

vegetate:[英 [ˈvedʒəteɪt] 美 [ˈvɛdʒɪˌtet] ]


过去式:vegetated;   过去分词:vegetated;   现在分词:vegetating;

vegetate 基本解释

不及物动词过单调呆板的生活; 植物似地生长; (瘤、疣等)长大


vegetate 网络解释

1. 生长,饱食终日无所事事地生活:survive 生命较...为长,继续生存,继续存在 | vegetate 生长,饱食终日无所事事地生活 | victuals 食物,食品


2. 生长:vegetarianism 素食主义 | vegetate 生长 | vegetation 植被

3. 植物似地生长:vegetalsphere 植物球 | vegetate 植物似地生长 | vegetatedwaterway 植草水道

4. vegetate是什么意思

4. 象植物般生活,无所事事:veer 转向,改变(话题等) | vegetate 象植物般生活,无所事事 | vegetation [总称]植物,草木

vegetate 双语例句


1. Which does not mean that we shall vegetate or stagnate. On the contrary, we shall become dynamic, vital, full of energy.


2. vegetate

2. We try not to think about it because it would overwhelm us to an extent that we would just vegetate.


3. You would not simply vegetate and die.


4. Sarah: I feel so pooped out today that I just want to sit and vegetate all day.


5. After his retirement, he just sits around the house and allows himself to vegetate.


6. In fact, they were energetic; an energetic man will succeed where an indolent one would vegetate and inevitably perish.


7. The curiae and the gentes of which they were composed were thus degraded, as in athens, to mere private and religious associations and continued to vegetate as such for a long period while the assembly of the Curio soon became completely dormant.


8. vegetate什么意思

8. The fields vegetate vigorously.



9. Many elderly folk vegetate and die in loneliness.


10. On the Rise of National Bourgeoisie and Reformation During the Hundred Days Reform; In those countries which are but little developed, industrially and commercially, these two classes still vegetate side by side with the rising bourgeoisie.


11. When I am in the country, I wish to vegetate like the country. I am not for criticizing hedgerows and black cattle.


12. vegetate是什么意思

12. The vegetables in the garden vegetate vigorously.


13. Objective: To study the consciousness-promoted effect of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) and blood magnetic therapy on persistent vegetate state (PVS).


14. Consciousness-promoted Rehabilitation of the Patients in Persistent Vegetate State


15. Methods 27 patients in persistent vegetate state were divided into various age groups and all treated with medication, general rehabilitation such as stimulation of sound, light and electricity and motive exercise for 2~5 months.


16. Effect of injection of consciousness-promoted drug through carotid artery on persistent vegetate state



17. In this article, intercomparsion of several different vegetate materials was discussed from contaminations release, growth potential, biotic province and improvement effects of water environment.


18. Plants accumulate excessive sodium irons that cause ions toxicity and osmotic stress then abnormal metabolism if they vegetate in a high ion environment for some time, which have serous effect on plants growth and even result in death.


19. (3) The bulb only vegetate one little adnation bulb during growth in 1 year and the little adnation bulb is the only one which can flower.


20. vegetate的翻译

20. From the branching to the period of pods, the lenth of internode, number of leaves and LAI of two cultivars are lower than ck, but the speed of vegetate is faster than ck.


vegetate 词典解释

1. 过单调无聊的生活;无所事事地生活

If someone vegetates, they spend their time doing boring or worthless things.


e.g. He spends all his free time at home vegetating in front of the TV.


vegetate 英英释义


1. engage in passive relaxation

e.g. After a hard day's work, I vegetate in front of the television

Synonym: vege out

2. propagate asexually

e.g. The bacterial growth vegetated along

3. grow or spread abnormally

e.g. warts and polyps can vegetate if not removed

4. grow like a plant

e.g. This fungus usually vegetates vigorously

5. produce vegetation

e.g. The fields vegetate vigorously

6. establish vegetation on

e.g. They vegetated the hills behind their house

7. lead a passive existence without using one's body or mind