

blench:[英 [blentʃ] 美 [blɛntʃ] ]


过去式:blenched;   过去分词:blenched;   现在分词:blenching;

blench 基本解释



blench 网络解释

1. blench

1. 退缩:blemish 污点 | blench 退缩 | blend 混合

2. 畏缩:blemish 污点 | blench 畏缩 | blend in 调和

3. 变白:blemish 瑕疵 | blench 变白 | blend 混和

4. blench的解释

4. 退缩,畏缩:blench 退缩,畏缩 | blitz 闪电战,大量活动 | blockbuster 轰动,巨型炸弹

blench 双语例句

1. While in this study, 2 week old Kunming mouse were killed by cervical dislocation. The long bone was collected on the super clean blench through sterile method, then periosteum and epiphyses were discarded.



2. Quick blench the pork rib. Put the Chinese herbs in a papper bag. put all the remainding ingredient into the stock, and boiled and simmer the pork rib tender, season and taste.


3. Diatomite is widely used in fireproof material, constructional material, filtering material, blench material, bulking agent, sorbent and the carrier of chemical industry catalyst.


4. The conflict among the interest groups is a political puzzle unable to blench for all the societies of all ages.


5. To blench from him in horror.


6. blench

6. By the intervention of judicature, practicing government blench system, the judicial offices accept and hear the cases of the property dissensions in the house dismantlement directly to make the administrative confiscation system perfect.


7. blench的翻译

7. Facing these problems, Chinese corporations can not blench any longer, and must take use of some necessary patent strategies to resist the aggression of patent of foreign corporations.


8. Oh, that`s not important, don`t blench my questions, just answer me.


9. blench

9. Two economists did the study Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick in England and David Blench Flower at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.

两位经济学家,来自英国Warwick大学的Andrew Oswald和来自新汉普郡Dartmouth大学的David Blench Flower对此作了研究。

10. Two economists did the study: Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick in the England and David Blench Flower at Dotmeth College in Newhansherid.

两位经济学学者做了这项研究:英格兰华威大学的 Andrew Osward 和新汉普郡达特茅斯大学的 David Blanchflower 。

11. blench

11. The property right need to be very clearly and blench of the pawn of bank.


12. Two economists did the study: Andrew Aswal of the University of Wxxx in England and David Blench Flower at Dutchmen College in New Hampshire.

来自英格兰沃里克大学的Andrew Oswald和来自新罕布什尔达特穆斯学院的David Blanchflower两位经济学家做了这项研究。

13. Namely do not blench the unified trend of global economic structure, pay attention to the validity process of capital market newly stationed, continually and effectively keep its own cultural characteristic and choice on social value, realize the synchronous development on both economic increase and cultural succession.


blench 英英释义


1. turn pale, as if in fear

Synonym: paleblanch