

stealthy:[英 [ˈstelθi] 美 [ˈstɛlθi] ]


stealthy 基本解释



stealthy 相关例句


1. The cat crept with stealthy movements toward the bird.


stealthy 网络解释


1. 秘密的:stealthily 暗地里 | stealthy 秘密的 | steam bath 蒸汽浴

2. stealthy

2. 秘密的:降低疾病明顯性:Mutator突變的:使疫苗更慢被研發. | Stealthy秘密的:降低疾病明顯性. | Harmless無害的:降低疾病致命性.

3. 掩人耳目的:stealtheftburglepickingsnafflestealingthievery 偷窃 | stealthy 掩人耳目的 | steam 蒸汽

4. 避人耳目:*高等法术穿透Greater Spell Penetration | *避人耳目Stealthy | 健壮Toughness

stealthy 双语例句

1. stealthy的意思

1. The Panter has the same stealthy moves and samba rhythms of the boys from Brazil, but his passport is stamped Netherlands, no doubt about that.


2. stealthy

2. Not only is it completely stealthy, but its primary role is as an air superiority fighter.


3. On the basis of analyzing the exposure characteristics of logistic vehicle cover cloth and camouflage effectiveness of radar camouflage net which is a scattering model equiped in our army, stealthy cover of logistic vehicle is brought forward by utilizing antenna array principle.


4. The significance of assessment on stealthy effectiveness of the cruise missile is expounded.


5. stealthy的解释

5. Lockheed Martin's AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile was intended as a stealthy, inexpensive cruise missile that would let American aircraft attack well-defended targets without putting themselves in the crosshairs of new long-range surface to air missile systems.

防御工业时报》 5月21日报导,洛克希德马丁的AGM-158联合空对地防区外导弹本来是作为一个隐形的,经济的巡航导弹,可以用来让美国飞机攻击防护良好的目标---而不用将它们暴露在新型远程地对空导弹系统的瞄准镜下。

6. Her flexuous and stealthy figure became an integral part of the sce.


7. stealthy的翻译

7. As one sips the fragrant brew, the mind traipses back a year or so, recalling with some trepidation the stealthy inroads the Chinese dragon has been making in the day-to-day aspects of our lives.


8. Also, ion bafflers incorporated into its sublight engines make it very stealthy.


9. In this paper, some basic considerations about the stealthy target detection by microwave radiometer are studied.


10. Gentle and pleasant, light rain, the stealthy visit you so Qingli brings me much joy ah!


11. stealthy是什么意思

11. Who are you that follow me with stealthy silent steps?


12. So he set his ear to the crack and listened, and listened, and listened, and the steps a-scraping around out there all the time; and at last he nudged us, and we slid out, and stooped down, not breathing, and not making the least noise, and slipped stealthy towards the fence in Injun file, and got to it all right, and me and Jim over it; but Tom's britches catched fast on a splinter on the top rail, and then he hear the steps coming, so he had to pull loose, which snapped the splinter and made a noise; and as he dropped in our tracks and started somebody sings out


13. stealthy的翻译

13. Mongolian shepherd Delger lost six of his 40 sheep in the past two years to stealthy attacks by wolf packs roaming northern China's Inner Mongolia region.


14. Sitting there, on the sofa, I managed to attune, by a series of stealthy movements, my masked lust to her guileless limbs.



15. Blood feeders must also be stealthy and wily and good at escaping the swats and fury of their often much larger hosts.



16. And it comes like the stealthy perfume of wildflowers hidden in the grass.


17. Words, which can make our terrors bravely clear, Can also thus domesticate a fear, And send a small child back to sleep at night Not listening for the sound of stealthy flight Or dreaming of some small thing in a claw Borne up to some dark branch and eaten raw.


18. If you have the Stealthy feat, you get a +2 bonus on Hide checks.


19. From stealthy systems to the outrageous (building a motorized Transformer in the trunk of your car is definitely out there), there are as many ways to get gaming into your ride as there are games to play.


20. Every one was alerted by the stealthy invasion of azury flowers and en grasses.


stealthy 词典解释

1. 悄悄的;偷偷摸摸的;鬼鬼祟祟的

Stealthy actions or movements are performed quietly and carefully, so that no one will notice what you are doing.

e.g. I would creep in and with stealthy footsteps explore the second-floor...


e.g. It was a stealthy sound made by someone anxious not to be heard.



Slowly and stealthily, someone was creeping up the stairs.

有人正蹑手蹑脚地上楼。stealthy 单语例句

1. The Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency supported the research, given the obvious military applications of such stealthy technology.

2. Iran reported it had downed the US unmanned stealthy aircraft on Sunday as it flew over the eastern part of the country.

stealthy的近义词stealthy 英英释义


1. marked by quiet and caution and secrecy

taking pains to avoid being observed

e.g. a furtive manner

a sneak attack

stealthy footsteps

a surreptitious glance at his watch

Synonym: furtivesneak(a)sneakysurreptitious