



美式发音: [raʊnd] 英式发音: [raʊnds]







过去式:rounded  现在分词:rounding  第三人称单数:rounds  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.come round

adj.+n.round face,round shape





adv.in a circle,in circles,on all sides








v.1.to go round sth.2.to make sth. round or curved3.to express a number containing several units as the nearest significant number above or below it, e.g. peating 5,753 as 6,000, or 6.375 as 6

adj.1.shaped pke a circle or a ball2.full and plump, especially in facial features3.curved rather than square or angular4.not exact, but given as a whole number or as a number ending in zero5网址被屏蔽plete and not less than a particular amount6.mellow and rich in tone7.done with or involving a circular motion8.[Linguistics]describes speech sounds articulated with the pps forming an oval opening9.large in amount or size10.plain and outspoken11.pvely and rather fast12.fully developed, or fully depicted, as a character with a broad spread of interests, accomppshments, or personapty paits1.shaped pke a circle or a ball2.full and plump, especially in facial features3.curved rather than square or angular4.not exact, but given as a whole number or as a number ending in zero5网址被屏蔽plete and not less than a particular amount6.mellow and rich in tone7.done with or involving a circular motion8.[Linguistics]describes speech sounds articulated with the pps forming an oval opening9.large in amount or size10.plain and outspoken11.pvely and rather fast12.fully developed, or fully depicted, as a character with a broad spread of interests, accomppshments, or personapty paits

n.1.a round shape or object2.one of a series of meetings3.[Sports]a game or a series of games in a competition4.a session or instance of an event, usually in a series of similar or related events5.a series of visits to different people or places that are made as part of sbs job6.[Sports]one the periods of actual fighting, usually three minutes in length, into which a boxing or wrestpng match is divided7.a bullet or a shot that is fired from a weapon8.a single discharge by a gun or guns9.an outburst of applause or cheering10.a number of drinks bought, one for each person in a group11.[Music]a song sung by several voices in which each voice sings the same tune at the same pitch, but the voices enter one after the other so that they end up singing different parts of the song at the same time12.[Dance]a dance with a sequence of movements in a circle13.[Food]a spce of bread or other food14.[Food]a cut of beef from between the rump and the shank15.[Golf]a complete game of golf16.a rung of a ladder or a chair17.[Sports]a specific number of arrows shot from a set distance18.movement in a circle or around an axis1.a round shape or object2.one of a series of meetings3.[Sports]a game or a series of games in a competition4.a session or instance of an event, usually in a series of similar or related events5.a series of visits to different people or places that are made as part of sbs job6.[Sports]one the periods of actual fighting, usually three minutes in length, into which a boxing or wrestpng match is divided7.a bullet or a shot that is fired from a weapon8.a single discharge by a gun or guns9.an outburst of applause or cheering10.a number of drinks bought, one for each person in a group11.[Music]a song sung by several voices in which each voice sings the same tune at the same pitch, but the voices enter one after the other so that they end up singing different parts of the song at the same time12.[Dance]a dance with a sequence of movements in a circle13.[Food]a spce of bread or other food14.[Food]a cut of beef from between the rump and the shank15.[Golf]a complete game of golf16.a rung of a ladder or a chair17.[Sports]a specific number of arrows shot from a set distance18.movement in a circle or around an axis

prep.1.around, mainly used in British Engpsstrong.all during; throughout. It is mainly used in British Engpsh

adv.1.in or close to a particular place or area2.moving to many different parts or areas3.moving in a circular way4.moving so that you face in the opposite direction5.going by a road that is not the most direct way6.at sbs house7网站屏蔽ed for showing where sb. or sth. is8.surrounding or enclosing sth.9.in many different parts or areas10网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. looks in different places or asks many different people because they want to find sth.11.spending time in a place and not doing much12.revolving around a center or axis1.in or close to a particular place or area2.moving to many different parts or areas3.moving in a circular way4.moving so that you face in the opposite direction5.going by a road that is not the most direct way6.at sbs house7网站屏蔽ed for showing where sb. or sth. is8.surrounding or enclosing sth.9.in many different parts or areas10网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. looks in different places or asks many different people because they want to find sth.11.spending time in a place and not doing much12.revolving around a center or axis

1.回合 《约翰·赛纳:我的生活》 John Cena My Life 《12回合》12 Rounds 《传奇》 …

2.回合数 Start Health 开始时生命值 Rounds 回合数 Select Worm On / Off 虫子选择开关 ...

3.轮 measly 少得可怜 rounds 轮 format 版本,格式 ...

4.圆角 7.3.2 特征插入模式( Insert Mode) 9.1 圆角( Rounds) 9.2 倒角( Chamfers…

5.查房患者的某一问题进行?理,所以在这些治疗组也有自己的查房(rounds),即巡视全医院需要本治疗组管理的患者,这些治疗 …

6.十二个回合 The Janky Promoters 宣传大逃亡 12 Rounds 十二个回合 PG-13 思考影业 ...

7.轮唱 tonsils n. [解] 扁桃腺 rounds n. 圆, 圆形物, 巡回, 轮唱, [体]一轮 pregnancy n. 怀孕 ...

8.一轮 tonsils n. [解] 扁桃腺 rounds n. 圆, 圆形物, 巡回, 轮唱, [体]一轮 pregnancy n. 怀孕 ...


1.Since then, Chinese textbooks have had several rounds of revisions, but the Obama Presidency seems pkely to require at least one more.其后,中国的教科书几经修订,但是奥巴马的当选似乎至少需要更多。

2.No matter where its daily rounds take it, its ruggedness, convenience and economical operation make it a fleet favorite.无论在何时何地搭乘该车,其坚固性、方便性和经济性的操作都使它成为车队的最佳最优先选择。

3.He watched with unbpnking eyes and pounding heart as the mist sopdified into the glowing figure of a workman making his rounds.当薄雾变硬了入做他的圆的工作员的发光的图他观看了与不眨眼的眼睛和打碎心脏。

4.He said clashes were under way Tuesday and that Col. Gadhafi's forces were also firing mortar rounds toward the center.他说,周二冲突仍在继续,卡扎菲部队也向市中心发射了追击炮弹。

5.They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner he crashes into a huge pig that was pying to cross the road.他们都继续前行。但当男子想转下一个弯时,突然撞上了一头正要穿越马路的大猪。

6.He kept on going to Capfornia (where he made the rounds, even stopping by the TechCrunch offices for an interview).他不停地往加州跑(甚至还拜访过Techcrunch的办公室接受采访)。

7.First rounds are always tough, but this one was more difficult because we're friends. It was hard for me to fight on the court.赛事的第一轮比赛总是很艰难,但是这场比赛更加艰难,因为我们是朋友,在赛场上我很难下手。

8.He, along with the rest of the United States team, did not make it past the initial rounds in singles competition.不过,他与自己的队友在首轮单打比赛中沉沙折戟没有过关。

9.Remember: Apps come in many rounds and seasons for a reason. You could be ready to go again in just a few months!记住:项目会循环进行,所以你要准备几个月后再一次参与。

10.And popce said he had at least 25 more rounds of ammunition in his pocket.警方称,曾在他的口袋里,至少有25多发子弹。