

inspiration:[英 [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˌɪnspəˈreʃən] ]



inspiration 基本解释


名词灵感; 吸气; 鼓舞人心的人或事; 启发灵感的人(或事物)

inspiration 同义词


inspiration 反义词




inspiration 相关词组

1. have a sudden inspiration : 灵机一动;

inspiration 相关例句


1. I cannot write without inspiration.


2. Poets and artists often draw their inspiration from nature.


3. His wife was a constant inspiration to him.


4. After a good night's sleep, he had a brilliant inspiration.


inspiration 网络解释

1. 吸气:呼吸作用包括吸气(inspiration)--吸入氧气,和呼气(expiration)--呼出二氧化碳等废气. 肺能把氧气运送到血液中并且带走废气. 所有的高级动物都有肺,但低级动物和植物依靠别的方式实现呼吸作用. 在胸腔(chest cavity,


2. 鼓舞:我觉得,鼓舞(inspiration)的真义与被鼓舞成为另外一个人是不同的. 因为在一个学习的过程,观察另外一个人的成功能帮助确认你个人的形象与对未来可能性的视野,但你的视野最终属于你自己的,而不是别人的. 从那一点开始,你从模仿他人,

3. inspiration

3. inspiration:insp; 以信念及理念激励

inspiration 双语例句

1. inspiration

1. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.


2. Their theories can still serve as a great source of inspiration for us.


3. inspiration的翻译

3. Dark spirit is cruel go to get billowy and frequent girl with inspiration, once she is in suddenly pay mad state, everywhere hold tight lives the person asks: Does scabbard of neon of さ of trade of easy ruthenium of drop of prize n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor cut?


4. inspiration的近义词

4. You are an inspiration to me, brother Paladin.


5. This is what I get through this act of inspiration.


6. It`s a traditional Shaker-style timber-frame water-mill and I got the inspiration for it from a yoghurt pot that had a picture of Glade Creek, Virginia, on it, he explains.

它是座传统的、夏克尔风格的木结构水磨坊,我从一个绘有弗吉尼亚州Glade Creek式磨坊的酸奶罐子那里获得了灵感,他解释说。

7. He sifted through back issues of the magazine, hoping to find some inspiration for his essay.


8. Since the Council of Trent it is not permitted for a Catholic to question the inspiration of these passages.


9. inspiration

9. With the increasing development of the automotive industry, automobile body has become used for some artists to display their artistic inspiration, show a unique vector of visual culture.


10. To some extent, he considers that there are some similarities between space-time concept, vaccum concept and also questions, which formed on the basis of precision experiments by modern physist, and the knowledge about universe, which formed through contemplate and inspiration by Buddhist philosophist.


11. He will bring sudden flashes of inspiration, brilliant brainstorming, and an intuitive ability to work with groups of people into your life.


12. Janet`s work concerns people, culture, community and identity. She works collaboratively, drawing inspiration from individual dancers as well as the world around her.

她曾为爱尔兰舞剧院、南非The Playhouse Company、德国弗赖堡舞剧院、以色列Batsheva、巴西Cisne Negra等国际团体编排创作,为英国国家芭蕾舞团创作儿童作品、与皇家莎士比亚剧院等团体合作,涉足歌剧与戏剧领域。

13. The beauty of that moment on Koh Samui provided me with such inspiration.


14. Since the development of artificial intelligence has provided new inspiration to the research of fault diagnosis, the application of artificial immunity mechanism in fault diagnosis is researched in this paper and new fault diagnosis methods are developed.


15. inspiration的解释

15. Rongshui Miao Autonomous County of rich ethnic customs: the colorful Lusheng foot hall dance, Mans Colombian dance, drawing inspiration, toast dance and fighting horse horse racing, fighting birds and other little-known practices.


16. And his own exquisite Franciscan spirit, as it is called, passing out into the wide world, became an abiding source of inspiration.


17. Those critical requirements called for a new type of hybrid system, and for design inspiration G. M.


18. The 5th day, see eventually by day, advocate the article of the station was collected eventually, although collect, added 100 pages only, but the erratum method that can prove me however is effectual, also gave me a lot of inspiration.


19. Beibei source of inspiration: The Chinese New Year pictures - in more than Lin, Chinese traditional patterns of fish, water wave patterns.


20. King James draws inspiration from the sight of the bumboat woman frozen in the ice and a carnival is arranged to `curry favour` with his subjects.


inspiration 词典解释

1. 灵感;启示;启发

Inspiration is a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something, which gives you new and creative ideas.

e.g. My inspiration comes from poets like Baudelaire and Jacques Prévert...


e.g. What better way of finding inspiration for your own garden than by visiting others.


2. 激励(者);鼓舞(者)

If you describe someone or something good as an inspiration, you mean that they make you or other people want to do or achieve something.

e.g. Powell's unusual journey to high office is an inspiration to millions...


e.g. She was a great inspiration. She was the person who impressed us with the importance of research.


3. 灵感来源;原型

If something or someone is the inspiration for a particular book, work of art, or action, they are the source of the ideas in it or act as a model for it.

e.g. India's myths and songs are the inspiration for her books...


e.g. The inspiration behind the reforms was a paper written in 1985.

改革的想法源于 1985 年的一篇论文。

4. 妙计;好办法

If you suddenly have an inspiration, you suddenly think of an idea of what to do or say.

e.g. Alison had an inspiration.


inspiration 单语例句

1. Miley hopes to have settled down by the time she's 26, after taking inspiration from her own mother.

2. Guo and his colleagues invited a renowned Chinese calligrapher to write several samples, deriving some inspiration from the process.

3. The young acrobats are dressed in vibrantly colored costumes that draw inspiration from Chinese cultural elements such as ink calligraphy and Peking Opera.

4. His works gradually came to take more inspiration from his personal life.

5. Zhu drew his inspiration for this vessel from the legend of a celestial being who flew to the heavens in a canoe.

6. The former England football captain has stripped down for a futuristic photoshoot that appears to owe its inspiration to the Terminator films.

7. That proved a pivotal decision as the game turned on its head inside three minutes with Marshall again Celtic's inspiration.

8. The young artist employs both traditional Chinese ceramic art and modern industries as a tool and inspiration for his work.

9. Maybe his adaptability has become the source from where his inspiration for words derive.

10. Kevin Jenne's inspiration comes from the theme of architecture, using a comparison of color to add vitality to the scene.

inspiration 英英释义


1. the act of inhaling

the drawing in of air (or other gases) as in breathing

Synonym: inhalationaspirationintakebreathing in

2. arousing to a particular emotion or action

Synonym: stirring

3. a product of your creative thinking and work

e.g. he had little respect for the inspirations of other artists

after years of work his brainchild was a tangible reality

Synonym: brainchild

4. (theology) a special influence of a divinity on the minds of human beings

e.g. they believe that the books of Scripture were written under divine guidance

Synonym: divine guidance

5. a sudden intuition as part of solving a problem

6. arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity