

log:[英 [lɒg] 美 [lɔ:g] ]


过去式:logged;   过去分词:logged;   现在分词:logging;   复数形式:logs;

log 基本解释

名词日志; 记录; 原木

动词伐木; 把…载入正式记录; 行驶


log 相关词组

1. in the log : 未经加工;

2. sleep like a log : 熟睡;

log 相关例句


1. How many hours have you logged?


2. log什么意思

2. How many hours did the plane log in the sky between April 30 and May 15?


3. We'll log another section of the area today.



1. log的近义词

1. The captain of the ship entered the details in the log.


2. The captain described the wreck accident in details in the ship's log.


log 网络解释

1. 原木:( 1 )原木(log)是指伐倒并除去树皮、树枝和树梢的树干. ( 2 )锯材( sawn lumber )是指由原木锯制而成的任何尺寸的成品材或半成品材. 锯材又分方木( square timber )、板材( plank )和规格材( dimension lumber ).

2. 系统日志:在构架设计过程中,设计师(Architect)必须完成对技术和运行平台的选取,整个项目的基础框架(Framework)的设计,完成对公共组件的设计,如审计(Auditing) 系统,日志(Log) 系统,错误处理(Exception Handling) 系统,安全(Security) 系统等.

3. 日志文件:7.日志文件(Log)AE在渲染的同时可以生成一个文本范式(TXT)的日志文件,该文件可以记载渲染纰缪的缘故原由及其它信息,咱们可以在渲染信息窗户入眼到生存该文件的路径信息.

4. log:logistics; 后勤支持

5. log:logbook; 通信记录簿

6. log:laplacian of gaussian operator; log算子

7. log:laplacian of gaussian; 高斯调和量算子

log 双语例句

1. log

1. At first This paper formulates the necessity for depurating network information content, and introduces the history of information security and study point in information security. Also this paper analyses in detail the key technology of content filtering such as data frame capture, bridge, network protocol analysis and content analysis. And then this paper comes up with the solution for content filtering facing application layer which is based on the technology of protocol analysis and format conversion in combination with text filtering techonology of Multiple Patterns Matching..Also this paper amplifies on the design and the implement method of each module. Finally this paper introduces how the client of content filtering system manages the keywords and log and makes suggestion for the improvement of the system.



2. Data preprocessing method of Web log mining is studied. Frame pages filtering and overtime threshold value seting are analyzed. The improved method based on induction of decision tree(ID3) algorithm and threshold value dynamic amendment algorithm is proposed.


3. log的反义词

3. Hey guys i'm bridget daly, here at the twilight premier in west way. this is madness(or magnets, i'm not sure). this people had been here since last night. it's crazy, before we get the scoop on the right card board, log on to hollyscoop. com, become an illustrator, and this could be use in the right hand of right card bin, let's go and get the scoop.

嘿,你们好,我是bridget daly,这里是在西边首要暮光之城的宣传地,着真让人发疯了,这些粉丝们从昨天晚上开始在这等,真是太疯狂了,在我们进去以前,登陆hollyscoop.com,成为其中一个解说者,然后这个可以在右手边的箱子里使用,让我们进去然后要到采访吧!

4. Make a log book part of your bass fishing equipment.


5. On pre-stack seismic reservoir prediction is concerned, AVO application can be grouped into two parts: One is to study the gas-bearing reservoir in response to the unusual characteristics of the AVO based on log data on seismic reflection through the AVO forward modeling. And using it as the basis for guidance inversion AVO anomalies to explain the properties based on the pre-stack seismic data; Second, proceeding AVO inversion based on pre-stack seismic data, and Extracting AVO abnormal attribute parameters, bas...



6. In order to simulate the real radar clutter environment, the use of zero-memory nonlinear transformation method of Rayleigh, log-normal distribution, K-distribution and the Weibull distribution where the clutter of different simulation and put forward A one-dimensional approach will be extended to a clutter sequence of two-dimensional sequence, a two-dimensional simulation of the peak to clutter Doppler frequency and space with the correct move frequency.


7. log的解释

7. A NEW BASE OF OPERATIONS: Revival Incidents; Going West in a Prairie Schooner, ... Following this he sat on a near-by log, without a stitch of clothing, until he...

一个新的业务基地:复苏事件;西进在一个草原schooner ,……以下这他坐在一个近由日志,没有一个缝衣,直到他。。。


8. When you keep up an Internet cafe, or simply want your users to get access that is limited in time, a perfect way is to issue a time locking code that is valid for a certain period and will automatically log off user and close all his or her programs.


9. My time log laid it all out for me, showing me all the time drains I wasn consciously aware of -- checking email too often, excessive perfectionism doing tasks that didn need to be done, over-reading the news, taking too much time for meals, succumbing to preventable interruptions, etc.


10. log的近义词

10. My time log laid it all out for me, showing me all the time drains I wasn't consciously aware of -- checking email too often, excessive perfectionism doing tasks that didn't need to be done, over-reading the news, taking too much time for meals, succumbing to preventable interruptions, etc.


11. It is a log chair as one flower basket in which lies a gray rose.


12. log的解释

12. Unable to enable trace provider for the %2 trace log configuration.

无法为 %2 跟踪日志配置启用跟踪提供程序。

13. Unable to enable any trace providers for the trace log configuration.

无法为 跟踪日志配置启用跟踪提供程序。

14. I couldn't see but a little ways, but I went poking along over rough ground for a quarter of a mile or more, and then I run across a big old-fashioned double log-house before I noticed it.


15. It is necessary to do log calibration in the course of developing log.


16. log

16. In this thesis, we researched on the signal processing in testing the velocity of Doppler log and its implementation.


17. What the thesis studies is about a new rotation system for log calibration.


18. The intrinsic viscosities, , of three sodium cellulose sulfate samples, with known molecular weight and Degree of Substitution=1, were determined at 25℃ under different ionicstrengths, I, of NaCl. vs. and logs vs.

本文测定了已知分子量的纤维素硫酸半酯钠盐在不同离子强度NaCl溶液中,25℃的特性粘数,确立了与此相对应的与1/I1/2和logs=△/△(I-1/2与 log0.1的线性关系。

19. To log on the system one has to provide the password.



20. Log10 lactobacillus counts is 6.21±1.28, log10 L. crispatus counts is 5.09±2.98. A significant increasing was in the quantity of L.


log 词典解释

1. 原木;圆材;干材

A log is a piece of a thick branch or of the trunk of a tree that has been cut so that it can be used for fuel or for making things.

e.g. He dumped the logs on the big stone hearth.


e.g. ...the original log cabin where Lincoln was born.


2. (航海等的)日志,日记

A log is an official written account of what happens each day, for example on board a ship.

e.g. The family made an official complaint to a ship's officer, which was recorded in the log.


3. (正式地)记载,记录(在纸上或计算机里)

If you log an event or fact, you record it officially in writing or on a computer.


e.g. They log everyone and everything that comes in and out of here...


e.g. Details of the crime are then logged in the computer.


4. see also: logging

相关词组:log inlog out

log 单语例句

1. Along this road stands a log pavilion warehousing the stump of the enormous camphor tree that was carved into Chairman Mao Zedong's coffin.

2. Keep a log of emails that are threatening and abusive in case you need to stand up your claim.

3. Students who log on the teaching platform need only to click on the course and chapter to bring up the relevant video lesson.

4. Interested people can log on to the official website of BOCOG to check the positions available and also to sign up for the exams.

5. Thousands of people who log on to online computer games are displaying the same signs of addiction as gamblers and drug users.

6. The colleague who took her place in her absence noticed in Cai's chat log that Cai had been talking about purchasing office supplies.

7. The bar itself is a conglomeration of log slices and white stones propped up by log posts.

8. Investigators examined the control room log book and discovered that the maintenance truck was where it was supposed to be.

9. The snow crunches beneath people's feet when they walk and the joints of the log houses creak.

10. Looking around the open dining room with its quaint rustic log cabin aesthetic, it was apparent that fondue was the most popular choice.

log 英英释义


1. measuring instrument that consists of a float that trails from a ship by a knotted line in order to measure the ship's speed through the water

2. a written record of events on a voyage (of a ship or plane)

3. a written record of messages sent or received

e.g. they kept a log of all transmission by the radio station

an email log

4. the exponent required to produce a given number

Synonym: logarithm

5. a segment of the trunk of a tree when stripped of branches



1. enter into a log, as on ships and planes

2. cut lumber, as in woods and forests

Synonym: lumber