

cannon:[英 [ˈkænən] 美 [ˈkænən] ]


过去式:cannoned;   过去分词:cannoned;   现在分词:cannoning;   复数形式:cannons; cannon;

cannon 基本解释


名词大炮; 加农炮; 机关炮; 榴弹炮

不及物动词与…猛撞; 开炮



cannon 相关例句



1. The drunk man cannoned into a waiter.


2. cannon的解释

2. A big dog came running round the corner, cannoned into him, and knocked him over.



1. The cannons boomed all night.


cannon 网络解释

1. 大炮:火药时代来到,北欧维京人 优势下降 ,我国士兵优势也失去了,大家都致力开发火枪兵(musketer )和 大炮(cannon)和火枪骑兵,为了统一欧洲,我国决定和维京人决战.

2. 卡侬:但是真正作为一门学科进行研究,是本世纪初才开始的,1920年美国著名生理学家卡侬(Cannon)经实验证明了化学物质在情绪与器官功能的系上担任了媒介,并称之为交感神经素(即肾上腺素).

3. 火炮:把它们送到地图东边女王派来接应的舰队那里. 提示 本关不必打陆战,不必去救起那些士兵,他们只会增加财政负担,只是这样好象很不人道. 嘎嘎... 注意尽早积累布料(cloth)工具(tool)和火炮(cannon),在财政被拖垮之前快速建好足够的舰队,...

cannon 双语例句

1. Its nose-mounted weapons cluster features a mounted Dar-2 medium ion cannon bracketed by ordnance launchers -- a starboard proton torpedo tube and a port concussion missile launcher.


2. A cannon-ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms.


3. cannon什么意思

3. AnIsraeli army mobile cannon redeploys closer to Gaza at sunset January5, 2009 near Israel's border with the Palestinian territory.


4. An Israeli army mobile cannon redeploys closer to Gaza at sunset January5, 2009 near Israel's border with the Palestinian territory.

一辆以色列坦克重新部署在靠近以色列与巴勒斯坦边界地区 2009年1月5日日落时。

5. From aspects of time and characters of technology, namely from history and history of technology, the process of introduction of western firearms into China can be divided into two phases: Ming and Qing China adopted and copied Frankish and bird gun from 1506 to 1620s; Jesuit preside who was in charge of making cannon and some sch...


6. Switches to the 85 mm autoloading cannon, along with any leeched secondary weapon.

切换为85 mm自动装填炮,并抛弃任何吸取来的次要武器。

7. He carries a turret-mounted mortar cannon that shoots armor-piercing shells up to a distance of 3 miles.



8. TXT_KEY_EVENT_TRIGGER_RIFLED_CANNON_1 Our knowledge of rifled barrels has been successfully applied to new cannon designs.


9. These combatants had around them something in the nature of a swarm of spectres, silhouettes of men on horseback, the black profiles of cannon, the white sky viewed through wheels gun-carriages, the colossal death's-head, which the heroes saw constantly through the smoke, in the depths of the battle, advanced upon them gazed at them.



10. Details show the ratcheting lever that maintains tension on the barrel and how the cap plate the secures the cannon barrel to the carriage.


11. cannon的解释

11. No."The Chateau d'If has no cemetery, and they simply throw the dead into the sea, after fastening a thirty-six pound cannon-ball to their feet."


12. This paper investigates the effects of ship motion on ship-based cannon firing in terms of dynamics of ship motion and artillery shoot theory, including effects of canon base motion due to ship sway and alignment error from lever-arm effect.


13. cannon的意思

13. Those cannon balls right in my ears!



14. If you groan such groans you might balk the government cannon.



15. The Predator is now available at Tier 3 with an Auto Cannon and 2 Heavy Bolters.

掠夺者现在可用的在和汽车大炮和 2 重的 Bolters 的列 3。

16. cannon

16. But in all the land there was no cannon except the one the flea had brought, and that was so very small.


17. Even MG re can penetrate the weak armour of this cannon mounted on the Panzer 2 hull.

即使机枪的火力也能摧毁这个有着脆弱装甲并且架在Panzer 2车体上的加农炮。

18. This also is brought about accordingly this year on September 17, netease CEO Ding Lei is in have a search direct cannon industry blames an elephant on the news briefing: Search engine company goes through the search now partial oneself product and business, this is very negative to the public letter force of whole industry.


19. cannon的反义词

19. These buggers can absorb a ton of cannon fire and shell out quite a bit of damage.


20. These buggers can absorb a ton of cannon fire and shellout quite a bit of damage.


cannon 词典解释

1. 加农炮;大炮

A cannon is a large gun, usually on wheels, which used to be used in battles.

2. (尤指机载的)自动机关炮

A cannon is a heavy automatic gun, especially one that is fired from an aircraft.

3. 碰撞;猛撞

If one person or thing cannons into another, they bump into them with great force.

e.g. One of the reporters cannoned into Arnold...


e.g. The ball cannoned off the back of a Spartak defender and into the net.


4. 为所欲为的人;冒失鬼

If someone is a loose cannon, they do whatever they want and nobody can predict what they are going to do.


e.g. Max is a loose cannon politically.


cannon 单语例句cannon的反义词

1. Cannon did not say when Canada is likely to sign an extradition treaty with China, but said that the procedure will consider judicial systems in both countries.

2. Nick Cannon thinks Mariah Carey would be " the best " mother.

3. Protesters wearing the orange color of pullout opponents pelted police with plastic water bottles while security forces put a water cannon on standby.

4. Foam party is a social event in which participants are lathered up with soap suds, usually dispensed from a special machine or soap cannon.

5. Riot police resorted to tear gas and water cannons, while protestors threw stones and attacked a water cannon truck in return.

6. The ones I hate the most are those that only have sound and make me think someone is shooting off a cannon.

7. They will spin their sets from stages interspersed with old fighter planes, helicopters and a giant cannon.

8. Cannon barricaded himself into his hotel room with his two personal assistants from Synchronicity Foundation, stacking furniture against the door.

9. Japan's nuclear crisis deepened as attempts by Japanese authorities to cool down overheated reactors with water cannon failed.

10. The rulers and the establishment are using poor, brave soldiers as cannon fodder for the sake of a paltry sum in dollars.

cannon 英英释义


1. a shot in billiards in which the cue ball contacts one object ball and then the other

Synonym: carom

2. lower part of the leg extending from the hock to the fetlock in hoofed mammals

Synonym: shank

3. a large artillery gun that is usually on wheels

4. heavy automatic gun fired from an airplane

5. (Middle Ages) a cylindrical piece of armor plate to protect the arm

6. heavy gun fired from a tank


1. fire a cannon

2. make a cannon