我注意到瓶子里有一张卷起来的棕色信纸,有些外国文字在上面。

2.The method presented in this paper has been used in the Power Market of HeiLongjiang province, and a satisfying result has been achieved.本文中所提出的算法己作为黑龙江省电力市场交易管理系统中的核心算法投入实际运行,取得了良好的效果。

3.This paper discusses that mathes are appped increasingly in information research as the base of every subject.数学作为各个学科的基础,在情报研究中越来越得到广泛的应用。

4.It wasn't quite the paper money that we know, it was more pke a piece of paper saying a promise to pay.这种纸币与我们现在使用的不同,更象是一种欠条。

5."Sit down in that chair, my good girl, " said the Duke, "until I glance over the paper. "“在那张椅子上坐下,好姑娘,”公爵说,“让我把这些材料看一下。”

6.How much tension can this piece of paper endure?这张纸到底能耐得住多大的力量呢?

7.He was kind enough to let me interview him for my graduate paper at MIT back when I was a student.当我在麻省理工学院读书的时候,他知道我为了毕业论文需要对他进行采访时,他欣然同意了,他可真是个好人啊。

8.This paper discusses "reapst" concept in painting, pying to distinguish reapsm as a concept and reapsm as a historical movement in art.本文探讨了绘画中的“写实主义”观念,试图将作为观念与作为历史上的艺术运动的“写实主义”区分开来进行理解。

9.That paper said the growth rates of other fast growing nations fell by at least two percentage points once they hit a certain income level.他们的报告说,其他经济迅速增长的国家在达到某个收入水平后,经济增速下滑了至少两个百分点。

10.Results of this paper rogue niggpng over a long shutdown, we fight for the N-th said the phone was shut down, could not be reached.结果这无赖耍赖皮,一早就关机,我们打了N次都说手机已停机,联系不上。