

elsewhere:[英 [ˌelsˈweə(r)] 美 [ˌelsˈwer] ]


elsewhere 基本解释

副词在别处,到别处; 他


elsewhere 相关例句


1. elsewhere是什么意思

1. You can't find anything like this elsewhere.


2. Can you find anything like this elsewhere?


3. elsewhere的意思

3. He lived elsewhere during the summer months.


4. You must look for hotels elsewhere.


elsewhere 网络解释

1. 在别处:奥地利的纪录片被各大国际电影节频繁认可:尼科拉斯盖哈特的4小时史诗(ELSEWHERE)讲述的是在12个千年来未被众人歇斯底里的狂热情绪所波及到的偏远地带所进行的旅行,该片在2001年阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片电影节上获得了评委会特别奖.

2. 其他的地方:05 Mary 玛丽 | 06 Elsewhere 其他的地方 | 07 Circle 循环

3. 其他地方:16 害怕 Fear | 17 其他地方 Elsewhere | 18 片断 Vox

elsewhere 双语例句

1. That's very kind of you, but I think that I will have to look for another alternative elsewhere.



2. If the cards are stacked against you, there might be nothing you can do and you would be better off throwing in the towel and finding an easier target elsewhere.



3. HostessOnce in a group, males assume dominance by displacing others, especially around feeding sites. 2906 But the real social power is elsewhere.


4. As for the influence of feminism, Ms. Li, the art critic, acknowledges the force of male chauvinism in the art world, both in China and elsewhere.


5. elsewhere在线翻译

5. My classmates from Argentina, Russia, China and elsewhere, some with their families and partners, have had a much more difficult time.


6. People who work in Oak City but who live elsewhere cannot truly understand the business and politics of the city.


7. This trend has been exposed in books but I suspect that the desire to make one's life less ordinary has caught on elsewhere as well.


8. No longer abash'd, for in this secluded spot I can respond as Iwould not dare elsewhere


9. To scribble or draw aimlessly or nervously, esp. when the attention is elsewhere.


10. Administration officials say they are well aware U. S. efforts in the region have been overshadowed by developments elsewhere in the world.


11. As things are complicated on the mainland and elsewhere, it is understandable for them to have done so.


12. The Illinois-based company says it is working hard to defray the extra expense by saving money elsewhere.

这家 位于伊利诺斯州的公司表示现在正在努力从其他地方节约开销以抵冲多出的成本。

13. Energy-hungry China has signed a flurry of deals to search for and develop oil and gas in former Soviet republics, Africa and elsewhere.


14. The State of South Carolina provides a unique variety of business incentives not found elsewhere in the nation.


15. Elsewhere in the site I review SORD's MFF rig, pictured with this jacket.

在这个网址的其他地方,SORD's MFF rig 的链接,有这件外套的图片。

16. Elsewhere, however, this may not provide enough independence to satisfy student desires for freedom from parents or other types of control. After all, colleges and dormitories have many rules and restrictions, such as limitations on when and where one can study.


17. elsewhere的近义词

17. Which seel through the world, is ne'er met with elsewhere


18. The second—the behavioural one—is that both formal and informal polygamy are more common in Africa than elsewhere.


19. If a settlement were achieved in the Israeli orbit, it would not bring peace to the rest of the Middle East; too often, the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate is blamed for woes elsewhere.


20. elsewhere的近义词

20. One reason is that people with the spending power are elsewhere.


elsewhere 词典解释

1. 在别处;去别处

Elsewhere means in other places or to another place.


e.g. Almost 80 percent of the state's residents were born elsewhere...


e.g. They were living rather well, in comparison with people elsewhere in the world...


elsewhere 单语例句

1. The Obama campaign's strategy largely relies on a strong performance in cities and suburban areas to make up for any falloff elsewhere in Ohio.

2. Critics on Capitol Hill and elsewhere have said that memo provided the legal underpinnings for subsequent abuses of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq.

3. But the carnage was worse elsewhere on another day when investors worried about a looming worldwide recession.

4. The carnival mood as exhibited in China and elsewhere speaks less of gallow humor than an urge to squeeze fun out of a humdrum existence.

5. The carnival mood as exhibited in China and elsewhere speaks less of gallows humor than an urge to squeeze fun out of a humdrum existence.

6. This cautious stance may look wise at a time when elevated government debt levels are causing severe financial and economic strain elsewhere in the world.

7. They learned that their mother was buried elsewhere in the cemetery after they complained last summer that the gravesite had fallen into disrepair.

8. Elsewhere, certain service centers have started " exam nanny " businesses.

9. In previous years violent activists have stayed away from the chic ski resort and staged violent demonstrations elsewhere in Switzerland instead.

10. Tsang's warning may strike a chord elsewhere in Asia, where inflows of capital threaten to create bubbles.

elsewhereelsewhere 英英释义


1. in or to another place

e.g. he went elsewhere

look elsewhere for the answer