

azure:[英 [ˈæʒə(r)] 美 [ˈæʒɚ] ]


azure 基本解释


形容词& 名词蔚蓝(的),天蓝色(的)

azure 网络解释

1. 天蓝色:本条目的颜色值可能只是参考,并非共通标准. 使用者需要非色盲人士或使用彩色屏幕来帮助,或是使用无障碍软件帮助. 英语中的天蓝色(Azure)一词的直接来源是. Ultramarine.

2. 天蓝:物品和怪物:魔力调整物品 此类调整物品百分之百具有魔法本质. 这些能力人神魂颠导、不知所从的物品在玩家的行囊和战场上以蓝色表示. 有些调整物可能会有人物级别请求,不同物品的请求各不一致. 前缀(Prefixes) 天蓝(Azure)- 冷系魔法防备+5-7%

3. azure的意思

3. 天蓝色的:在艾萨拉游荡的蓝色巨龙艾索雷葛斯(Azuregos)的名字和他的肤色一样,是天蓝色的(azure). 瑟本特拉女士(Lady Serpentra)是瓦斯琪女士手下的一名纳迦海巫. 作为伊利丹的先锋,她领导了阻拦泰兰德.语风和玛法里奥.怒风追踪伊利丹的战斗,

azure 双语例句

1. This almost takes a certain pertinacity, selfish and next and continuously and cold rain, there is also in a dream dark color the water bottom different Jing of the azure stone sort, seem to be float to float of the memory was allied to connect to get up



2. And starring these tiers of leaves were white lotus flowers, alluringly open or bashfully in bud, like glimmering pearls, stars in an azure sky, or beauties fresh from the bath.


3. These tiers of leaves were white lotus flowers, alluringly open or bashfully in bud, like glimmering pearls, stars in an azure sky, or beauties fresh from the bath. The


4. And starring these tiers of leaves were white lotus flowers, alluringly open or bashfully in bud, like glimmering pearls, stars in an azure sky, or be auties fresh from the bath.

层层的 叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。

5. And starring these tiers of leaves were white lotus flowers, alluringly open or bashfully in bud, like glimmering pearls, stars in an azure sky, orbeauties fresh from the bath.



6. The wind was warm like spring azure us this spring but was so eager to heaven clouds, fog covers, downpour, ...

曾经 喜欢春日天青风暖的我们,这个春天却是那样地渴望老天云遮雾罩,大雨滂沱,。。。

7. azure是什么意思

7. Mention Greece, and I used to think of idyllic island holidays, azure seas and sky, classical ruins and the cradle of democracy.


8. L like the subtie flow of cioud that makes the sky seem even more vast, azure and immense.


9. III Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams The blue Mediterranean, where he lay, Lull'd by the coil of his crystàlline streams, Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's bay, And saw in sleep old palaces and towers Quivering within the wave's intenser day, All overgrown with azure moss and flowers So sweet, the sense faints picturing them!


10. We are living in a rich and colorful world, there is azure sky, green sea, beautiful flowers and cute animals.


11. You can also notice the azure and sea green hues tagging in with overall pasty interiors.


12. azure

12. On this vivid planet, it appears colorful with azure blue seawater, lush green plants and many world famous buildings.


13. Control and protection and strived to build a gardenlike plant of azure sky, green land and clusters



14. I set into the azure sky my missing pluck deep in heart.


15. azure的反义词

15. I am a cloud, I am floating leisurely in the azure sky.


16. One day, day in love with the sea, but the air barrier them, and they love days crying, and tears fell nautical miles, if not love, days, we should also sustenance to the soul of the sea, from Heby azure......


17. Before him is a dead sea that stretches in azure calm before the eye; but he who unwarily ventures within its embrace finds himself struggling with a monster that would drag him down to perdition.


18. Ilike the subtle flow of cloud that makes the sky seem rvrn more vast, azure and immense...


19. ABSTRACT The metachromasia of polysaccharide from Porphyra tenear Kjellm with azure I has been studied in this paper.



20. The metachromasia of polysaccharide from Porphyra tenear Kjellm with azure I has been studied in this paper.

研究了紫菜多糖与天青 I的异染作用,发现紫菜多糖具有酸性粘多糖的典型特点,能与天青 I发生异染作用。

azure 词典解释

1. 蔚蓝;天蓝色

Azure is used to describe things that are bright blue.

e.g. ...an azure sky.


e.g. ...warm azure seas and palm fringed beaches.


azure 单语例句azure的意思

1. He says he called her and offered to help find Azure a stable home.

2. There are 108 islands in the lake with azure water, full of lingering charm that features water townships along the Yangtze River.

3. An untainted azure sky drifts overhead and everywhere hangs the rich smells of nature.

4. I will personally help design The Azure Beach Club, creating a unique and special place that will bring happiness to many people.

5. The gloomy weather has disappointed the tourists who covet Lhasa's sunshine and azure sky.

6. Down the valley there was a small reservoir mirroring the white clouds in the azure sky.

7. They have sapid glazing colors, which appear azure and pink cyan.

8. As our boat floated on the azure water, amazing scenery met our eyes.

9. The whole work is cloaked in azure tones, making everything seem transparent.

azure 英英释义


1. a light shade of blue

Synonym: ceruleansapphirelazulinesky-blue


1. color azure

e.g. Morning azured the village


1. of a deep somewhat purplish blue color similar to that of a clear October sky

e.g. October's bright blue weather

Synonym: ceruleansky-bluebright blue