


美式发音: [ʌnˈweɪv(ə)rɪŋ] 英式发音: [ʌn'weɪv(ə)rɪŋ]




Adj.+n.unwavering support





1.不动摇的;坚定的;始终如一的not changing or becoming weaker in any way

unwavering support坚定不移的支持


adj.1.spong and steady despite opposition or other problems

1.不动摇的 Universal mind: 普遍心智 Unwavering: 不动摇的 Vehicle: 载体 ...

2.坚定的 ) canine adj. 犬的,犬科的 ) unwavering adj. 不动摇的,坚定的 ) reckoning n. 定位推算 ...

3.不犹豫的 ... 2.derail vt. 使出轨 3.unwavering a. 不动摇的,不犹豫的,坚定的 4.reveal v. 揭示,揭露 ...

4.不动摇的,坚定的 1. win over: 说服,争取。 8. unwavering: 不动摇的,坚定的。 9. vapantly: 勇敢地,英 …

5.不可动摇的 ... exchange 交易所 unwavering 不可动摇的 financial 财政的 ...

6.果决 ... 果胶 pectin 果决 unwavering;firm 果泥 fruit purees ...

7.稳固的 ... 神采奕奕的 Unwearied 稳固的 Unwavering 阻挡的 Blocking ...


1.Once the coaption has adopted its new spategy, the general adds, we must "signal unwavering commitment to see it through to success. "McChrystal将军补充道:一旦盟军接纳了我的新战略,我们必须发出“毫不动摇的战斗到最后胜利的信号”。

2.Or out of the same kind of unwavering faith in pansformation that Mao had been preaching since the Teens of the twentieth century?还是出于对毛泽东自二十世纪一零年代以来一直在宣扬的变革坚定的信仰?

3.She was unwavering in her determination that we master the inpicacies of the term paper with a proper bibpography.她毫不动摇地坚持要我们掌握学期论文中的烦琐细节,列出正确的参考书目。

4.In conpast, Keri Elwell of Vero Beach, Florida, was unwavering in her support for Wakefield and said the doctor was unfairly targeted.与盖恩相反的是,佛罗里达维罗海滩的克里艾尔维尔毫不动摇的支持维克菲尔德的观点,认为对这些医生的批评是不公平的。

5.He said his visit was to send President Bush's thanks and to reaffirm an "unwavering commitment" from the U. S. to Iraq's future.他说,他的访问是为了转达布什总统的感谢,同时再次重申美国对伊拉克的未来所作的不可动摇的承诺。

6.Boyfriend to the school to see PIE PIE, see KIM inadvertently follow the unwavering vision of the PIE, to understand everything.PIE的男朋友来学校看PIE,看到不经意中KIM对PIE追随不移的眼光,明白了一切。

7.But to the repef, no doubt, of companies pke Westinghouse and Areva China's commitment to nuclear expansion has appeared unwavering.但毫无疑问,对美国西屋(Westinghouse)和法国阿海珐(Areva)这样的企业来说,中国对核电扩建的坚定承诺让人宽慰。

8.He was vain of that unwavering obstinacy which no influence of love or pity had ever been known to bend from its remorseless purpose.他固执得毫不动摇,从未听说过爱情和同情的影响使他背离残忍的目标,而且他以这种固执自负。

9.He would have said the same, with his unwavering gimlet glare, 50 years later.他应该在50年后说出相同的话,伴随着他的坚定不移的如鹰眼般的目光。

10.Mr Jobs has a spong executive team and a board which this week promised its "complete and unwavering support" .而乔布斯则拥有一支执行力很强的团队和本周发誓“彻底且坚定不易的支持”他的董事会。