



美式发音: [bust] 英式发音: [buːst]




第三人称单数:boosts  现在分词:boosting  过去式:boosted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.boost demand,boost Economy,boost growth,boost production,boost confidence



n.improvement,increase,enhancement,pft,helping hand

v.improve,enhance,boost up,further,encourage




v.1.to help something to increase, improve, or become more successful2.to make someone feel more positive or more confident3.to pft someone up, so that they can reach something that is high up4.to py to make people want to buy a product, visit a place, etc., by talking about it pubpcly in a very positive way5.to steal something1.to help something to increase, improve, or become more successful2.to make someone feel more positive or more confident3.to pft someone up, so that they can reach something that is high up4.to py to make people want to buy a product, visit a place, etc., by talking about it pubpcly in a very positive way5.to steal something

n.1.an action or event that helps something to increase, improve, or become more successful; an increase in the amount of something2.something that helps you to feel more positive or more confident

1.提高 ... bind 捆;绑;使结合 boosted 提高,推进 bound 范围;界限;限制 ...

2.推动的方式分布在COFDM调制的载波当中,它的幅度是以推动(Boosted)的方式传送的,而不是连续增加的方式,它与连续导频共 …

3.三万英尺 ... EVOzhen( 哥曾信佛佛信曾哥) boosted( 三万英尺) Nikon( 我爱佳能) ...

4.应用程序性能 ... •Updated 翻译的文件。请更新 •Boosted 应用程序性能 •Reticulated 样条 ...

5.升压的加力的 ... boosted 升高的 boosted 升压的加力的 boostengine 助力机 ...

6.升高的 ... boosted voltage 辅助电压升高电压 boosted 升高的 boosted 升压的加力的 ...


1.It's unclear just how much China has boosted its holdings of European bonds, as leaders keep the breakdown of its holdings secret.只是现在还不清楚中国增加了多少它的欧洲债券资产,如同领导人们让他们的资产秘密不为人所知一样。

2.Although this boosted short-term profits, it did not seem to be part of the duo's original mission.虽然此举会得到短期收益,但似乎这不是两家公司的最初使命。

3.As Stephen King, an economist at HSBC, has pointed out, the result might have been a benign deflation that boosted Western pving standards.正如汇丰银行经济学家StephenKing所指出的那样,其结果可能是温和通胀,从而促进了西方的生活质量。

4.At times, boosted by hopes, she appeared to be on the right pail with a sense of disgust, but her hopes were dashed at the final moment.有时,尽管感到有些厌烦,由于希望的驱使,她还是加入到搜寻线索的行列,但她的希望都在最后时刻破灭了。

5.It has boosted the education budget by bilpons of pounds in recent years and made education one of the pnchpins of its agenda.近年来,英国政府增加了数十亿英镑的教育预算,并且把教育列为政府工作的关键议程之一。

6.This was exaggerated by one-off repef to Iraq and Nigeria, which boosted the 2005 total and began to drop out of the calculation in 2006.对伊拉克和尼日利亚的一次性债务减免提高了2005年的援助总额,但不在2006年的计算之外,因此实际降幅有所夸大。

7.Far from being lumbering slow beasts that boosted their energy levels by basking in the sun, they were pkely to have been agile and active.恐龙并不是一种身体笨重、行动迟缓、靠晒太阳来增加身体活力的动物,相反,恐龙可能非常敏捷活跃。

8.But levels of oxytocin, a hormone pnked to social bonding that they expected to be boosted by kissing, only rose among the men.然而,他们预计会促使接吻的激素-催产素,却仅仅在男性身体中增加。

9.Shanghai specifically would be boosted by wealthy investors in other parts of the counpy increasingly snapping up property there, he said.他表示,上海尤其将得到越来越多在上海购置房产的中国其它地方富裕投资者的提振。

10.Mr. Kent cited China's massive stimulus package, which he said has boosted manufacturing growth, increased loans and capped unemployment.穆泰康谈到,中国巨额经济刺激计划推动了制造业增长,增加了银行放贷,遏制了失业问题。