

activate:[英 [ˈæktɪveɪt] 美 [ˈæktəˌvet] ]


过去式:activated;   过去分词:activated;   现在分词:activating;

activate 基本解释

及物动词使活动,起动,触发; 使开始作用


activate 相关例句


1. His lofty spirit has greatly attracted and activated others.


activate 网络解释


1. 激发:)然后作者自己做了一个调查,调查了一个1000多人的部落,它指出Contrary to B(就是那个人)的观点,自己认为 粮食(cereal...)是激发(activate)其他B说的因素,所以自己的focus(注意这个focus,有题!

activate 双语例句

1. To be used to activate and deactivate the Agent when the parent activates and deactivates.


2. This can activate platelets and the clotting system, which in turn slows blood flow.


3. If you use IMAP for your Email account, you can activate this function as described below


4. activate什么意思

4. Combined with receptor—protein in cell membrane, ligand Wnts introduce the signal inside the cell, then result in excess phosphorylation of dishellved protein in cytoplasm, and further activate the glycogen synthase kinase 3(GSK-3), and prevent dissociated β-catenin albumen, being phosphorylated and degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system.

配体Wnts与细胞膜上受体—拳曲蛋白结合后,将信号传入细胞内,使胞质内散乱蛋白过度磷酸化,进一步灭活糖原合成酶激酶3(glycogen synthase kinase 3,GSK-3),阻止游离β—连环蛋白的磷酸化及被泛素—蛋白酶体系统(ubiquitin-proteasome system)降解,β—连环蛋白在胞质内积聚到一定量后,与淋巴样增强因子(lymphoid enhancingfactor,LEF)/T细胞因子(T cell factor,TCF)形成复合物激活下游多种基因转录,如C-myc基因、cyclin D1基因,使细胞过度增殖、向恶性转化。

5. Your ads don't begin running and accruing costs until you activate your account.


6. The radar detects and tracks approaching threats at close range while the control unit, which is connected to it and the IR sensors, operates the launchers and determines whether or when to activate them.


7. You could activate word wrap but not auto indent when editing a plain text file, and just the other way around when editing source code.


8. On command control means (19) take the conformator into said intermediate position and activate the measurement means (20) to determine the agreement of body dimensions with predetermined measurement intervals and issue acceptance or rejection signals (22) for the body on the basis of the survey result.


9. Normally, you will click on an icon to activate and run a program from Quick Launch Bar.


10. These results show that two lectins can be used as a kind of immunity-stimulants to activate immunity system and strengthen the nonspecific immunity function of Cyprinus caarpio.


11. 15 Mg/L Sodium thiocyanate and 9 μL/L hydrogen peroxide were added respectively into the raw milk of the experimented group in order to activate intrinsic lactoperoxidase system.

在试验组生牛乳中添加15 mg/L NaSCN和9μL/L H2O2激活其中固有的乳过氧化物酶体系,研究LPS对生牛乳的保鲜作用和各种营养成分的影响。

12. activate

12. The low dose of LaCl〓 ICV can activate the GH-related neurons in VMH and elevate the GH in serum at the same time, which is uniform with other results from ionophoresis and microinjection into the VMH.



13. What type of radar can activate a racon?


14. Hall lanterns will activate half way through the express zone if this parameter is not setup.



15. At the first sign of the animal turning violent, the mahout or elephant driver can activate the battery-operated device by remote control, sending a nylon belt contained inside to wrap around the tusker`s other hind leg.


16. It is likely that TPO binding could activate the Jak-STAT signaling pathway and the MAPK pathway.


17. activate

17. The results also reveal that there are no subsequent memory effects in pseudo-character. It seems that processing of pseudo-character did not activate preexisted mental representation in memory.


18. On healing, he is good at the method of the activating yang and activate spleen-energy, and comprehendly apply combination ascent with descent, pungent-opened and bitter-dropped, handle with attract and complement, doing with cold and warm, combination of yin-yang, etc, can receive a good clinic treatment on the spleen and stomach.


19. In fact, the nonspecific capacity of dsRNA to activate the interferon response, thereby leading to the general inhibition of cellular translation, was widely perceived to preclude substantial roles for endogenous RNAi in vertebrates.


20. Impliment grade director responsibility system make management more science and high-efficient, more pointed, can activate supervisory management and train a group of reserve cadres.


activate 词典解释

1. 使运作;使起作用;激活

If a device or process is activated, something causes it to start working.

e.g. Video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement.


e.g. ...a voice-activated computer.



A computer controls the activation of an air bag.

电脑控制着气囊的启动。activate 单语例句

1. The aim is to " activate blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis ", based on TCM theory.

2. The massage started with gentle but firm kneading around the shoulders and along the affected channels in the arms to activate the qi and blood.

3. Doctors activate the enamel and spread a special glue on the teeth before putting small diamonds on the surface and heating to fix them.

4. Technical staff even sent a cotton breeding species into space on board a satellite, seeking to activate some sleeping genes in the species.

5. Whether Western countries can sustain their initial economic growth would be largely decided by whether they can really activate their slackened domestic demand.

6. A chemical found in cruciferous vegetables called sulforaphane was found to activate a number of antioxidant genes and enzymes in immune cells.

7. To ensure water safety in the lower reaches of the river, the provincial government yesterday ordered Guangzhou and Foshan cities to activate emergency response schemes.

8. The epilepsy patients were tested to see just what stimulus would activate the particular neurons they had hooked up to the electrodes.

9. Amid the pressure of deflation and insufficient domestic demand, it is urgent to activate the domestic consumption market to drive economic growth.

10. Sun expects more favourable film policies to be introduced during 2005 to further activate the potential of the Chinese film industry.

activate 英英释义


1. make active or more active

e.g. activate an old file

2. make (substances) radioactive

3. aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter

Synonym: aerate

4. make more adsorptive

e.g. activate a metal

5. put in motion or move to act

e.g. trigger a reaction

actuate the circuits

Synonym: tripactuatetriggerset offspark offsparktrigger offtouch off