

prevalent:[英 [ˈprevələnt] 美 [ˈprɛvələnt] ]


prevalent 基本解释


形容词流行的,盛行的; 普遍存在的,普遍发生的

prevalent 相关例句


1. They were brought up in the liberal atmosphere prevalent in the 1960s.


2. The habit of travelling by aircraft is becoming more prevalent each year.


3. Colds are prevalent in the winter.


prevalent 网络解释


1. 普遍的:社会现象可以一针见血地提出来,即社会上非常普遍的(prevalent)偶像崇拜,即追星现象. 紧接着举两例说明,贝克汉姆代表了体育方面的偶像,其招牌是英俊的外表和高超的球技. 当然,还要结合中国现实提一下典型的超级女生大赛,


2. 普遍的、流行的:43. sensational轰动的 | 44. prevalent普遍的、流行的 | 45. imperative重要的、必要的

3. 流行,盛行的:prevail 盛行,流行,占优势 | prevalent 流行,盛行的 | prevent 阻止,妨碍

4. 流行的:prevalence 流行 | prevalent 流行的 | prevaricate 支吾其辞

prevalent 双语例句

1. It can occur in any species, but seems to be prevalent in Geochelone Pardalis, the Leopard tortoise.


2. This is particularly prevalent in traditional Chinese martial arts which may teach bone-setting, qigong, acupuncture, acupressure, and other aspects of traditional Chinese medicine.


3. prevalent的近义词

3. N An American dentist pointed out that dental disease is so prevalent that in the United States 98 per cent of the population suffer from some form of dental disease.

n 有一位美国牙科医生指出,牙病非常猖獗,美国竟有百分之九十八的人患有某种齿病。

4. This phenomenon is also prevalent, mainly reflected in the district such as zoning, dry partitions, move partition, both inside and outside the district, etc.


5. Thus, 9258 women received the HPV16/18 vaccine and 9267 received the control vaccine in the total vaccinated cohort for efficacy, which included women who had prevalent oncogenic HPV infections, often with several HPV types, as well as low-grade cytological abnormalities at study entry and who received at least one vaccine dose.

因此,在所有接受效应评佑的免疫人群中,9258例接种 HPV16/18疫苗,9267例接种了对照疫苗,评估人群包括常见的致癌性HPV感染者(通常为某些亚型HPV感染)、入选时为低度细胞学异常且至少接种一剂疫苗者。

6. Israel's sins in general, prevalent among the people from olden times, deserve bitter punishment x.


7. BACKGROUND: Fracture of humeral ectocondyle is a kind of articular epiphyseal fracture. It is one of the most prevalent disorder of cubital articulation. The occurrence of fracture and the mechanical mechanism of treatment is not very well cognized in clinic.


8. prevalent在线翻译

8. Male patient was prevalent in aphasic groups, but mean age of both gender groups was no difference. The possible explanations may be adduced for our findings; one is related to the cerebrovascular changes of aging- The decrease of cerebral circulation is prominant and disseminated in increasing age. There may be changes in the cerebral blood flow associated with aging, predisposing different brain areas to stroke. The second is possible that changes in cognition, deterioration of memroy and comprehension disturbance may predispose the perception dysfunction of language or advanced language dysfunction like global aphasia in aging group.



9. Unfortunately, it is so prevalent in moral education.


10. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating Zong Zi and racing dragon boats etc. There are many tales about the origin of the Duanwu Festival, but the most prevalent one is that the festival commemorates the death of Qu Yuan, an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in Miluo river.


11. Furthermore, the cities by in large continue to trap further radiation over time due to all the electrical gadgets now prevalent therein.


12. prevalent的意思

12. There are many plants growing on the forest in order to seeds Kanafuji is most prevalent.


13. prevalent的翻译

13. Of the 88 or more square metres of the mural, the section accounts for only 20 to 30 square centimetres, yet with differing expressions on their faces, so that the complicated plot is vividly and life-likely depicted, comparable exactly to the then small scrolls of figures prevalent at the time.


14. Results: The strains of El of Vibrio cholerain in one city can be devised into 8 patterns of ribotype, among which the patterns RT1 and RT2 were the preserving strains which were latent and prevalent alternatively, while other patterns appear individually.

结果:某市埃尔托霍乱弧菌16 srRNA探针杂交可分成8种核糖体基因型别,其中RT1和RT2型二种基因型别一直作为某市的地方保留株长期潜伏循环流行,其他型别的菌株均为散在出现。


15. Disease in radish has been always an important factor affecting the production of radish in China, and the most prevalent and serious diseases are turnip mosaic virus and black rot.



16. This practice is particularly prevalent in the United States, where performance bonds are provided by insurance companies.


17. ResultsOf 48 cases, 29 cases were detected accounted for 604% trichomoniasis, a 1~3 year old age prevalent.

结果48例中检出滴虫29例,占60 4%,发病年龄以1~3岁多见。

18. ResultsOf 48 cases, 29 cases were detected accounted for 604% trichomoniasis, a 1~3 yearold age prevalent.


19. For example, one of the most prevalent, persistent fears people have is public speaking.


20. prevalent的解释

20. There are two forms of combustion prevalent upon earth.


prevalent 词典解释

1. 流行的;盛行的;普遍的

A condition, practice, or belief that is prevalent is common.

e.g. This condition is more prevalent in women than in men...


e.g. Smoking is becoming increasingly prevalent among younger women...



...the prevalence of asthma in Britain and western Europe.

英国和西欧哮喘的流行prevalent 单语例句

1. Capital gains can hardly be taxed under the prevalent tax collection regime.

2. With dating and a party culture yet to become prevalent in China, many youngsters are trapped in a narrow social circle and lead isolated lifestyles.

3. Contemplation may be prevalent today, along with a tendency to daydream.

4. And his comments on cutting production also had to be seen in context, with the view prevalent that Russian output is falling not out of choice but necessity.

5. Turton said tropical diseases such as dengue fever were likely to become more prevalent.

6. Remarkably, a calm and dispassionate attitude to the homosexual phenomenon was always prevalent in ancient China.

7. Drug addiction has become more prevalent in China over the past three decades.

8. Facilitating economic expansion but failing to cure social ills is a prevalent concern of the public.

9. The statement said volunteer services have already been prevalent in almost every social and economic sector in recent years.

10. Beijing said 17 equine diseases are prevalent in Beijing and other mainland Chinese cities.

prevalent 英英释义


1. most frequent or common

e.g. prevailing winds

Synonym: prevailingpredominantdominantrife