

shine:[英 [ʃaɪn] 美 [ʃaɪn] ]


过去式:shone; shined;   过去分词:shone; shined;   现在分词:shining;

shine 基本解释

不及物动词发出光; 反射光,闪耀; 出类拔萃,表现突出; 露出

及物动词照射,把光射后; 〈口〉通过擦拭使…变得有光泽或光亮

名词光亮,光泽; 好天气; 擦皮鞋; 鬼把戏或诡计

shine 同义词




shine 反义词


shine 相关词组

1. take a shine to : 喜爱;


shine 相关例句


1. The joy shone clear on his face.



2. She shines as a teacher.



3. Her eyes shone with excitement.



1. shine什么意思

1. Rain or shine, we'll set out tomorrow.


shine 双语例句

1. This is one of the exibit I have taken, as the others due to spot light shine on the art.


2. And if the golden sun, Should cease to shine its light, Just one smile from you, Would make my whole world bright.


3. shine

3. She has a pair of black eyebrows. Following it is a pair of big eyes, which is HeiLiuLiu and jiongjiongweishen, sometimes shine a cunning.


4. This painting entitled the father of the father of painting, though no gorgeous coat, only one piece of rags plain white coat, The father, although no BaiZhe slender hands, with only a pair of full time by removing ground-in kneading veteran, we can imagine him to family livelihood is how hard work, The father didn't delicate cup to drink, only a rough bowl of water, The father not jiongjiongweishen eyes, a pair of only a pair for trifling and deeply sunken to eye, The father not smooth skin, only the sun shine skin dark, The father of a pretty face, not only for a day and night worrying about leaving a deep wrinkles in the face.


5. shine什么意思

5. Shine through us and be so in us that every soul we come in contact with may feel your presence in our soul.


6. He saturated her damp hair with a combo of hair wax and styling gel to create texture and shine.



7. Was it the shine or your gentle blur my eye?


8. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permiss


9. Also remember that some fights just favor one class or spec over another. We`re totally cool with that, so long as it isn`t always the same exact class or spec that gets to shine.


10. shine什么意思

10. The sunshine of postmeridian cover with thick honeysuckle and shine my face upward.


11. I know it has been my dream, the white clouds float to grant its purity. Maple with its red-hot passion. Soft shine and decorated it with a mysterious veil; Twinkling stars made it a romantic Jade pendant.



12. Become dull or lusterless in appearance; lose shine or brightness, as of a varnished surface.


13. shine

13. It may be the Cat who was close to the hat is now out strolling along the way seeing the sights and smells along the waters edge as it is now all ears open listening to beautiful young lady and dashing handsome young man with much interest in each other, the Cat now intent as he hears dashing young man say as Cat remembers, the man said as the three strolled along the way, there's a sparks of magic in your eyes, candy land appears each time you smile, never thought dreams come true but they come true when I'm near you, all the wonder and surprise, If I could I'd caught a falling star to shine on you so I would know were you are, pull a rainbow down in all your favorite shades to show I love you, your the one I've been waiting for forever, ever my love will keep growing strong, keep growing strong, as Cat sat just for a moment he could hear her say as she turn to dashing handsome young man strolling around the way of this beautiful lake on this late Autumns day, as Cat remembers she said your a genie in disguise, I see the magic in your eyes, and your smile make me smile in candy land with all the wonder and surprise, the moon and stars move across your face, shades of color touching my heart, your the one I've been dreaming of and my love is ever growing stronger, near to you writing our names in the sky, you bring me such joy and happiness forever...


14. Looked at this pot azalea pots, and some full flower just pregnant, and some brilliant shine, if a college flame, if not even longer into the hillside on the film, it would be a sea of flames, which also known as azalea.


15. Bright are the stars that shine, dark is the sky



16. He peered over the side of his vessel, even going so far as to shine a lighted scope into the murky water.


17. It is fun and rewarding to all parents to see their child perform and shine in the spot light.


18. shine

18. White Dove fly away, flame light up, holy lights shine the land as well as peace and frendliness. The 29th Olympics, thereout, to rise the curtains.


19. shine的翻译

19. That we were destined to shine after the rain.


20. God had put pinpricks in the dome of the night, he imagined, so that His light could shine through.


shine 词典解释The past tense and past participle of the verb is shone, except for meaning 5 when it is shined. 过去式和过去分词形式为 shone,但义项 5 的过去式和过去分词为 shined。

1. 发光;照耀

When the sun or a light shines, it gives out bright light.

e.g. It is a mild morning and the sun is shining...


e.g. A few scattered lights shone on the horizon.


2. 把…照向;使…的光投向

If you shine a torch or other light somewhere, you point it there, so that you can see something when it is dark.

e.g. One of the men shone a torch in his face...


e.g. The container is invisible until you shine an ultraviolet light on it...


3. (因反射而)发光,发亮

Something that shines is very bright and clear because it is reflecting light.


e.g. Her blue eyes shone and caught the light.


e.g. ...a pair of patent shoes that shone like mirrors.


4. 光亮;光泽

Something that has a shine is bright and clear because it is reflecting light.

e.g. This gel gives a beautiful shine to the hair...


e.g. The wood had been recently polished to bring back the shine.


5. 擦亮;擦光;擦拭

If you shine a wooden, leather, or metal object, you make it bright by rubbing or polishing it.

e.g. Let him dust and shine the furniture...


e.g. His high black boots had been shined to a gleaming finish.


6. (技巧或活动方面)出色,出类拔萃

Someone who shines at a skill or activity does it extremely well.


e.g. Did you shine at school?...


e.g. He failed to shine academically.


7. see also: shining

8. 一见倾心;一见钟情;一眼就看上

If you say that someone has taken a shine to another person, you mean that he or she liked them very much at their first meeting.

e.g. Seems to me you've taken quite a shine to Miss Richmond.


9. rain or shine -> see rain

shine 单语例句

1. These items are ideal gifts to put on the table or by the window as they shine both under sunlight and candlelight.

2. As I look towards the window, bright sun rays shine through rows of cassava trees.

3. The upcoming Universiade is not only for athletes from around the world, but also an event that gives volunteers a chance to shine.

4. While he is more than a little stiff in the dialogue scenes, his natural charisma and likability shine through.

5. On a pleasant spring or fall afternoon, the sun's rays shine through the glass to keep diners warm and full of cheer.

6. This pink gift box collection is perfect for your young girlfriend who is determined to shine at the Christmas party.

7. One of those daredevil cleaners who shine the exterior of tall buildings got a taste of how dangerous the job can get.

8. The cars that clog the ring roads shine as though they were driven off the dealership lots.

9. Liu's powerful voice in his unique pop style will shine with his trademark songs such as Crescent Moon.

10. The top five also included Supreme Court judge Brenda Hale and Elisabeth Murdoch, chair of television company Shine Group and daughter of media mogul Rupert Murdoch.

shineshine 英英释义



1. the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light

Synonym: radianceradiancyeffulgencerefulgencerefulgency



1. make (a surface) shine

e.g. shine the silver, please

polish my shoes

Synonym: polishsmoothsmoothen

2. experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion

e.g. She was beaming with joy

Her face radiated with happiness

Synonym: glowbeamradiate

3. have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink

e.g. Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna

Synonym: glowbeamradiate

4. be shiny, as if wet

e.g. His eyes were glistening

Synonym: glitterglistenglintgleam

5. touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly

e.g. Light fell on her face

The sun shone on the fields

The light struck the golden necklace

A strange sound struck my ears

Synonym: fallstrike

6. be clear and obvious

e.g. A shining example

7. be distinguished or eminent

e.g. His talent shines

8. throw or flash the light of (a lamp)

e.g. Shine the light on that window, please

9. emit light

be bright, as of the sun or a light

e.g. The sun shone bright that day

The fire beamed on their faces

Synonym: beam

10. be bright by reflecting or casting light

e.g. Drive carefully--the wet road reflects

Synonym: reflect