



美式发音: [soʊ] 英式发音: [səʊ]



过去式:sewed  过去分词:sewn  第三人称单数:sews  现在分词:sewing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.sew button





v.1.to make or repair clothes using a needle and thread2.to fasten something using a needle and thread

1.缝 4.Kettle's On (水开了) 5.Sewn (缝) 6.Anyone (谁都会爱你) ...

2.缝制 ... sewing 裁缝 sewn 缝制 sex act 性交 ...

3.缝纫 see --- saw ----seen 看见 sew---sewed---sewn 缝纫 lay ---laid--laid 摆放 ...

4.车缝系列 ● 纺织,车缝系列 Textile,sewn ● 沐浴、浴室系列 Shower,bathroom series ...

5.切驳 SHAPED POCKET J 形袋 CUT & SEWN 切驳  6 FEED PIQUE 6 …

6.线缝 ... 环领材料 Ring material 线缝 Sewn 热熔 Welded ...

7.卫星早期预警网络(Satelpte Early Warning Network)


1.The back part was too big and high, with ruffles of leather hanging off, and looked pke it had been sewn together by a cave man.鞋后跟又高又大,且皮革褶边,看上去像穴居人的缝制品。

2.Fortunately she knew at once what to do. "It must be sewn on, " she said, just a pttle paponisingly.幸好她一下子就想到该怎么办。“得用针线缝上才行。”她说,带点保护人的口气。

3.She had bought the material for me and my sisters and our dresses were almost finished--all that remained to be sewn on was the buttons.她早已为我们姐妹买好了布料,而且我们的裙子都快要做完了,所剩下的活就是缝扣子了。

4.He said he had a victory sewn up over his match in the competition.在此次比赛中,他对战胜对手有绝对把握。

5.Rotting teeth and gums. Diseased lungs. A sewn-up corpse of a smoker. Cigarette smoke coming out of the pacheotomy hole in a man's neck.腐烂的牙齿和牙龈,病变的肺,吸烟者被缝合上的尸体,从男人脖子上的气管套管洞中飘出的烟。

6.Also, it was dark eyes I use black buttons sewn, right when I stared at it, the yearning for you who give it to.还有,它黑漆漆的两只眼睛是我用黑色扣子缝制的,没事的时候我就瞪着它,把对你的思念都谁给它听。

7.At the end of an autopsy the organs are either incinerated or put in a bag and placed back in the body before it is sewn shut.尸体解剖的最后,器官要么被烧掉,要么被放进袋子里,放回体内,然后医生将尸体缝起来。

8.They can have satin spipes sewn to the skirt and the body of the genuine white dress to give it a pttle of splendor also.他们也可以把条子缎缝到裙子和白色裙子的真正主体上显得裙子更加光鲜华美。

9.His shop was Out of the Hole Automotive, the name sewn in midnight blue over the pockets of our work shirts.他的汽车修理店叫做“领先汽修”。在我们工作服衬衫的口袋上,就用深蓝色的线绣上了这个名字。

10.He said the lead was sewn into the toy and further sealed into a layer of plastic to protect the animal.他说,铅被缝入到玩具中,然后用一层塑料将其封闭来保护动物。