

mumps:[英 [mʌmps] 美 [mʌmps] ]


mumps 基本解释



mumps 网络解释

1. 流行性腮腺炎:流行性腮腺炎(Mumps)是由腮腺炎病毒引起,以腮腺无菌性炎症为主,常有多腺体损害及神经系统受损的疾病. 临床通常注重腮腺和其他腺体肿痛及脑炎、脑膜炎的表现,以血中淀粉酶升高为特点,而心肌病变常不被引起重视.

2. 腮腺炎疫苗:风疹疫苗(rubella)、麻疹-风疹-流行性腮腺炎联合疫苗(MMR)、b型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗(Hib)、白喉(diphtheria)水痘疫苗、肺炎球菌疫苗、气管炎疫苗、腮腺炎疫苗(mumps)、伤寒疫苗(typhoid)、甲型肝炎疫苗(HAV)、流行性感冒疫苗(meningococ

3. mumps在线翻译

3. 耳下腺炎:內耳炎 Labyrinthitis | 耳下腺炎 Mumps | 鼓膜破裂 Rupture of the tympanic membrane

mumps 双语例句

1. mumps的意思

1. Tom:But I haven't got measles. I've got mumps!


2. Objective To evaluate the clinical significance of serum and CSF mumps virus IgM in children with mumps meningocephalitis.



3. Methods The specific IgM in serum and CSF were detected in 97 cases who were clinically diagnosed as mumps meningocephalitis.


4. And 86.90%(73/84) respectively. Conclusion Detection of mumps virus IgM in CSF is one of the useful methods for diagnosis of mumps meningocephalitis.


5. One, the man to check Note the availability of chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, mumps, etc., understanding the living habits of injection and whether there are any difficulties in sexual intercourse, with the exception of body checks, should focus on checking whether genital malformation or lesion, in particular, is to check the semen.



6. As a child she suffered measles, mumps, scarlet fever, chicken pox, double pneumonia and eventually polio, leaving her left leg and foot weak and deformed.


7. They were asked about their immunization history and whether they had been infected with measles, mumps, or rubella. IgG antibodies to these three viruses were measured in each subject. Only 25 subjects (25%) had a copy of their childhood immunization records, and none of these records were complete.


8. mumps什么意思

8. Among inoculated 210 children of 18-24 months, observed the vice-reactions of each children in 30 m, 6 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 7 d and 9 d after inoculating vaccine, and collected serum specimen of 6th week to detect Measles, Mumps, and Rubella IgG antibody with H_1 TestHemagglutination Inhibition Test.


9. I think you are sickening for mumps.


10. Results Level of cytokine of blood serum in the children with mumps meningoencephalitis had differently rise, then i...


11. mumps

11. The root of Isatis indigotica FORTUNE, popularly known as Ban-Lan-Gen, was used in traditional Chinese medicine for seasonal febrile diseases, mumps, hepatitis, inflammatory diseases, and sore throat.

中文摘要板蓝根的基原为十字花科菘蓝Isatis indigotica FORTUNE的乾燥根,为一种清热解毒、凉血利咽的中药材,对於流感、腮腺炎、肝炎、喉痹咽肿等症状皆有疗效。

12. A leading British medical publication, the Lancet, has formally retracted a study it published 12 years ago, suggesting a link between the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, MMR, and autism.


13. mumps的意思

13. About a third of all cases of aplastic anaemia follow virus infections, especially measles, mumps and hepatitis, or are caused by drugs such as butazolidine, sulphonamides, chloramphenicol by mouth or dipyrone.

大约三分之一的所有案件再生障碍性贫血的后续病毒感染,尤其是麻疹,流行性腮腺炎和肝炎,或正在造成的药物,如butazolidine ,sulphonamides ,氯霉素,由口或


14. The mumps virus is spread in saliva and in minute airborne droplets from the coughs and sneezes of infected people.


15. Mumps is caused by a contagious virus, which is transmitted through airborne droplets from the coughs and sneezes of infected people.


16. Mumps is a children's disease.


17. He can't speak; he has mumps.



18. How's your mumps now?


19. Most cases of mumps are mild, but when complications occur they can be serious.


20. Up to 50 percent of mumps orchitis patients experience testicular atrophy, a reduction in the size of one or both testicles.


mumps 词典解释

1. 腮腺炎

Mumps is a disease usually caught by children. It causes a mild fever and painful swelling of the glands in the neck.


mumps 英英释义


1. an acute contagious viral disease characterized by fever and by swelling of the parotid glands

Synonym: epidemic parotitis