

alone:[英 [əˈləʊn] 美 [əˈloʊn] ]


alone 基本解释

形容词单独的; 独一无二的; 独自的

副词单独地; 独自地; 孤独地; 只,只有

alone 同义词



alone 反义词




alone 相关词组

1. all alone : 独立地;

2. let sb. alone : 听其自然; 不要去管; 让某人独自留在那;

alone 相关例句


1. alone

1. She watches TV when she is alone.


2. He was alone in the house.


3. The rent alone is $300.



1. alone是什么意思

1. For years Mary lived alone in New York.


2. He went home alone.



3. I can do it alone.


alone 情景对话



A:You know, Ralph, since I started speaking English all the time my pronunciations getting better and even the grammars beginning to make some sense. But I dont think Ill ever be able to spell.


B:Youre not alone there.I have trouble with spelling too. When I was in grade school. I learned which words were the most frequently misspelled. But I never did learn how to spell them.

不是你一个人如此。我在拼音方面也有困难。当我上小学的时候,我知道哪些词是经常拼错的, 但我没有学会如何拼这些词。

A:Since its so difficult, why is it so important to learn how to spell properly?


B:Because if you spell satisfactorily, youre considered educated.If you dont, youre not.

因为如果你能准确无误地拼音,人家就会把你看作受到教育的人。 否则,在别人眼里你是个缺乏教育的人。

alone 网络解释

1. alone

1. 一个人:同一系列还有其他三本,阅读的风貌(Fashions of Reading),一个人(Alone)和词典的两个世界(A History of Dictionaries). 我看到的标题时,第一反应的是music matters(虽然并不搭啦),其实是Something about Music,anyway~~

2. 单独的:当你是单独一个人--尽管 它并不真正是单独的(alone),你就开始感到寂寞. 寂寞(loneliness)是别人的不在 (absence),孤独(aloneness)是自己的在场(presence). 你开始感到寂寞,你必须要 拿什么东西来填充. 一个那莫卡可以办得到,

alone 双语例句

1. No, tho'I had been inclin'd to it, which I was not, nor could not abide the thoughts of it, tho'I was all alone.


2. No, tho'I had been inclin'd to it, which I was not, nor could not abide the tho ughts of it, tho'I was all alone.


3. The many hours of each day in which he was left entirely alone were but too favourable for the admission of every melancholy idea.


4. It was a happy time, but still unfulfilling for the lives of spirit children were of thought alone.



5. Plain radiographs alone were adequate for 194 (48%) of the 407 patients.


6. alone

6. And alone and without his nest shall the eagle fly across the sun.


7. Beautiful Day You're Ruining, Isn't It? Do Me A Favor, Please, And Leave Serena Alone.


8. Like an usual day we went to school, Toshie thought she could let kitties hanging around so she opened bedroom's door let cats could take a walk(Adan was locked in my room alone). But after I came home, I saw Toshie hold Margaret and 2ndKen and little-Ken crying, I asked her what's wrong. And realize that 2nd-Ken and little-Ken super running in the house, and crashed the jossand joss stick.



9. Aimed at PPP projects` risk distribution problem, cooperative game theory is introduced. Some of the PPP project risks can be taken alone, the others need two or more partners` cooperative effort. For the latter, shapley value method is used to determine the income of interested parties from shared risk. The income is normalized to obtain weights of interested parties. Then the risk value which each partner should undertake is determined. And an example is given to illustrate this method.


10. alone的反义词

10. By this curious turn of disposition I have gained the reputation of deliberate heartlessness; how undeserved, I alone can appreciate.


11. On the other hand, Pakistan's sister close by his father, the Palestinian anger can not be closed brown, chopped angrily to his father and seriously injured, and its de facto abolition Chai boyfriend alone.


12. alone的翻译

12. SuperCache and SuperCache II use patented block-level caching technology to raise system performance far beyond that of the NT file-level cache alone.

SuperCache和SuperCache II使用获得专利的块级高速缓存技术来提升系统的性能,这种技术远胜于单纯使用NT文件级的高速缓存。

13. According to the company's assessment, the findings'mass production and entrance to the market may happen after two years, and its output value in Taiwan alone can go beyond two billion NT dollars. The company will nonetheless focus on the markets in Japan, China and South-East Asia.


14. I'm not alone in the crowd, but I feel lonely.


15. For You are great, and You do wondrous deeds; You alone are God.

86:10 因你为大,且行奇妙的事;惟独你是神。

16. For you are great, and do wondrous things: you are God alone.


17. alone的解释

17. For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God.


18. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.


19. This victory alone is not the change we seek — it is only the chanc e for us to make that change.


20. Moment, I have white hair, who flooded the thick layer of snow, his clothes soaked, I slowed down the pace of the road, slowly in the white world of a person walking alone, I do do not fear what they will get wet, do not want anything I just want to bring into their own in such a simple world.


alone 词典解释

1. 独自的

When you are alone, you are not with any other people.


e.g. There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation...


e.g. He was all alone in the middle of the hall.


2. 单独的(无其他人在场的)

If one person is alone with another person, or if two or more people are alone, they are together, without anyone else present.

e.g. I couldn't imagine why he would want to be alone with me...


e.g. My brother and I were alone with Vincent.


3. 孤苦伶仃的;无依无靠的;孤单的

If you say that you are alone or feel alone, you mean that nobody who is with you, or nobody at all, cares about you.


e.g. Never in her life had she felt so alone, so abandoned...


e.g. He found himself alone in a hostile world.


4. 仅仅;只

You say that one person or thing alone does something when you are emphasizing that only one person or thing is involved.

e.g. You alone should determine what is right for you...


e.g. They were convicted on forensic evidence alone.


5. 单单(强调部分或整体的数量)

If you say that one person or thing alone is responsible for part of an amount, you are emphasizing the size of that part and the size of the total amount.

e.g. The BBC alone is sending 300 technicians, directors and commentators...


e.g. Megastars like Jack Nicholson, who made $500 million from Batman alone, are unlikely to be affected.


6. 唯一的

If someone is alone in doing something, they are the only person doing it, and so are different from other people.

e.g. Newcastle is far from alone. Colleges around the country have developed programmes of student support...


e.g. Am I alone in thinking that this scandal should finish his career?


7. 独力;单独

When someone does something alone, they do it without help from other people.


e.g. Bringing up a child alone should give you a sense of achievement...


e.g. He was working alone and did not have an accomplice.


8. 单独行动;独自干

If you go it alone, you do something without any help from other people.


e.g. I missed the stimulation of working with others when I tried to go it alone.


9. to leave someone or something alone -> see leave

let alone -> see let

alone 单语例句alone

1. But then again, promotion gimmicks alone won't a movie industry make.

2. Lu is not alone in feeling cheated by the Shenyang Blood Donation Administration.

3. Zou managed the other two days by himself and returned home alone.

4. Shilton was by no means alone in his criticism of a seamless, unusually smooth ball hailed by manufacturers adidas as " perfectly round ".

5. The banking business involves risks and its corporate culture cannot be managed by outside regulation alone.

6. " No one can suggest with a straight face that these MPs were acting alone, " Womack told reporters.

7. The graphic book by the Japanese illustrator offers warm and fuzzy stories of living alone in a city.

8. Many companies worldwide operate CA businesses with several dozen in China alone.

9. Shen told the paper he was not suing for the money alone but hoped his action would urge the air carrier to improve its services.

10. Last year alone, the cabinet allocated 420 billion yuan from the government treasury for rural development.

alone 英英释义


1. without any others being included or involved

e.g. was entirely to blame

a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children

he works for Mr. Smith exclusively

did it solely for money

the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone

a privilege granted only to him

Synonym: entirelyexclusivelysolelyonly

2. without anybody else or anything else

e.g. the child stayed home alone

the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing

he flew solo

Synonym: solounaccompanied