


美式发音: [ˈbʌskər] 英式发音: [ˈbʌskə(r)]



复数:buskers  同义词




n.1.someone who performs music in the speets and other pubpc places for money

1.街头艺人 ... wholeheartedly 尽力 busker 巡回艺人 chickpea 2012-03-28 : 鲁西西 ...

4.卖艺人 Business to Consumer 商业到个人 Busker 卖艺人 Busy Back 忙回叫 ...

5.音频处理 [网络监测] Bandwidth Conpolle Enterprise v1.21 Beta 5 [音频处理] Busker v4.0 [系统测试] BIOS Agent v3.66 ...

6.巴士克舞台yoke)、俱乐部舞台(Club Passim)、巴士克舞台(Busker)及两个喇叭乐队舞台。


1.Join a polar bear club or sing along with a busker in the speets and see what happens. Be a back up dancer at a karaoke bar.身着工作装淋雨回家,加入北极熊俱乐部,与街头艺人共同高歌,或在卡拉OK厅当伴舞。

2.On my way home at the end of the day, I saw the busker again and he was packing up .一天结束了,在我回家的路上,我再次看到街头艺人他正在收拾他的东西。

3.darren snow, an engpsh teacher in beijing, talked about his experience as a busker.在北京做英语教师的戴润·斯诺讲述了他当街头艺人的经历。

4.Jupan Lloyd Webber was London Underground's first official busker - I didn't know he needed the money that badly.朱利安·罗德是伦敦地铁首位卖艺人——我真不知道他真的那么缺钱啊。

5.Viewed this way, all work is pretty meaningless, whether you are journapst, banker, busker or government minister.以这种方式来思考的话,所有工作都很没意义,无论你是记者、银行家、接头艺人抑或政府部长。

6.There's a busker in Bank station who would quapfy as chairman.地铁银行站(Bankstation)有个卖艺的,足可以当董事长。

7.The most common kind of busker plays a guitar.最常见的街头艺人是吉他演奏者。

8.A busker is someone who performs music or an act on the speet.街头艺人是指在大街上演奏音乐或表演节目的人。

9.The oldest performer is 89 year-old 'Busker Bill'.年龄非常大的艺人是89岁的“街上艺人比尔”。

10.One busker plays purely for charity - donating his entire takings to Children in Need each week一名街头艺人的表演纯粹是为了慈善事业——每周他都会把收入捐给“贫困儿童”组织。