

dew:[英 [dju:] 美 [du:] ]


过去式:dewed;   过去分词:dewed;   现在分词:dewing;   复数形式:dews;

dew 基本解释



dew 相关例句



1. It is beginning to dew.



1. dew的意思

1. Her eyes streamed with dew.



2. Beads of dew still clung to the roses.


dew 网络解释

1. dew

1. 露水:~ew串记:缝(sew)新(new)衣,露水(dew)滴(de~谐音),咀嚼思量(chew)真生气(ch~谐音),很少(few)乘务(crew)怪全体(crew指全体乘务员). fa~串记:扇子(fan)肥(fat),传真(fax)远(far). gu~串记:胶姆糖胶姆糖(gum),中间一变是健身房(gym).

2. 露珠:NEC公司设计的这个叫做露珠(dew)的概念产品,可以随时随地自动记录你生命中的点点滴滴,把记录的图像通过无线网络传输给配套的数码相框,让你有机会时时回顾自己过去生命中的精彩画面,你也可以通过无线网络和亲朋分享这些相片.

3. 露 ,露:贴近地面空气中的水汽冷却后形成露 露(dew)以液滴形式凝结在地面覆盖物体上的凝结现象. 夜间气温下降,越近地面冷却越快,形成与白天相反的下冷上热的温度分布,当地面温度冷却到使贴地面空气中的水汽含量达到饱和时,

4. dew是什么意思

4. dew:distant early warning; 远程预警

5. dew:derivation of water; 排水

dew 双语例句


1. You're like a warm Spring's breeze that wrinkles the success of my heart's ocean of love; you're like a light-feathered cloud, blocking my heart's sight; you're like those petals dressed in dew, bringing delicious scent into my heart's room; you're like a dove flying toward the sky, giving my heart peace and hope.


2. The bubble point, dew point and critical point were determined for binary mixtures of 1 pentene and 1 hexene, and thus the problem that critical parameters are evaluated without accurate and reliable theory is solved.


3. I can tell you that I haven't had any Dew since last April. I am off Mountain Dew. We played Boston on April 4th last year, and two days later I went cold turkey. It was tough. I used to drink 2 liters before our games. It was tough stopping.

我去年四月以来就没喝过 mountain dew 了,早戒了~去年四月四号我们打凯子,两天之后我就逼着自己戒掉了,老痛苦了==+我以前比赛前都要喝两升!

4. Violets love sunshine, roses love dew, angels in heaven know I love youKnow I love you dear, know I love you, angels in heaven know I love you


5. Golf court is near outside, the green lawn with matutinal rain and dew will make you feel cozy.


6. dew

6. In new campus, belief is new, goes to strike the sky because of new fertile soil will give us to a pair of especially stout wing, ; In new campus, the fond dream is new, our fond dream will previous tier altitude more in moisture because of fostering a dew in new one wheel education.


7. Effects of TEG flow rate, purity of TEG, air flow rate, RPB rotary speed on dew point of wet air were investigated.


8. dew的解释

8. In one embodiment, moist air (180) entering the system flows first through a precooler (air-to-air heat exchanger)(100) and then passes across an evaporator (110) that cools the air below the dew point and producers water.

在一个体现,潮湿空气( 180 )进入系统的流量首先通过precooler( 100 ),然后通过横跨一蒸发器( 110 )表示,冷却空气低于露点和生产者的水。

9. Even the gentlest of collars or training regimes can do harm if the dog has a skin sore or twisted dew claw.


10. And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wildern

16:14 露水上升之后,不料,野地面上有如白霜的小圆物。

11. dew的近义词

11. The guanacos make the most of the dew.


12. And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing, as small as the hoar frost on the ground.


13. May God give you of heaven's dew and of earth's richness--an abundance of grain and new wine.


14. Dew point is a temperature, but it measures the absolute humidity of air.


15. When this happens, the absolute humidity of the drying air has a dew point of -40oC.


16. When this happen s, the absolute humidity of the drying air has a dew point of -40oC.


17. Considering this influence of temperature on humidity of gas in GIS, the paper analyzes the change of dew point due to changing of temperature.


18. dew

18. Caution: 1、The product is preferred not to be operated in the circumstances of dew, oil, organic solvent and corrosi


19. dew的反义词

19. The results indicated that in the night, the dew and fog occured first on the top canopy layer, then the thickened fog penetrated into understory, a...



20. Zyme aeti~, ity, the enzyme can also be inhibited by EDTA. Therefore, the low temperature alkaline Droteaseis a DeW type of serine protease.


dew 词典解释

1. 露;露水

Dew is small drops of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outdoors during the night.

e.g. The dew gathered on the leaves.


dew 单语例句

1. Cole took the overall Dew Cup, thanks to several huge performances.

2. They are harvested in the morning, just after the morning dew has evaporated and before the sun gets too strong.

3. Villagers presumed the bull had stayed alive for so long by eating straw and dew.

4. Looking at photos of them, one can almost touch the morning dew and hear birds chirping.

5. When the dew on the plants evaporates, she will pick cotton for the first time this year.

6. New Zealand sociologist Professor Kevin Dew from the Victoria University in Wellington, has assessed more than 40 papers about " presenteeism ".

7. " Wet stones and damp meadows caused by the autumnal morning dew are especially beneficial, " he says.

dew的反义词dew 英英释义



1. water that has condensed on a cool surface overnight from water vapor in the air

e.g. in the morning the grass was wet with dew