

motionless:[英 [ˈməʊʃnləs] 美 [ˈmoʊʃnləs] ]


motionless 基本解释

形容词不动的,静止的; 呆若木鸡的; 不运动的; 靓


motionless 相关例句


1. She sat motionless with horror.


2. The cat sat motionless.


motionless 网络解释


1. 固定的,不活动的:motion 运转,运动,机动 | motionless 固定的,不活动的 | motoceptor 运动感受器

2. 不动的:motion 运行 | motionless 不动的 | motive 动机

3. 不动的,静止的:wherever 无论在哪里 | motionless 不动的;静止的 | fancy 真想不到

4. 不动的 固定的:motionlaw 运动定律 | motionless 不动的 固定的 | motionlever 移动杆

motionless 双语例句

1. Quictness is not motionless or closed, it is unconventional and peaceful---thats why it forms kind of perfection regardless of modifications.


2. Jean Valjean was still in the same place, motionless on his stone post.


3. motionless的翻译

3. I stood there motionless, not knowing what to do.


4. motionless的近义词

4. Then, while keeping the rest of my body motionless, I curl the weight slowly upward.



5. My look motionless sends out the instruction, the huge energy from the energy belt to send unceasingly to the every parts of my body.


6. I looked at her, and she was sitting motionless, with her hands in her lap. The wind caught the open window and shut it with a crash, so that a pane came clattering down in fragments; but still she never moved.


7. Motionless friction coefficient is expressed with the slope angle which starts the testing slide block to move along the orbits made of enamel wires.


8. They can also hang motionless in the air.


9. After parleying with the French senior officer, who came out of the house with a handkerchief on a sword to announce that they surrendered, Dolohov got off his horse and went up to Petya, who lay motionless with outstretched arms.


10. It is considered that the fluid can be modeled as a viscoelastic medium with equivalent Lame constant. In addition, for thin layer at low frequencies, the porous frame may be assumed as motionless. In this case, the reduced control equation of pore fluid in porous material is obtained by Biot's theory. Similarly, the pore fluid is also equivalent to an elastic medium. The finite element formulation is derived by using the Galerkin technique. The influences of the fraction of porous medium, the material constants of pore fluid in porous medium of the inhomogeneous layer, the layer thick and different arrangements of inhomogeneous layers on the reflection characteristics of the structure were analyzed.


11. One morning a small boy squatted motionless on the grass in the garden for a long time.


12. motionless

12. There was an absurd idea that the earth was I have read the flat and motionless.

我已 经有一种荒谬的观点认为地经读了他的书的概要。

13. Though motionless, it seemed as if it would jump up at any time like a


14. They don't need no rain Because how I ever got to you, I have no idea It's like some secret door, well, it just appeared So, no matter what I do from now on with my time You will always stay here in my mind I am certain of this and I am not certain of anything So I want to get myself attached to something bolted down So that these winds of circumstance won't keep blowing me around To when I land to when I leave there is enough time to sleep and sing I keep running when all I want is to lay motionless


15. While all Israel crossed over on dry ground, the priests carrying the ark of the covenant of the LORD remained motionless on dry ground in the bed of the Jordan until the whole nation had completed the passage.


16. After vibration, respiratory rate, weight-loss rate and acidity were higher than those of the motionless ones.


17. He preserved his melancholy and motionless position for some time after his two friends had regained their carriage; then suddenly unfastening his horse from the little tree to which his servant had tied it, he mounted and galloped off in the direction of Paris.


18. He is motionless, just like the door that stood ajar a moment ago.


19. motionless什么意思

19. Try to maintain a stiff, motionless body position without kicking.


20. motionless

20. He returns his feet to the same line and waits with his arms and legs fully extended for the referee's signal, which will come when he is motionless in this fully extended position.


motionless 词典解释

1. 不动的;静止的

Someone or something that is motionless is not moving at all.


e.g. He has this ability of being able to remain as motionless as a statue, for hours on end...


e.g. Her hands were motionless...


motionless 单语例句motionless的反义词

1. On the street you can see a motionless old woman bundled with heavy cotton blankets, her hand outstretched to grip a battered tea cup.

2. The elderly man lies motionless as rats pick at his overflowing diaper.

3. While Brazil celebrated, a disconsolate Kahn leaned back against one of his posts and stayed motionless for minutes.

4. " Ah Man " also picked up the stand and struck Poon's motionless body.

5. The left hook he unleashed against Arce was nearly as powerful, sending the Mexican motionless and senseless for about a minute.

6. Four of Tang's colleagues chased the tigers away after 10 minutes but by that time he was motionless and lying in a pool of blood.

7. When the villagers noticed me taking photos of them, they became so cooperative that some even kept motionless for almost an entire minute.

8. As Wu had only made motionless plane replicas for museums and exhibition halls, everyone in his family was against the idea of making moveable tanks.

9. The man's neighbors spotted him lying on the ground motionless and phoned police, who confirmed the deceased had frozen to death.

10. Zhang's son saw his father lying motionless in the verandah of their courtyard, while the dog was eating away the deceased's head.

motionless的翻译motionless 英英释义


1. not in physical motion

e.g. the inertia of an object at rest

Synonym: inactivestaticstill