

straight:[英 [streɪt] 美 [stret] ]



straight 基本解释

形容词直的; 连续的; 直率的; 整齐的

副词直地; 直接地; 坦率地; 立即

名词直线; 直线部分

straight 同义词




straight 反义词



straight 相关词组


1. go straight : 笔直走, 正直做人;

2. dry straight : 结果很好;

3. get straight : 搞通, 办好;

4. keep straight on : 一直走下去, 一直做下去;

straight 相关例句


1. straight是什么意思

1. It has snowed for three straight days.



2. Put your room straight.



1. straight的近义词

1. Go straight down the road and then turn left.


2. Tell me straight what you think of the plan.


3. He went to bed straight after supper.


straight 情景对话

Talk straight from the shoulder.-(直言不讳)

A:What do you think of my work?





A:Please talk straight from the shoulder.


B:It’s not very satisfactory, you should be more careful.



A:Excuse me, can you tell me where Main Street is?


B:Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks.


A:Is it far?



B:No. Its only a five-minute walk. You can’t miss it.


A:Thanks a lot.


B:Youre welcome.



A:Excuse me, Where am I on this map?


B:We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.


A:Oh ! I think I’m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?


B:Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.


straight 网络解释

1. 直的:枪驳头(peak lapel)也会增加视觉上的宽度,因为它们的点向外移--不管这驳头和领子结合的位置多高,实际上它们还是在衣服的上部制造出了一个横线. 裁缝界用两个挺奇怪的术语,直的(straight)和斜的(crooked)来描述一件上衣的情况,我试着在这里解释一下

2. 顺子:例如: K(方块), J(方块), 9(方块), 6(方块), 3(方块), 2(方块)顺子(STRAIGHT) 五张连号牌(A 可以当成最大或最小的牌) 例如: 5(梅花), 4(方块), 3(红心), 2(黑桃), A(梅花)三张同号(THREE OF A KIND) 三张同号牌.

3. straight的翻译

3. 直线球:右曲球(slice)左曲球(hook)、左拉左曲球(pull hook)先向左直飞向左曲、左拉球(pull)向左击出的直线球、左曲球(hook)先向目标飞再弯曲落到左边、直线球(straight)沿目标线飞行,一直往前落在目标区.

4. 直筒裤:目前三大品牌在中国出售的裤型都以直筒裤(straight)和靴型裤(bootcut,即膝盖以下开始稍微加款,我们一般认为是小喇叭)为主,过去的几大裤型已经非常少见(如cuff--裤脚反褶牛仔裤,wide--从大腿根开始加宽的牛仔裤,loose--萝卜裤,

straight 双语例句

1. Cografts point in general there are two: vertical tool grinder mill out of an arc-shaped blade angle, as in Figure 2 illustrated horizontal grinder mill out of cografts is straight, as in Figure 2 is shown below.


2. straight什么意思

2. Cografts point in general there are two: vertical tool grinder mill out of an arc-shaped blade angle figurea 2 illustrated horizontal grinder mill out of cografts is straight, as in Figure 2 is shown below.


3. Cografts point in general there are two: vertical tool grinder mill out of an arc-shaped blade angle; horizontal grinder mill out of cografts is straight, this kind of edge angle can be adapted at any time to replace a variety of hard and soft materials are cut.


4. We play the ferris wheel first, the ferris wheel may arrive at the very high place, afterward we played the pirate ship, about the pirate ship sway stimulate, we also had play revolve very likely coffee cup's amusement facility, this amusement facility was amusing, if has not held an arm rest straight skid to slide, this point i thought am very interesting, we also had play the imperial crown swing, this amusement facility will not stimulate very much, revolving time had the breeze blow slightly to come, this feeling on was blowing the electric fan probably, but, its nature's electric fan, except this some amusing was also interestingoutside amusement facility, but also many amusing amusement facility!


5. Your hair wants to make it is curlier to do it straight?


6. straight在线翻译

6. Hair that was normally straight might suddenly begin to grow in curlier than ever during pregnancy.


7. Helmholtz refused to accept the idea that magnetic energy qualifies for ad infinitum status despite the fact that Ampere's (1820) magnetic force on parallel straight conductors is obviously transverse to the direction of the electric currents rather than being in-line with the currents.

亥姆霍兹拒绝接受的观念,磁能资格的广告无限的地位,尽管事实上安培的( 1820 )磁力对平行直线指挥,显然是横向向方向的电流而不是在网上与电流。

8. Tiealign is a great way to keep your necktie straight and in place at all times.


9. Will cause straight and honest gentlemen to gradually draw close.


10. straight的意思

10. Push, got encircling go-between namely reputably, what the member that expanded quickly registers quantity and ring of person arteries and veins is ceaseless and duplicate, the whip Niu Shiliu that lets build beginning measures straight strong the sky.



11. Stand gracefully erect; slim and graceful; tall and straight


12. The circuit itself presents a tough challenge for the cars, with a very long straight and a mix of fast and slow corners, with the very long banked turn leading onto the back straight, putting a lot of stress onto the left hand side tyres, while the opening two corners are very tricky slow tightening turns that can lose a driver a lot of time and can be the deciding factor in setting a quick qualifying lap.


13. Golden autumn wind delivered curls darkly fragrant comes in frost chrysanthemum to offer is fragrant one season to kiss setting sun afterglow to like overflowing gentle eye pupil to look at four wild serene the fervor to fly verse to listen to Yellow River to carry innumerable misery history view river sand heavy to accumulate how many recollection sores all over the eye is piece by piece your old times'appearance childhood difficult leaves behind brand mark which did not extinguish wind frost and snow rain the half century to assault deep pool far class long fiveMillennium civilization's trail historical perpetual flow tumbles former days heroic great waves time string to play an instrument and sing today magnificent melody the motherland, I for your proud worked as the palatial engraved pillar, let the tall and straight stature put on the dawn, worked as grand Tiananmen, lets the wind and cloud welcome Dongsheng sun.


14. straight的解释

14. I searched deeper into the Spirit of Prophecy and discovered that Sister White brought some of the strongest rebukes against those who would not boldly give the straight testimony and call sin by its right name.


15. The play is straight, jack, many changes.


16. Based on this definition, a new method for straight-flight constrained route planning is presented.


17. Concurrently camp product:The automation mechanical device must each kind of translation series product, for example: The straight line guide rail, the guide screw strut, the shaft coupling, lock the nut, the straight line bearing, the knuckle bearing, the oil-retaining bearing and so on.


18. straight的意思

18. Both were quiet again for a little while before they both stood straight, again dusting the snow off their clothes.


19. Grip hollow straight back and forth on both sides of friction in the thymus can enhance the body immunity.


20. straight的意思

20. There is this very long straight, so you have to have good speed for that.


straight 词典解释

1. 直的;笔直的

A straight line or edge continues in the same direction and does not bend or curve.

e.g. Keep the boat in a straight line...


e.g. Using the straight edge as a guide, trim the cloth to size...


2. (头发)直的,不卷曲的

Straight hair has no curls or waves in it.

e.g. Grace had long straight dark hair which she wore in a bun.


3. 笔直地;径直地

You use straight to indicate that the way from one place to another is very direct, with no changes of direction.

e.g. The ball fell straight to the feet of Klinsmann...


e.g. He finished his conversation and stood up, looking straight at me...


4. 立刻;马上

If you go straight to a place, you go there immediately.


e.g. As always, we went straight to the experts for advice...


e.g. We'll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back.


5. 直截了当的;直率的;坦诚的

If you give someone a straight answer, you answer them clearly and honestly.

e.g. What a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer.


6. 连续的;不间断的

Straight means following one after the other, with no gaps or intervals.

e.g. They'd won 12 straight games before they lost.


7. 只涉及两人(或两物)的;(选择)非此即彼的

A straight choice or a straight fight involves only two people or things.


e.g. It's a straight choice between low-paid jobs and no jobs...


e.g. Each has several times beaten the other in a straight fight.


8. 正经的;正统的;规矩本分的

If you describe someone as straight, you mean that they are normal and conventional, for example in their opinions and in the way they live.


e.g. Dorothy was described as a very straight woman, a very strict Christian who was married to her job.


9. 异性恋的;非同性恋的

If you describe someone as straight, you mean that they are heterosexual rather than homosexual.

e.g. His sexual orientation was a lot more gay than straight...


e.g. Marty of New York describes herself as a straight female.


10. (尤指酒精饮料)纯的,不掺水的

A straight drink, especially an alcoholic drink, has not had another liquid such as water added to it.


e.g. ...a large straight whiskey without ice...


e.g. Children should not drink fruit juices straight.


11. (赛道的)直道(部分)

On a racetrack, a straight is a section of the track that is straight, rather than curved.

e.g. Our cars were clearly too slow along the straights...


e.g. I went to overtake him on the back straight on the last lap.


12. 把…弄清楚;明确

If you get something straight, you make sure that you understand it properly or that someone else does.


e.g. You need to get your facts straight...


e.g. Let's get things straight. I didn't lunch with her.


13. 改过自新;改邪归正;重新做人

If a criminal is going straight, they are no longer involved in crime.

14. 走正路;过正当的生活

If something keeps people on the straight and narrow, it helps to keep them living an honest or healthy life.

e.g. All her efforts to keep him on the straight and narrow have been rewarded.


15. a straight face -> see face

to set the record straight -> see record

straight 单语例句straight的近义词

1. The quarterly " tankan " survey of business sentiment showed confidence rose for the fourth straight quarter amid growing faith in the global recovery.

2. " No one can suggest with a straight face that these MPs were acting alone, " Womack told reporters.

3. He had a very distinctive Californian accent and immaculate, straight white teeth.

4. Cam Ward made 25 saves for the Hurricanes, who won their seventh straight home game against Florida.

5. It also serves to set the record straight against wanton distortion by the opposition camp and its media allies to mislead the public.

6. Food tastes better when eaten straight off the grill - beneath a canopy of stars in fresh air and picturesque settings.

7. The cavernous hearing room on Capitol Hill was filled for a third straight day, and tourists waited in line outside for their few moments to witness history.

8. Carol's having a hard time keeping a straight face in her classroom this semester, what with Hotmail sitting in the front row.

9. Eggers did not pretend he could get all the facts straight based on Deng's narration, hence the categorization of the book as a fictionalized memoir.

10. The lone American remaining is Chad Campbell, who advanced to the quarterfinals for the second straight year after beating David Toms.

straight的意思straight 英英释义


1. a straight segment of a roadway or racecourse

Synonym: straightaway

2. a poker hand with 5 consecutive cards (regardless of suit)

3. a heterosexual person

someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex

Synonym: heterosexualheterosexual personstraight person



1. in keeping with the facts

e.g. set the record straight

made sure the facts were straight in the report

2. successive (without a break)

e.g. sick for five straight days

Synonym: consecutive

3. rigidly conventional or old-fashioned

Synonym: square

4. following a correct or logical method

e.g. straight reasoning

5. without water

e.g. took his whiskey neat

Synonym: neatfull-strength

6. without evasion or compromise

e.g. a square contradiction

he is not being as straightforward as it appears

Synonym: square(a)straightforward

7. accurately fitted


e.g. the window frame isn't quite true

Synonym: true

8. (of hair) having no waves or curls

e.g. her naturally straight hair hung long and silky

9. not homosexual

10. erect in posture

e.g. sit straight

stood defiantly with unbowed back

Synonym: unbentunbowed

11. having no deviations

e.g. straight lines

straight roads across the desert

straight teeth

straight shoulders

12. free from curves or angles

e.g. a straight line

13. no longer coiled

Synonym: uncoiled

14. characterized by honesty and fairness

e.g. straight dealing

a square deal

Synonym: square

15. neatly arranged

not disorderly

e.g. the room is straight now



1. without deviation

e.g. the path leads directly to the lake

went direct to the office

Synonym: directlydirect

2. in a forthright manner

candidly or frankly

e.g. he didn't answer directly

told me straight out

came out flat for less work and more pay

Synonym: directlyflat

3. in a straight line

in a direct course

e.g. the road runs straight