

standing:[英 [ˈstændɪŋ] 美 [ˈstændɪŋ] ]



standing 基本解释

名词起立,站立; 身份,地位; 持续时间

形容词长期有效的; 直立的; 固定的

动词站立; 坚持不变

standing 相关词组

1. in good standing : 遵守规章的[地], 交清费用的[地], 声誉良好的[地];

standing 相关例句


1. standing的反义词

1. He got the longest standing ovation I had ever seen.



1. She was an economist of considerable standing.


standing 情景对话

In the museum-(在展览馆)

A:Wow! I can’t believe I’m standing here!



B:What are you so excited about?


A:I’m standing in front of an exquisite work of art!



B:What’s the big deal? It’s just a picture of some woman.


A:I’ve seen it so many times in books, but I never imagined I’d get to see it in person.



B:There are tons of other paintings that I think are better.



A:Maybe so, but do you have any idea how much this one is worth?!


B:No, how much is it worth?


A:About 80 million dollars.






A:Let’s go to Wangfujing by bus.


B:Better take the subway. It’s faster, and more convenient.


A:O.K, it will be a new experience for me.


B:We have a rather comprehensive subway system here. You can get almost anywhere rather quickly on a subway, especially at this time of day when the traffic is heavy…


A:Where do we pay the fare?


B:Just give the man standing there 3 yuan and he’ll give you a token. Then, you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in.

给售票员3 元,他会给你一张辅币。你在入口处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔,就能推转门去了。

A:Let me pay for it. Where can I get a subway map?


B:Ask the worker who sells tokens to give you one. It’s free of charge. Actually maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations.


A:Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?


B:No, you don’t have to. Here comes the train.


A:Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically.


standing 网络解释

1. standing的反义词

1. 立:该套控制系统可由UAS飞行员和感测器操作人员进行重设,当控制多项功能时有「立(standing)」或「坐(sitting)」两种选择,并可同时控制多种类型的UAS. 雷神公司还开发1套新型控制系统,以取代其当前用於美国空军RQ-4机队的地面站.

2. standing

2. 信用情形:sample order 指样订货 | standing 信用情形 | storage charge 仓租

standing 双语例句


1. Ask your guide to clap when you are standing in front of the North staircase, if done from the proper spot you will hear the call of what is thought to be the Quetzal bird.


2. And the servant girl, seeing him, began again to say to those standing by, This man is one of them!

14:69 那使女看见他,又对旁边站着的人说,这个人也是属他们的。


3. Graduates receive advanced standing for degrees at such universities as: Guelph, Ryerson, Hong Kong Polytechnic, Griffith, Thames Valley, Penn College, University of Calgary, etc.


4. Second, she was bound up and one foot was hung up in the air, only had one foot standing to support her body, third, the master gave her a very tight ball tie to make her learn the extreme taste of Chinese rope bondage, last, she was tortured by traditional Chinese Tiger`s Bench.


5. A young woman of a modest and pleasing guise was standing before a show window gazing with sprightly interest at its display of shaving-mugs and inkstands, and two yards from the window a large policeman of severe demeanour leaned against a waterplug.


6. standing

6. Once, we were standing at the end of a stall eating sizzling hot turnip cakes and within just feet of us - so close we were virtually stepping on them - lay the purplish corpses of the destitute.


7. Because you are standing on my toes!


8. standing

8. What if I'm standing on this side?


9. Don't standing outside, or you will turnning wet at all.


10. People often say artists have a sixth sense- last year I created a painting, just 2 months before the 5.12 earthquake, of a man standing in a ruined city using a scoop to dig people out of the rubble.


11. One of the 40-year-old Miss Xie was standing near the car where the back door, pushed off and fell heavily to the ground and fainted.


12. standing的反义词

12. The Narkhys who had been standing in front of the commando exposed his reptilian face.


13. Without boasting, you know, count, I may say I know all the regimental drill-book by heart, and the standing orders, too, I know as I know `Our Father that art in Heaven.


14. standing

14. The broad arching growth makes it possible to grow Crown Princess Margareta as a free-standing rose set into a lawn.


15. standing

15. Terry--Do you know you're standing preciseiy in the middie of the dance fioor?


16. On some upland farm, a plough had been left standing in the field.


17. Smiling all day, and his theory is pleased to have workers work ethic, so he does not mind doing things you are standing or sitting, our job is to packaging, sealing wax, and then into the vacuum extraction machine air, packaged, and sometimes to do into the chocolate, candy, such as live, more relaxed, do not have the brain of live on the wages of course you can not grade.


18. The tall young man standing on the steps turned his bleared eyes from the tavern - keeper to the smiths, as though considering with which to fight


19. With intense and profound love to Chinese history, national culture and Chinese people, with superb writing skills, Jin Yong emerged the long standing and well established traditional cultural knowledge and modern cultural consciousness into the spectacular novels with a complete artistic result.


20. standing什么意思

20. It is said that the functi on of No.1 gene is correlative with memor y. After the No.2 antisense was injected, BALB/c strain experimental group sho wed obvious decrease in numbers of step-across and standing-up in open field behavi or test compared with control groups.


standing 词典解释

1. 地位;身份;名声

Someone's standing is their reputation or status.

e.g. ...an artist of international standing...


e.g. He has improved his country's standing abroad...


2. (党派或个人的)受欢迎程度,支持率

A party's or person's standing is their popularity.

e.g. But, as the opinion poll shows, the party's standing with the people at large has never been so low...


e.g. Mrs Thatcher's standing was much higher in the US than at home.


3. 常设的;常备的

You use standing to describe something which is permanently in existence.

e.g. Israel has a relatively small standing army and its strength is based on its reserves...


e.g. Elizabeth had a standing invitation to stay with her.


4. (比赛成绩的)名次表,排名表

In a contest or competition, the list of competitors which shows their places during the event is called the standings .

e.g. Britain is 11th in the team standings.

英国在各队排名中位列第 11 位。

5. see also: free-standing;long-standing

6. 已存在多年的

You can use the expression of many years' standing to say that something has had a particular function or someone has had a particular role for many years. For example, if a place is your home of ten years' standing, it has been your home for ten years.

e.g. ...a Congressman of 24 years' standing...

有 24 年资历的国会议员

e.g. My girlfriend of long standing left me.


standing 单语例句

1. A draft of the law on business income taxes has been submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for review.

2. The draft law grants electronic signatures the same legal standing as handwritten signatures and seals in business transactions.

3. The change of Liu's political standing was accompanied by the success of his business.

4. The unforgettable Andy Lau - still going strong after three decades of standing solo under the relentless spotlight of show business.

5. We were standing along the road where illegal drivers wait for business.

6. Zhou Shijian is the standing councillor of China American Studies and Wang Lijun is a lecturer at the Capital University of Economics and Business.

7. It also ran a photograph of Pakistan captain Salman Butt standing with the man it claimed was the middleman and one of its reporters.

8. Rescue ships and helicopters of South China Sea Rescue Bureau were standing by yesterday.

9. Instead he is standing by the side of the cabin, reaching high for his hat on top.

10. You have been standing outside your house for 20 minutes waiting for a taxi, when a young woman casually cuts in to take the cab you flagged down.

standing 英英释义


1. the act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position

2. an ordered listing of scores or results showing the relative positions of competitors (individuals or teams) in a sporting event

3. social or financial or professional status or reputation

e.g. of equal standing

a member in good standing


1. (of persons) on the feet

having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs

e.g. standing room only

2. permanent

e.g. a standing army