

continence:[英 [ˈkɒntɪnəns] 美 [ˈkɑ:ntɪnəns] ]


continence 基本解释

名词节欲; 自制,节制,禁欲

continence 网络解释

1. 自制:consensus#一致 | continence#自制 | conveyance#让与;运输

2. 节 欲:色欲过度 Lustful excess | 节 欲 Continence | 绝 欲 Suppress passion

3. 节制:污染 contamination | 节制 continence | 大陆性气候 continental climate

4. 自制;节制:Revere: 尊敬 | Chastity: 贞洁 | Continence: 自制;节制

continence 双语例句

1. Nevertheless, patients may not want invasive therapy during this early period and therefore it usually takes one year to achieve normal continence.


2. Methods Twenty-eight patients with neurogenic fecalinco ntinence (4 to 12 years of age), underwent suspension of pelvic floor by bilateral transposition of iliopsoas muscle. Pelvic floor training was started 3 week spost-operatively. The continence was assessed on clinical symptoms, Barium en ema and anal manometry.


3. However its effection does on the length of the continence urethral, not on the traditional maximum urethral pressure.


4. continence什么意思

4. Objective To investigate the characteristics of the urinary continence mechanisms of the lower urinary tract in late pregnant women.


5. The time from removal of urethral catheter to urinary continence achieved was determined by chart review in these patients.


6. Objective To observe the operation effect of tension-free vaginal tape-obturator for female stress urinary continence.

目的 观察经闭孔经阴道尿道中段悬吊术治疗女性压力性尿失禁的疗效,并进行评价。

7. continence

7. Perhaps because of this, the eight-year results show urinary continence was maintained for all patients, and only 1.6 percent of the five hundred sixty-one patients experienced rectal bleeding.



8. In the urinary continence system, closure of the bladder outlet is one of the core processes and is chiefly provided by the urethra and its supporting structures and is chiefly provided by the urethra and its supporting structures.


9. continence

9. Nerve-sparing prostatectomy, designed to preserve potency and urinary continence, introduced.


10. A spastic urinary sphincter may help maintain continence.


11. Detenial cecocolic bladder provides a large capacity, low intrareservior pressur, urine reservoir with excellent continence thus improving the life quality of patients.


12. There has been to evidence of ureter reflux and impairment of renal function. conclusions detenial cecocolic bladder provides a large capacity, low intrareservior pressur, urine reservoir with excellent continence thus improving the life quality of patients. continent detenial cecocolic bladder is highly recommended for clinical application.


13. The immunohistochemical staining of choline acetylcatransferase and neuropeptide Y in the anatomical structures of the urethral sphincter provides a better understanding of the origin and nature of the innervation participating in urinary continence.



14. Objectives: We investigated the association between preoperative lower urinary tract symptoms (frequency, urgency, nocturia, straining, slow stream, intermittency, incomplete emptying) and continence return after radical prostatectomy and identified risk factors associated with delay return of continence after RP.



15. Nerve-sparing prostatectomy, designed to preserve potency andurinary continence, introduced.


16. continence的反义词

16. Through careful observation and analysis of Machiavelli`s two central texts—The Prince and Discourses, through disclosing his esoteric teaching hidden under his prudence and continence, and through relating his thought of Christianity with other aspects of his thought, I come to the conclusion that Machiavelli is a crafty and obstinate enemy of Christianity.


17. continence的解释

17. The periurethral and pelvic striated muscles are the main regulators of urinary continence.


18. Let him that is pure in the flesh not grow proud of it, and boast, knowing that it was another who bestowed on him the gift of continence.


19. continence的解释

19. 2 The first is Faith, and the second, Continence, and the third, Power, and the fourth, Longsuffering.

101:2 ,第一是信仰,第二,可控性,第三个,电力,以及第四次,longsuffering 。

20. In people with loss of nerve function within the rectal sphincter, muscle transplants are performed to restore faecal continence This is a technique involves transferring a muscle from another part of the body and wrapping it around the anal canal to act like a sphincter.


continence 单语例句

1. Many operatic melodramas are built on this male suspicion and a happy ending ensues only when the bride proves her continence.

continence 英英释义



1. the exercise of self constraint in sexual matters

Synonym: continency

2. voluntary control over urinary and fecal discharge