

scratch:[英 [skrætʃ] 美 [skrætʃ] ]


过去式:scratched;   过去分词:scratched;   现在分词:scratching;   复数形式:scratches;

scratch 基本解释

及物动词擦,刮; 擦痛,擦伤; 在…处搔痒; 抓破

不及物动词发出刮擦声; 擦红,擦伤; 搔痒; 抓,扒

名词擦,刮; 刮擦声; 搔痕; 乱写乱画

形容词打草稿用的,随便写用的; 碰巧的,侥幸的; 东拼西凑的; 平等比赛的

scratch 相关词组


1. up to scratch : 合格, 处于良好状态;

2. from scratch : 从零开始, 从无到有, 白手起家;

3. without a scratch : 丝毫未受伤, 安然无恙;

scratch 相关例句


1. scratch的反义词

1. His name was scratched from the list.


2. He scratched a note and put it on her desk.


3. The cat scratched a hole in the ground.




1. A dog scratched at the door to be let in.


scratch 网络解释

1. 刮伤:不断的腐蚀氧化所形成的微抛光屑,经抛光液的化学去聚合作用与冲除,而达到移除的目的. 最佳的抛光反应机构是当机械力与化学力二者处於平衡时的状态. 抛光过程中,若有过於激烈的机械力作用,将造成刮伤(Scratch).

2. 刮痕:洛氏( Rockwell)硬度,邵氏(Shore)硬度,莫氏(Mohs)硬度,刮痕(scratch)硬度和维氏(vickers)硬度等玻璃化温度(Glass transition temperature) 无定形或半结晶聚合物从粘流态或高弹态向玻璃态转变(或相反的转变)的较窄温度范围的近似中点,

3. 暂存:首先,可以选择特点(feature)显示在Gallery网站管理区域中已安装的外观主题里. 其次,可以编辑外观主题模板及风格页文件. 最后,你还可以创建自己的外观主题--在已有外观主题的基础上或者是借由暂存(scratch).

4. 划痕:b)压延(轧制)、热处理工序,出现的质量问题.如:热处理时由于没有控制好温度,所导致的气泡、韧性不足、成色不足,晶粒粗大等现象,压延油、灰尘、金属屑(chip)等杂物附着,划痕(scratch)等.

scratch 双语例句

1. Cat scratch disease is an infectious disease. Bartonella henselae is the etiologic agent in most cases of CSD.


2. scratch的近义词

2. Water Works stickers eight lines, specializing in the production of water stickers, water transfer printing, thermal transfer, screen printing, Ribena, stickers, ceramics, glass decals, scratch music, tattoo stickers, high temperature US-profile rubber......


3. As you do, I did some research and ended up writing a new class from scratch.


4. You scratch and scratch until the blood comes, but you can't get permanently deloused.


5. Such as: weight is the weight of half the crystal steel doors, anti-knocking, scratch resistance, corrosion resistance, high temperature, waterproof, non-color, easy cleaning, and environmental protection advantages of


6. If you want to fly with the eagles, you can`t scratch with the turkeys.


7. By the information analysis of fold, reverse fault, angular unconformity contact relation, jointing, scratch, microstructure and acoustic emission testing, we can know that compression activity of Jiaolai basin has three stages.


8. It is as though you were to pull a sharp knife in a straight line across a rotating disc; the scratch on the surface would be curved rather than straight.


9. The new paint wont adhere to the walls so I'll have to strip it all off and start from scratch.


10. The new paint won't adhere to the walls so I'll have to strip it all off and start from scratch.


11. scratch

11. You can even start with one of their recipes and modify it to your tastes, so you don`t have to start from scratch.


12. Result management system management system teacher may manage student s each study result and may free scratch seeks the summer resident feeling, thanks.


13. To date, we have around 1, 200- furniture items, made from wide ranging materials such as sisal, carpet, anti-scratch carpet, long plush or short plush.


14. Therefore, from appearance, it is almost invisible The reason why we use soft rubber is that it can effecively resist the scratch and scrab of the peddles.


15. If you sit in the sofa, the cat will scratch away at you.


16. You don't get to screw around on me, take my money and then walk away without a scratch.


17. How do you decide when you should start from scratch and throw away existing code versus refactor it?


18. It wrecked his car, but he was wearing his seat belt and that saved his skin -- he walked away without a scratch.



19. Seat belt and that saved his skin —— he walked away without a scratch.


20. scratch的反义词

20. Double spacing Chang Chin-paper plate import too tight, trying to enter the card surface scratch produced


scratch 词典解释

1. 给…搔痒;给…挠痒

If you scratch yourself, you rub your fingernails against your skin because it is itching.

e.g. He scratched himself under his arm...


e.g. The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side...


2. 划伤;划出痕迹

If a sharp object scratches someone or something, it makes small shallow cuts on their skin or surface.

e.g. The branches tore at my jacket and scratched my hands and face...


e.g. Knives will scratch the worktop.


3. 划痕;擦痕

Scratches on someone or something are small shallow cuts.


e.g. The seven-year-old was found crying with scratches on his face and neck...

那名 7 岁男孩被发现时正在哭泣,脸部和颈部都有划伤。

e.g. I pointed to a number of scratches in the tile floor.


4. 从零开始;从头做起;白手起家

If you do something from scratch, you do it without making use of anything that has been done before.

e.g. Building a home from scratch can be both exciting and challenging...


e.g. Hong Kong's manufacturing industry did not start from scratch in the post-war period.


5. 苦苦琢磨;绞尽脑汁

If you say that someone is scratching their head, you mean that they are thinking hard and trying to solve a problem or puzzle.

e.g. The Institute spends a lot of time scratching its head about how to boost American productivity.


6. 触及表面;隔靴搔痒;浅尝辄止

If you only scratch the surface of a subject or problem, you find out or do a small amount, but not enough to understand or solve it.

e.g. Officials say they've only scratched the surface of the drug problem...


e.g. We had only two weeks to tour Malaysia, which was hardly enough time to scratch the surface.


7. 达到标准;合格;令人满意

If you say that someone or something is not up to scratch, you mean that they are not good enough.


e.g. My mother always made me feel I wasn't coming up to scratch.


scratch 单语例句scratch在线翻译

1. In order to carry on their business, they started to learn English from scratch.

2. But for Shorty S and other scratch DJs, there is hope.

3. The Czech Republic is a good case study of a country that has built a light aircraft industry from scratch.

4. The gritty White Sox had to scratch and claw for every win all year, and October was no different.

5. A young Beijing man was arrested after he used a coin to scratch 27 parked cars in a residential district.

6. But alternative fuel commercial vehicles can be developed based on the current platforms of manufacturers, rather than starting from scratch.

7. China relied completely on itself when it developed its space industry from scratch, and has made constant progress through making independent innovations.

8. Most of us have forgotten how to cook a pot of rice from scratch, so dependent are we are on the easy magic of the electric rice cooker.

9. " Glass lodged in my right eye and proceeded to scratch my cornea, " the actress tells PEOPLE exclusively.

10. It was a tough decision, and she left behind a strong support network to start from scratch.

scratch 英英释义


1. an indication of damage

Synonym: scrapescarmark

2. (golf) a handicap of zero strokes

e.g. a golfer who plays at scratch should be able to achieve par on a course

3. poor handwriting

Synonym: scribblescrawlcacography

4. a harsh noise made by scraping

e.g. the scrape of violin bows distracted her

Synonym: scrapescrapingscratching

5. dry mash for poultry

Synonym: chicken feed

6. a line indicating the location of the start of a race or a game

Synonym: startstarting linescratch line

7. a competitor who has withdrawn from competition

8. informal terms for money

Synonym: boodlebreadcabbageclamsdinerodoughgeltkalelettucelollylucrelootmoolahpelfshekelssimoleonssugarwampum

9. a depression scratched or carved into a surface

Synonym: incisionprickslitdent

10. an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off

Synonym: abrasionscrapeexcoriation



1. cause friction

e.g. my sweater scratches

Synonym: rubfrayfretchafe

2. cut the surface of

wear away the surface of

Synonym: scrapescratch up

3. carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface

e.g. engrave a pen

engraved the trophy cupt with the winner's

the lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree

Synonym: engravegraveinscribe

4. gather (money or other resources) together over time

e.g. She had scraped together enough money for college

they scratched a meager living

Synonym: scrapescrape upcome up

5. remove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line

e.g. Please strike this remark from the record

scratch that remark

Synonym: strikeexpungeexcise

6. scrape or rub as if to relieve itching

e.g. Don't scratch your insect bites!

Synonym: rubitch

7. postpone indefinitely or annul something that was scheduled

e.g. Call off the engagement

cancel the dinner party

we had to scrub our vacation plans

scratch that meeting--the chair is ill

Synonym: cancelcall offscrub