

ashore:[英 [əˈʃɔ:(r)] 美 [əˈʃɔr, əˈʃor] ]


ashore 基本解释

副词上岸; 上陆; 在岸上; 在陆上

ashore 同义词


副词on land


ashore 反义词


ashore 相关例句


1. Pull the boat ashore!


2. He was rowing the boat ashore.




1. The old sailor longed for life ashore.


ashore 网络解释


1. 岸上:ashamed 羞愧的 | ashore 岸上 | Asia 亚洲

2. ashore的解释

2. 向岸地:ashman 清洁工 | ashore 向岸地 | ashpan 炉火盘

3. 在岸上;向岸上;到岸上:ashore 岸上 | ashore 在岸上;向岸上;到岸上 | ashpit 灰坑

4. 在岸上:adore 崇拜 | ashore 在岸上 | before 在...前面

ashore 双语例句

1. ashore的翻译

1. At one o'clock the `Rangoon'was at the quay, and the passengers were going ashore



2. IT was about half-past one - three bells in the sea phrase that the two boats went ashore from the Hispaniola.


3. With this method, the soil is dumped into a pit, which has been dredge d previously, and is dumped up by a plain suction dredge r. This dredge r then pumps it ashore through a floating and fixed pipe.


4. ashore的解释

4. However, when the tide was out, I got most of the pieces of cable ashore, and some of the iron, tho'with infinite labour; for I was fain to dip for it into the water, a work which fatigu'd me very much.


5. The next Day I made another Voyage; and now having plunder`d the Ship of what was portable and fit to hand out, I began with the Cables; and cutting the great Cable into Pieces, such as I could move, I got two Cables and a Hawser* on Shore, with all the Iron Work I could get; and having cut down the Spritsail-yard, and the Missen-yard, and every Thing I could to make a large Raft, I loaded it with all those heavy Goods, and came away: But my good Luck began now to leave me; for this Raft was so unweildy, and so overloaden, that after I was enter`d the little Cove, where I had landed the rest of my Goods, not being able to guide it so handily as I did the other, it overset, and threw me and all my Cargoe into the Water; as for my self it was no great Harm, for I was near the Shore; but as to my Cargoe, it was great Part of it lost, especially the Iron, which I expected would have been of great Use to me: However, when the Tide was out, I got most of the Pieces of Cable ashore, and some of the Iron, tho` with infinite Labour; for I was fain to dip for it into the Water, a Work which fatigu`d me very much: After this I went every Day on Board, and brought away what I could get.


6. ashore的翻译

6. The next Day I made another Voyage; and now having plunder'd the Ship of what was portable and fit to hand out, I began with the Cables; and cutting the great Cable into Pieces, such as I could move, I got two Cables and a Hawser on Shore, with all the Iron Work I could get; and having cut down the Spritsail-yard, and the Missen-yard, and every Thing I could to make a large Raft, I loaded it with all those heavy Goods, and came away: But my good Luck began now to leave me; for this Raft was so unwieldy, and so overloaden, that after I was enter'd the little Cove, where I had landed the rest of my Goods, not being able to guide it so handily as I did the other, it overset, and threw me and all my Cargo into the Water; as for my self it was no great Harm, for I was near the Shore; but as to my Cargo, it was great Part of it lost, especially the Iron, which I expected would have been of great Use to me: However, when the Tide was out, I got most of the Pieces of Cable ashore, and some of the Iron, tho'with infinite Labour; for I was fain to dip for it into the Water, a Work which fatigu'd me very much: After this I went every Day on Board, and brought away what I could get.


7. While under enemy fire, the Peary maneuvered close to shore and shot a line ashore from her Lykes gun, over which she supplied the troops with ammunition and food until they defeated the attack. Illustration from Mast Magazine, Oct.


8. The large cargo door at the side of the lander hissed opened and three men in battle gear splashed ashore, surrounded by battle bots and tracked vehicles.


9. The popular co-founder of Médecins Sans Frontières, a charity, who once waded ashore in Somalia carrying a sack of rice, looks out of place besuited in his grand office at the Quai d'Orsay.


10. In this, of course, she failed, and, being on fire, most of her crew killed or wounded, she ran ashore


11. That tsunami was so strong as to destroy a number of ships berthed and buildings ashore.



12. After going ashore, he found a forest of mulberry trees and an orchard, in which there were a lot


13. I'm just a normal boy That sank when I fell overboard My ship would leave the country But I'd rather swim ashore Without a life that's sadly stuck again Wish I was much more masculine Maybe then I could learn to swim Like'fourteen miles away'You're floating up and down I spin, colliding into sound Like whales beneath me diving down I'm sinking to the bottom of my Everything that freaks me out The lighthouse beam has just run out I'm cold as cold as cold can be be I want to swim away but don't know how Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean Let the waves up take me down Let the hurricane set in motion Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down Let the rain come down Where is the coastguard I keep looking each direction For a spotlight, give me something I need something for protection Maybe flotsam junk will do just fine The jets, I'm sunk, I'm left behind I'm treading for my life believe me (How can I keep up this breathing) Not knowing how to think I scream aloud, begin to sink My legs and arms are broken down With envy for the solid ground I'm reaching for the life within me How can one man stop his ending I thought of just your face Relaxed, and floated into space I want to swim away but don't know how Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean Let the waves up take me down Let the hurricane set in motion Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down Let the rain come down Let the rain come down Now waking to the sun I calculate what I had done Like jumping from the bow Just to prove I knew how It's midnight's late reminder of The loss of her, the one I love My will to quickly end it all So thought no end my need to fall Into the ocean, end it all Into the ocean, end it all Into the ocean, end it all into the ocean...end it all Into the ocean end it all Into the ocean end it all Into the ocean end it all I want to swim away but don't know how Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean Let the waves up take me down Let the hurricane set in motion Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down Let the rain come down Let the rain come down Into the ocean end it all Into the ocean end it all Into the ocean end it all Into the ocean end it all Into the ocean end it all Into the ocean end it all Into the ocean end it all Into the ocean end it all Into the ocean end it all Into the ocean end it all goodbye


14. He threatened to put Balboa ashore on one of the rocky islets.


15. ashore的反义词

15. The young sailor jumped into the skiff, and sat down in the stern sheets, with the order that he be put ashore at La Canebire


16. ashore的意思

16. Moreover, taking pets ashore is forbidden in this port. Now you've got Free Pratique.


17. ashore的解释

17. The very not easy dog finally robbed a gold lock to go ashore.


18. Local villagers have reported finding several bodies, among -- lifejacket debris and lifejackets that washed shore ashore.



19. The sailors rowed us and the supplies ashore.


20. ashore的近义词

20. Four naval infantry companies, supported by an Army machine-gun company itself reinforced by sailors, rowed ashore.


ashore 词典解释

1. 上岸;到陆地上

Someone or something that comes ashore comes from the sea onto the shore.


e.g. Oil has come ashore on a ten mile stretch to the east of Plymouth...


e.g. Once ashore, the vessel was thoroughly inspected.


ashore 单语例句

1. Forecasters expect Frances to strengthen over the Gulf of Mexico and then come ashore again near Apalachicola Bay on the Florida Panhandle.

2. Forecasters predicted it would come ashore along the central Texas coast between Galveston and Corpus Christi.

3. Li said typhoons had not come ashore in Shanghai for some years.

4. The husband had left his boat adrift and sneaked back ashore on a different boat as a major sea search was launched.

5. The dead whales were lying ashore with most of their bodies out of water.

6. After 2 km the strong swimmer managed to struggle ashore where he promptly fainted from the shock the ordeal.

7. Ivan was forecast to roar ashore late on Wednesday or early on Thursday, on or near the border between Mississippi and Alabama.

8. Female walruses and their young have come ashore during late summer and fall in four of the last five years on Alaska's northwest coast.

9. They immediately drove ashore and took her to their home for first aid and notify police.

10. His mortal enemies are washed ashore onto an enchanted island inhabited by spirits and half monsters.

ashore 英英释义



1. towards the shore from the water

e.g. we invited them ashore