

boomerang:[英 [ˈbu:məræŋ] 美 [ˈbuməˌræŋ] ]


过去式:boomeranged;   过去分词:boomeranged;   现在分词:boomeranging;   复数形式:boomerangs;

boomerang 基本解释

名词自作自受; (澳大利亚)回飞镖; 伤及原提案者的言论及提议

不及物动词(计划)产生事与愿违的结果; 自食其杲


boomerang 相关例句


1. boomerang

1. His plan to reduce the number of workers boomeranged on him.


boomerang 网络解释

1. 回力镖:沿街而设的,有冰激淋和咖啡店,更有琳琅满目的商铺在兜售着各类澳洲特色纪念品如鳄鱼皮革制品、考拉和袋鼠玩偶等,或粗或细的迪吉里杜管(Didgeridoo)和或大或小回力镖(Boomerang)上,彩绘着看不懂的土著符号,古老而神秘.

boomerang 双语例句

1. Albert Memmi`s and Césaire`s sharp points of colonization`s boomerang effects on the colonizer are brought into this discussion.



2. Mark fingered his boomerang; he'd have to move quickly to keep them from setting off the alarm.


3. Boomerang defects reveal the importance of writing a test for each encountered defect before modifying the code base.



4. I will not ask my master to play fetch with a boomerang.


5. boomerang的翻译

5. The words we have borrowed from native languages of Australia, such asbillabong, budgerigar, dingo, kangaroo, koala, kookaburra, waddy, and wallaby, generally have the exotic sound of down under, andboomerang is no exception.

我们从澳大利亚本土语言借来的单词,比如billabong,budgerigar,dingo,kangaroo,koala,kookaburra,waddy 以及 wallaby 等,一般都有来自异国的声音,boomerang 也不例外。


6. The boomerang child phenomenon has become a social problem on a nationwide scale.


7. C The boomerang child phenomenon has become a social problem on a nationwide scale.



8. So different, in fact, that the Tiwis knew neither the didgeridoo nor the boomerang, and for thousands of years believed they were the only people on earth.


9. The most recognisable type is the returning boomerang, which is a throwing stick that travels in a elliptical path and returns to its point of origin when thrown correctly.


10. One family therapist, Cynthia Craves, has written that boomerang kids stride into adulthood thinking they`re entitled to the good life: a house, two cars, nice vacations. When they discover that getting these things is not easy, they run up huge amounts of credit-card debt and end up back with Mom and Dad because they cannot pay the bills.


11. boomerang的解释

11. With his free hand he unholstered his boomerang and let fly; the shriek of the weapon gave way to the sound of impact and several screams before the blade returned, smeared with blood.


12. The air tries to tip the boomerang over, which changes its angle of flight and sends it back to its owner.


13. boomerang

13. Today, I played with a boomerang my first time.


14. I got a boomerang for Christmas.


15. What we`re seeing in the Middle East is the Boomerang Syndrome.


16. boomerang的反义词

16. To achieve this goal, we needed a well-designed boomerang, and to use the correct throwing method...


17. Boomerang Generation is one of several terms applied to the current generation of young adults in Western culture.

Boomerang Generation是当代西方文化中用来描述年轻一代的几个说法之一。


18. I can use it like a boomerang to keep him in line.


19. boomerang的近义词

19. He risks defeat in the referendum which he called, but which threatens to boomerang against him.


20. If one of these children died, this whole plan is liable to boomerang on us.


boomerang 词典解释

1. 飞去来器,回力镖(澳大利亚土著人最先使用)

A boomerang is a curved piece of wood which comes back to you if you throw it in the correct way. Boomerangs were first used by the people who were living in Australia when Europeans arrived there.


2. (计划)起反作用,使自食其果

If a plan boomerangs, its result is not the one that was intended and is harmful to the person who made the plan.

e.g. The trick boomeranged, though...


e.g. He risks defeat in the referendum which he called, but which threatens to boomerang against him.


boomerang 单语例句boomerang的翻译

1. He warned that the consequences of such " blasphemous " acts will boomerang on their perpetrators, according to the report.

2. Usually a smile acts like a boomerang and comes right back at you but sometimes it can be a challenge.

3. But the main causes of China's boomerang generation are the flaws in the distribution of public resources and public services.

4. The move appears to have had a boomerang effect after stirring public controversy last year.

5. It's impossible to solve the problem of boomerang children without a host of system changes and reforms.

boomerang 英英释义



1. a miscalculation that recoils on its maker

Synonym: backfire

2. a curved piece of wood

when properly thrown will return to thrower

Synonym: throwing stickthrow stick


1. return to the initial position from where it came

like a boomerang