

maniac:[英 [ˈmeɪniæk] 美 [ˈmeniˌæk] ]



maniac 基本解释

名词疯子; 狂人; 癖好者; 躁狂者

形容词疯狂的; 发狂的; 狂热的


maniac 相关例句


1. He drives like a maniac; I'm sure he'll cause an accident.


2. Be careful! That man is driving like a maniac!


maniac 网络解释

1. 疯子:所有这些都是在solid的前提下进行,凶猛的时候让人觉得他是疯子(maniac),收敛的时候又能靠bluff来偷牌. 韩国传奇式赌王. 出身时是遗腹子,被母亲带大,由于母亲的辛勤工作和高超的商业眼光,一度是当地的富家少爷,从小学习围棋并爱好和人赌棋,

2. maniac

2. 噪狂者:mania religiosa 宗教狂 | maniac 噪狂者 | manic defence 躁性防卫

3. 发狂的:mania 颠狂 | maniac 发狂的 | maniacal 发狂的

4. 一种高速电子数字计算机:manhours 工时 | maniac 一种高速电子数字计算机 | Manifest with Cargo Nil 无货舱单

maniac 双语例句

1. He's the one who wants to boff the maniac.


2. He's the one who wants to boff the maniac!


3. This kind person is in loco forum, maniac forum has big. Of course.


4. Yeah, and to think l spent the weekend with an impotent maniac...


5. On the Christian side, look for Marton Czokas as the evil Guy de Lusignan, Edward Norton as the just but doomed leper-king Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, and Brendan Gleeson as the homicidal maniac Reynald de Chatillon.

基督教这边,找来了Marton Czokas 饰演邪恶的de Lusignan,爱德华诺顿饰演公正但弱懦的傀儡耶路撒冷国王Baldwin IV ,布伦达格林森饰演嗜杀癫狂的Reynald de Chatillon。

6. This Confucius, so I do not take hypocrite while also taking Maniac.


7. A road movie about obsession, of my own and that of 100 Porsche drivers who I will be asking for their car keys – the flabbergasted rich wife in front of her suburban German garage as well as a maniac who stores his forty seven Porsches in an old hangar in Santa Monica, California: Jerry Seinfeld.

不少世界名人都是波子迷,他们包括希特拉、占士甸,以及《宋飞正传》中的Jerry Seinfeld。其中,节目会走到加州,访问对波子情有独钟的Jerry Seinfeld,他拥有超过四十多部保时捷,背后或会隐藏几许故事。

8. To bridge the gap between the already capable base car and the wild-eyed maniac Z06, Chevrolet has announced the 2010 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport, available either as a coupe—with a removable targa top unattainable on the Z06—or convertible and with either a six-speed manual or a six-speed automatic transmission.

之间的桥梁已经能够基地车和怒目而视疯子Z06 ,雪佛兰已宣布2010年雪佛兰科尔维特大运动,可作为一种跑车,与一个可拆卸塔尔加最遥不可及的Z06 -或兑换和带有6速手动或6速自动变速箱。

9. maniac

9. Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe 2 - Many tracks - multiple axes.

超级疯狂吉他疯狂的豪华2 -许多曲目-多个轴。

10. Knight pounds Hurston like a sex-crazed maniac - he throws one hell of a mean fuck!


11. I'm a ***in maniac


12. I'm scared 2 death of this maniac.


13. Rose: I know, but I am a work maniac.

罗丝 :我知道,可是我是个工作狂。

14. I told you my brother was a maniac.


15. We know that maniac's secret.


16. Wine Maniac's heroic spirit soars with shine.



17. Wine Maniac's heroism soars with flare.


18. If I were going to beget a child knowing that the child was going to be a homicidal maniac, I should be responsible for his crimes.


19. I were going to beget a child knowing that the child was going to be a homicidal maniac.


20. Starchaser rocket science 1:00 (Do not look down on it 1:00), calls the precise attitude invincible until 7:00 (you need to 22:00), 7:00 Emergency soldiers, the military maniac blasting line break 7:00 precise attitude, reverse the hands of thorns study 2 point to the remaining points are added to sen University, at least study the blood claws 1:00 (blood furthest distance claw attacks, as well as the role of deceleration), God bless, curse, blessing the sacred places should be 7:00 or above in order to Fissidens village cut convenience, I have learned to噬魂surgery department of 1:00


maniac 词典解释

1. 疯子;狂人

A maniac is a mad person who is violent and dangerous.

e.g. The cabin looked as if a maniac had been let loose there.


e.g. ...a drug-crazed maniac.


2. 极其愚蠢的;疯狂的

If you describe someone's behaviour as maniac, you are emphasizing that it is extremely foolish and uncontrolled.


e.g. A maniac driver sped 35 miles along the wrong side of a motorway at 110 mph.


e.g. ...a maniac cyclist.


3. (宗教或体育的)狂热分子,过激分子

If you call someone, for example, a religious maniac or a sports maniac, you are critical of them because they have such a strong interest in religion or sport.

e.g. My mum is turning into a religious maniac.


e.g. ...football maniacs.


maniac 单语例句

1. Xiao Bing was another net game maniac and once stole money to buy game time and equipment.

2. But it could also come from a " maniac " insistence on standing out from the crowd.

3. " Knowledge worshipers stand higher than money worshipers, " the certificate maniac said.

4. " I was just making all the errors and just playing like a maniac, " Williams said.

maniac 英英释义


1. an insane person

Synonym: lunaticmadman

2. a person who has an obsession with or excessive enthusiasm for something