

somatic:[英 [səʊ'mætɪk] 美 [soˈmætɪk] ]


somatic 基本解释


形容词体壁; 肉体的,躯体的,身体的

somatic 网络解释

1. 身体的:基本上,所有希腊雕像都是标准的面具,就像狄奥尼索斯剧场的演员;所有的一切都以极其严格的形式付诸于表达,不论是身体的(somatic)姿态还是位置. 从观相学上说,它们都是沉默无声的,是有形的,且必然地是裸体的--确定个体的性格头像只有到了希腊化时代才出现.

2. 躯体的:这样的培训方式是以学习者的行动为中心(Activity-centered)的,同时通过体力运动及多种感官来完成培训任务,如:躯体的(Somatic)、听觉的(Auditory)、视觉的(Visual)和智力的(Intellectual),即SAVI.


3. 体的:基本上,所有希腊雕像都是标准的面具,就像狄奥尼索斯剧场的演员;所有的一切都以极其严格的形式付诸于表达,不论是身体的(somatic)姿态还是位置. 从观相学上说,它们都是沉默无声的,是有形的,且必然地是裸体的--确定个体的性格头像只有到了希腊化时代才出现.

4. 肉体的:pragmatic 实用主义的 | somatic 肉体的 | fanatic 狂热者

somatic 双语例句

1. Synstaining with succinate dehydrogenase and acetycholinase can display the clear structures of somatic motor nerve ending.


2. somatic是什么意思

2. The results indicated, somatic embryos of Lycium barbarum L. mostly came from single embryogenic cell. Finaly, embryogenic cell grew into plant after bicellular, tricellular and multicellular stage.


3. Advances in somatic embryogenesis of Rosaceae plants in recent 30 years were reviewed.


4. somatic的反义词

4. As already mentioned in the Sax family, Sox3 is expressed in the developing central nervous system and also expressed in somatic cells of the early urogenital ridge; Sox22 is expressed throughout embryonic CNS and PNS, and is also found expressing in developing mesenchymal structures, fetal kidney, heart, pancreas and gonads.


5. Also, some anther dust could form embryoid directly, then grew into young plants, conversely, somatic calli and pollen embryoid of the latter medium are fewer, but somiatic calli could be differentiated into a few flower like structure s, meanwhile, the segments of infl.


6. Somatic hybridization of B. napus with wild relatives was carried out and the technical system of plant regeneration was established.


7. somatic

7. Methods 236 subjects received operation with fatty crowed in different position were taken by ultrasonic emulsion liposuction under oncotic anesthesia to modify somatic curve pretty.


8. As will be evident in the following chapter, somatic mutations are a primary cause of human cancer.

事实上这种somatic mutation是引起人类癌症的首要原因。

9. It involves a somatic reflex arc with a modified efferent branch which passes the somatic motor impulses to the bladder and initiates autonomic bladder detrusor contraction.


10. The somatic motor axons can be regenerated into the parasympathetic endoneurial tubes of autonomic nerve. Using the survived somatic reflex under the horizon of spinal cord injury to reconstruct the bladder autonomic reflex arc by intradural microanastomosis of ventral root is practical in the canine model and may have a potential of clinical application.


11. The new bladder artificial autonomic reflex arc is established basing on the somatic reflex at the level higher than the injured con-secutive spinal cord and provides afferent passages for the transduction of bladder sensory, showing satisfactory function of conducting motor excitation.



12. Dolly (5 July 1996 – 14 February 2003) was a female domestic sheep remarkable in being the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer.



13. The malingerers tend to exaggerate their somatic and psychic pain and metaphrenia syndrome. The risk factors of schizophrenic patients becoming violent offenders may also include psychic and somatic pain, passive and depressed mood, sensitive and suspicious personality, emotional instability and insecurity.


14. Axial elongation of inner isodiametric cells of the globular somatic embryo followed by the change in the growth axis of the procambium was an important event in heart-shaped or oblong-stage somatic embryo.


15. objective:to explore the clinical character and somatic damage of inpatients with chronic alcoholism.


16. However, at present somatic and protopathic treatment still re...


17. Of the tested plants had the same fragment at all stages of PMCs and in somatic cells, but other 44% had not, among them, however, 0.76% of their anthers produced the same specific fragment only at synizesis stage, but not at other stages or in somatic cells.


18. somatic的意思

18. Using RAPD fingerprinting, we detected changes in PMCs'genomic DNA in Lilium davidii during prophase Ⅰ. The electrophoresis results revealed a specific polymorphism at synizesis stage, but not at other stages or in somatic cells.


19. BJ-6 were successfully prepared by immunized the healthy male rabbit with the antifungal protein antigen and the somatic antigen.


20. ABSTRACT A double antibody sandwich ELISA developed with the somatic antigen of E. granulosus adult worm and antibody system were used in antigen titration.


somatic 单语例句

1. Hwang succeeded in cloning the eight coyotes by transferring the nucleus of somatic cells from a donor coyote to a dog's eggs.

2. The report said that China has been successful to clone goats by adopting the fetus somatic cell of the transgenic goat and adult somatic cell.

3. The technique that led to Dolly is called somatic cell nuclear transfer and has remained essentially unchanged over the decade.

4. Hypochondria is a kind of somatic disorder in which physical symptoms cannot be fully explained by any underlying physical disorder.

5. This undated microscopic photo shows established human embryonic stem cells by somatic cell nuclear transfer during the experiment in Seoul.

6. Yangyang was the second goat cloned from somatic cells at the base.

7. The eight coyotes are the world's first cloned coyotes using somatic cells, according to the statement.

8. Several studies have shown that unemployment increases the risk of both psychiatric and somatic disorders.

9. The world's second and China's first Boer goat cloned from somatic cells was born in the northern Chinese city of Tianjin on Monday.

somaticsomatic 英英释义


1. affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit

e.g. bodily needs

a corporal defect

corporeal suffering

a somatic symptom or somatic illness

Synonym: bodilycorporalcorporeal