

secure:[英 [sɪˈkjʊə(r)] 美 [səˈkjʊr] ]


过去式:secured;   过去分词:secured;   现在分词:securing;

secure 基本解释

形容词安全的; 牢固的; 有把握的; 安心的

及物动词保护; (使)获得; 使安全; 担保

不及物动词获得安全,变得安全; 安全,保险; 承保,担保; [航海学]停止工作

secure 同义词



secure 反义词


secure 相关例句


1. You have made me feel secure.


2. Our success is secure.



1. Can you secure me two good tickets for the concert?



2. By strengthening the river banks, the city secured itself against flood.



1. It is highly necessary to secure against the dangers of the coming typhoon.


secure 情景对话



A:How safe is this area? / Is this area safe? / How secure is the neighborhood?


B:It’s very safe.


secure 网络解释

1. 保护:在某些情况下,可能将旋转数(spin count)设置的过高,那么就可能发生下述情况:某进程正在持有锁存器,而另外的进程也试图保护(secure)此锁存器,而试图保护锁存器的进程就可能陷入无限自旋状态,

secure 双语例句

1. Secure Edit Controls are special password edit controls that are resistant to window spies and memory dumpers.


2. secure的近义词

2. Wrap the waterchestnuts and a piece of liver together with bacon secure with toothpick.


3. Lifting things work, should first check whether the firm tied, the rope through the corners, padded quick exit should be located, and then try lifting off the ground 0.5m, after inspection of secure and reliable, the method of lifting..

起吊工作物,应先检查捆缚是否牢固,绳索经过的棱角、快口应设垫衬,然后试吊离地面 0.5m,经检查确认稳妥可靠后,方法起吊。。

4. secure什么意思

4. It will stay firmly in place with the secure Velcro attachment.


5. Unwritten software is absolutely secure, of course, it's not very useful either.


6. secure是什么意思

6. Because online transactions pass from the consumer to the merchant over the Internet, which is an open and highly vulnerable network, merchants must work to protect sentive information, such as credit card numbers, Additional software, such as the Secure Socker Layerprotocol, protects transactions in transit from being viewed by unauthorized parties.


7. A security violation detection method was proposed to meet the requirements of secure interoperation among distributed systems.


8. secure

8. How to use remote sensing technology to build a secure and reliable government intranet terminal security management system to address large-scale computer security management issues, to strengthen the security of computer networks, is a key issue in the current information security situation.


9. You have to make sure your invest ments are secure.


10. Cable tray should be fitted in cabinets housing structured cabling to keep cable looms secure and tidy, and to provide room for any additional cabling.



11. This will use MD5 hashed password transfer and is perfectly secure.


12. To ensure a secure connection between the arm and the disc nut, split pin is used.


13. secure的近义词

13. The Sub-Contractor undertake to provide a Performance Guarantee to be submitted to the Contractor upon signing of this Sub-Contract in the amount stated in the Appendix in order to secure proper performance of the Sub-Contract Works.


14. secure

14. In the end, insert the back panel in the flute and secure with screws.


15. The principal one is IEEE 802.1AE Media Access Control security, which integrates security protection into wired Ethernet to secure LANs from attacks such as passive wiretapping, masquerading, man-in-the-middle and some denial-of-service attacks.

最重要的一条是IEEE 802.1AE媒体访问控制安全,它可使安全措施连接到有线以太网,保护局域网不受诸如被动窃听,数据包伪装术,中间人攻击和和拒绝服务攻击。

16. Custody secure is the first need of detention house and the precondition and foundation of doing other work well.


17. The proposed scheme introduces two independent PKG to solve the secure trouble that the single PKG can impersonate the signers to forge their signatures.


18. When you are busy, you can make a pot of tea, secure a serene space to enjoy yourself.


19. We have left a deposit with the government; this money is to secure the welfare of our students because of the other cheating schools.


20. I could have used a hydraulic jack to lift the car up but over the years, I have found the stones are much secure than the hydraulic jack.


secure 词典解释

1. (经过努力)获得,争取到

If you secure something that you want or need, you obtain it, often after a lot of effort.

e.g. Federal leaders continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire...


e.g. Graham's achievements helped secure him the job.


2. 使…免遭攻击(或伤害);保卫;保护

If you secure a place, you make it safe from harm or attack.


e.g. Staff withdrew from the main part of the prison but secured the perimeter...


e.g. The shed was secured by a hasp and staple fastener.


3. 锁牢的;严密防守的

A secure place is tightly locked or well protected, so that people cannot enter it or leave it.

e.g. We shall make sure our home is as secure as possible from now on.



He locked the heavy door securely and kept the key in his pocket.


...territory once securely under the control of the rebels.


4. 使固定;缚牢;系紧

If you secure an object, you fasten it firmly to another object.

e.g. He helped her close the cases up, and then he secured the canvas straps as tight as they would go...


e.g. The frames are secured by horizontal rails to the back wall.


5. 固定不动的;绑紧的;系牢的

If an object is secure, it is fixed firmly in position.

e.g. Check joints are secure and the wood is sound...


e.g. Shelves are only as secure as their fixings.



Ensure that the frame is securely fixed to the ground with bolts...


Builders must fasten down roofs of newly-built homes more securely.


6. 稳固的;稳定的;可靠的

If you describe something such as a job as secure, it is certain not to change or end.


e.g. ...trade union demands for secure wages and employment...


e.g. Senior citizens long for a more predictable and secure future.


7. (基础)坚固的,坚实的,可靠的

A secure base or foundation is strong and reliable.


e.g. He was determined to give his family a secure and solid base.


8. 安心的;心里踏实的;无忧无虑的

If you feel secure, you feel safe and happy and are not worried about life.

e.g. She felt secure and protected when she was with him...


e.g. The government must feel secure before it will be willing to make the concessions needed for peace.


9. 为(借款等)作保

If a loan is secured, the person who lends the money may take property such as a house from the person who borrows the money if they fail to repay it.

e.g. The loan is secured against your home...


e.g. His main task is to raise enough finance to repay secured loans.


secure 单语例句

1. Analysts said the deal allows CNOOC to extend its business scope and secure windfalls in oil trading.

2. All aspects of social activities have laws to go by and all rights of the citizens have been brought under the secure protection of law.

3. China launched the housing presale system in 1994, allowing developers to secure ample capital for project construction with home buyers'down payments.

4. Gao said the transition work has been smooth and orderly and the quality of trials for capital punishment has improved and is more secure.

5. Chinese nonferrous metal companies have been actively pursuing domestic and overseas resources to secure steady upstream supplies and become mining conglomerates with complete industrial chains.

6. Solar demand was booming in the Europe and US because the governments issued political incentives to secure traditional energy resources and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

7. Keep a record of your account numbers, their expiration dates and the card company's phone number in a secure place.

8. A sheriff's spokesman said the casket has been moved to a secure room at a suburban sheriff's facility.

9. While the two stars enjoy luxury surroundings in the secure building, the rest of the cast are reportedly staying in rented apartments nearby.

10. There is also a government amendment stipulating that a candidate for the CE must secure more than 600 votes in order to be returned.

securesecure 英英释义


1. make certain of

e.g. This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us

Preparation will guarantee success!

Synonym: guaranteeensureinsureassure

2. furnish with battens

e.g. batten ships

Synonym: battenbatten down

3. cause to be firmly attached

e.g. fasten the lock onto the door

she fixed her gaze on the man

Synonym: fastenfix

4. fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug

e.g. plug the hole

stop up the leak

Synonym: plugstop up

5. get by special effort

e.g. He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rationed

Synonym: procure

6. assure payment of


1. free from fear or doubt

easy in mind

e.g. he was secure that nothing will be held against him

Synonym: unafraiduntroubled

2. free from danger or risk

e.g. secure from harm

his fortune was secure

made a secure place for himself in his field

3. not likely to fail or give way

e.g. the lock was secure

a secure foundation

a secure hold on her wrist

4. financially sound

e.g. a good investment

a secure investment

Synonym: dependablegoodsafe

5. immune to attack

incapable of being tampered with

e.g. an impregnable fortress

fortifications that made the frontier inviolable

a secure telephone connection

Synonym: impregnableinviolablestrongunassailableunattackable