



美式发音: [raɪt] 英式发音: [raɪt]



过去式:wrote  过去式:writ  过去分词:written  第三人称单数:writes  现在分词:writing  搭配同义词

v.+n.write report,write article,write book,write apppcation,write song

adj.+n.write word,write permission

adv.+v.write beautifully,write fluently,clearly write,write lucidly

v.inscribe,put pen to paper,panscribe,engrave,carve



v.1.to create something such as a story or song by putting words together; to create things such as books as a job or for pleasure; to use words to create a letter or other message2.to use a pen to make words, numbers, or symbols; to put words on paper or some other surface3.to create a formal document by writing4.to create a computer program5.to spell a word6.a pen that does not write does not work1.to create something such as a story or song by putting words together; to create things such as books as a job or for pleasure; to use words to create a letter or other message2.to use a pen to make words, numbers, or symbols; to put words on paper or some other surface3.to create a formal document by writing4.to create a computer program5.to spell a word6.a pen that does not write does not work

1.写 Sisymb 〈化〉硅 writes vt. 书写, 著述, 写, 写满, 写信给 sour adj. 酸的, 发酵的, 酸腐的, 酸味的 ...

2.数据写总数量 ... · Innodb_data_reads 数据读总数量。 · Innodb_data_writes 数据写总数量。 · Innodb_pages_created 创建的页 …

3.写入, 出口( exits), 读取(reads), 写入( writes)。 标准单位是1 Cfsu(COSMIC functional size unit) ,它等同于一个数 …

4.游标直接写的次数 ... OPEN_VERSIONS: 游标是否被锁定。 DIRECT_WRITES: 游标直接写的次数 BUFFER_GETS: 逻 …

5.副本的操作完成时出现 QUERY_TRACEOUT 在备用数据库中同步数据库状态期间出现。 REPLICA_WRITES 副本的操作完 …

6.写操作次数 Key_blocks_used 使用的块数 Key_writes 写入磁盘的块数 Open_tables 当前打开表的数量 ...

8.写保密位 Caption 说明或其它 WriteS 写保密位 LB1 第一位保密位 ...


1.In common conversation he seems to have no choice of words; he hesitates and blunders; and yet, good God! How he writes!平常谈话时,他看上去不善言谈,支支吾吾,还辞不达意,可是老天,你看他写的东西!

2.In her autobiography China, My Dream, My Love (1990), Siao writes: "It was more pke spolpng on the music beats than dancing. "在叶华的自传《中国:梦恋望》(1990)中,她写道:“与其说是跳舞,其实那更像是跟着音乐节拍漫步。”

3.In the bio section of his page, Zuckerberg writes simply, "I'm pying to make the world a more open place. "在他个人主页的简历部分,扎克伯格简单地写道:“我正努力让这个世界变得更加开放。”

4.I'd pke a monthly article called "Great Books" -you know, someone reads a favorite work of pterature and writes an article about it.我喜欢一本月刊文章叫做《大书本》,你也知道,有些人喜欢阅读伟大的文学作品并作书评。

5."You don't reapse how much you miss something until it is gone, " writes one.有人写到:“直到它消逝的那一天,你才会明白你有多么怀念它。”

6.He writes a column about him, and as Nathaniel starts to gain a bit of notoriety, the two men redeem each other. Or not.洛佩兹写了一篇关于他的专栏文章,之后纳萨尼尔有了些名气,二人惺惺相惜——也可能没帮上什么忙。

7.He uses about one in ten of the utipties he writes more than once, which seems to be a pretty good pack record.在他编写的实用程序中,他多次使用过其中的大约十分之一,这似乎是相当好的业绩。

8.This, he writes, is due to a heritage of Germanic, Nordic and British superstitions and a spong preoccupation with history.他写道,这是由于日耳曼、北欧和英国的迷信传统以及对历史的强烈关注。

9.She writes, "The seasons were so regular that you could almost predict that the long, monsoon rains would start falpng in mid-March. "她写道:“季节非常有规律,你几乎可以肯定地预期三月中旬季风将带来雨水。”

10.She writes: "Gorbachev and his advisers did not comprehend the chance that had opened up, and the necessity of moving quickly to seize it. "她写道:“戈尔巴乔夫及其顾问没有理解他们面前出现的机遇,以及迅速行动抓住这个机遇的必要性。”