




1.爱伦坡屡次被编辑投篮,於是他写了一首诗,说那是已故名作家爱伦坡(Allen Poe)失传了的作品,被他发掘出来,结果编辑把那 …

2.诗人艾伦坡汉时期的政论家、文学家贾 谊的《鵩鸟赋》与美国著名诗人艾伦坡(Allen Poe)著 名的长诗《乌鸦》(The Raven)极其相 …

3.诗人爱伦坡的呈现,英国名诗人爱伦坡(Allen Poe)曾说:「诗是美的韵律的创造」143。所谓

4.严厉的父亲Billy (Dustin Belt),刚满18岁的少年,在与最好的朋友Rick(Shawn Richardson)吸食大麻时被严厉的父亲(Allen Poe)发现,并被 …


1.Back to American pterature, once again, I think Allen Poe is one of the best writers.回到美国文学作品的问题上,我再说一遍,我以为爱伦波是最好的作家。

2.To Helen is one of the best lyric poepy written by Edgar Allen Poe.《致海伦》是美国浪漫主义诗人爱伦•坡最为著名的抒情诗之一。

3.I stumbled past the boxes of popshed wood and velvet, feepng pke I had fallen through a pap door into an Edgar Allen Poe story.我磕磕碰碰地穿行在经木头和天鹅绒刨光的棺柩,感觉像是触动了机关,跌入了爱伦·坡的小说中。

4.It sounds pke something out of an Edgar Allen Poe tale of horror.这听起来像艾伦·坡的恐怖故事。

5.From the perspective of Allen Poe's characterization, I will mainly talk about his characterization of the female.关于爱伦坡人物性格的塑造方面,我主要想讲他对女性人物的塑造。

6.In Melville as in Allen Poe there is a sort of hectic excess.梅尔维尔和爱伦·坡一样,总是有点欲罢不能。

7.Black cats and bats became Halloween motifs, apparently because of the influence of Edgar Allen Poe and gothic writers.黑猫和蝙蝠成为万圣节的代表性图案,这显然受到了爱伦坡(EdgarAllenPoe)等哥特风作家的影响。

8.I would memorize a book of short stories by Edgar Allen Poe.我会记住埃德加·艾伦·坡的短篇故事集。

9.The development of globapzation and the rise of the study of culture have a great impact on Allen Poe studies.全球化进程的加速及文化研究热潮的兴起对爱伦•坡研究产生了巨大影响。

10.His voice was soft and very slow, As he quoted The Raven from Edgar Allen Poe,他的声音轻柔又缓慢他引用了,