


美式发音: [ɔft] 英式发音: [ɒft]


网络释义:公平交易办公室(Office of Fair Trading);公平交易局;公平贸易局




adv.1.〈古,诗〉经常,常常=often. many a time and oft 屡次,再三


1.公平交易办公室(Office of Fair Trading) ) cell 蜂房 ) oft 常常,再三 ) granary 谷仓,粮仓 ...

6.军队追踪(One Force Tracker)了自己的首款iPhone/iPod touch软件One Force Tracker(OFT),专门针对军事用途,将提供给美国军方在阿富汗、伊拉克 …


1.I sat, fingers taut. . . round the arms oft he wooden seat, pying to breathe int he balm. . . of roses and lavender.我坐着一动不动,手指紧抠着木椅的扶手,竭力让自己呼吸玫瑰和熏衣草的芳香。

2.The shift reaction is actually such a process that the surface oft he catalyst is repeatedly inactivated and renewed alternatively.变换反应过程实际上是一个催化剂表面反复“钝化”和反复“更新”的过程。

3.Ms Chaney's version of a story oft misread is, no doubt, set to capture the attention of yet another generation of Chanel enthusiasts.香奈儿的故事经常被误读,钱尼所讲述的版本无疑将引起另一批香奈儿的狂热粉丝的关注。

4.Besides kings who lost their crowns oft lost their heads as well and she could see no reason why it would be any different for a queen.另外,当国王丢失宝冠时,一同丢失的往往还有脑袋。她也不认为有什么理由能让女王逃过一劫。

5.In the last days of Labour government in 1979, the OFT decided to ask the court to look at the rule book of the stock exchange.1979年,在工党的最后执政岁月中,公平交易办公室决定请限制行为法院审查伦敦证交所的规则手册。

6.Mounted on the dragon's back, she oft felt as if she were learning to ride all over again.骑在龙背上,她常有种再次初学骑乘的感觉。

7.Moreover, the OFT admitted there was no provable pnk between the information-sharing and soaring fees.此外,英国公平贸易局承认,无法证明学校共享信息与学费高涨之间存在关联。

8.If ye would count up the favours of Allah, never would ye be able to number them: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.如果你们要计算真主的恩惠,你们是无法统计的。真主确是至赦的,确是至慈的。

9.OFT GmbH headquartered in Neuss, Germany buttoned up to the consumer sales cold foil membership card after decoration techniques.OFTGmbH总部设于德国的Neuss,向顾客销售冷箔会员卡制作后装饰技术。

10.in this case, it is an oft-repeated television image or a radio recording - as well as a concrete impression on the surface of the moon.在登月这件事情上,这一步留下的印象和留在月球表面实实在在的印记,都时常在电视图像和广播录音中被提及。