

misfortune:[英 [ˌmɪsˈfɔ:tʃu:n] 美 [ˌmɪsˈfɔ:rtʃu:n] ]



misfortune 基本解释

名词不幸; 厄运; 灾难; 不幸的事

misfortune 同义词

名词tragedycalamitytroubledifficultyaccidentdistressmishapdisastercatastropheruinbad luckhardship

misfortune 反义词




misfortune 相关例句


1. misfortune的近义词

1. He failed in business not because of misfortune, but because of his own error.


2. The hurricane was a great misfortune for many people in the area.



3. He had the misfortune to break his left arm.


4. I had the misfortune to lose my watch.


misfortune 网络解释

1. 灾祸:记得一定要对敌人使用灾祸(Misfortune)魔法,敌人幸运值降低后不仅物理攻击对其伤害加半,闪电、爆裂、碎裂这三种大杀伤力的单体攻击魔法伤害同样会加半.

2. misfortune什么意思

2. 不幸、灾祸:blight 使枯萎 | misfortune 不幸、灾祸 | disaster 灾难

misfortune 双语例句

1. misfortune在线翻译

1. He was worried about the unexpected misfortune.


2. misfortune的反义词

2. In a word/short, my misfortune and sufferings are largely due to my putting a false value.


3. misfortune

3. In a word / short, my misfortune and sufferings are largely due to my putting a false value on things.


4. misfortune的近义词

4. If the red-letter day meets the bride's menses, it is considered as unlucky to bridegroom's family, which must carry through special ritual to avoid misfortune.


5. misfortune

5. Indeed he went farther, and characterised the Baron as the most intolerable formal pedant he had ever had the misfortune to meet with.


6. If I spilt the salt, I should toss a pinch over my left shoulder to ward off misfortune.


7. Don't shed crocodile tears over his misfortune, I know you hate him.


8. misfortune

8. Don`t shed crocodile tears over his misfortune I know you hate him.


9. Dont shed crocodile tears over his misfortune, I know you hate him.


10. Can you meet misfortune with a smile?


11. He can meet misfortune with a smile.


12. misfortune

12. Although countless blood cells meet with this misfortune, new ones replace them easily.


13. I wonder which river will be the next to meet with misfortune?


14. misfortune的意思

14. The Durbeyfield family are poor and simple people, but their ancestors wee the mighty d'Urbervilles, an ancient and noble family. When the Durbeyfields meet with misfortune, they send their eldest daughter Tess to visit her wealthy cousin and ask for help, but the wealthy cousin has a young son, Alec Stoke-d'Urverville, who finds Tess very attractive


15. misfortune的近义词

15. However misfortune maybe an actual blessing, I entered the high school and successfully I completed my college.


16. It is a misfortune for a man to leave behind him the night which



17. There is no man that does not suffer misfortune.


18. misfortune的解释

18. The great misfortune was that the completion of the Continental development turned on a point which to the general public inevitably appeared merely a minor legal technicality.


19. misfortune

19. 29 If I have rejoiced at my enemy's misfortune or gloated over the trouble that came to him

31:29 我若见恨我的遭报就欢喜、见他遭灾便高兴。


20. At first, when it seemed that Hsin-mei and Hung-chien had both suffered the same misfortune, Hsin-mei had tried his best to outdo his friend in his expression of pain and misery, not daring to let Hung-chien alone get a name for being brokenhearted


misfortune 词典解释

1. 不幸;灾祸

A misfortune is something unpleasant or unlucky that happens to someone.

e.g. She seemed to enjoy the misfortunes of others...


e.g. He had his full share of misfortune.


misfortune 单语例句

1. About half an hour after the old man realized his misfortune, the girl's call came in.

2. But the unfortunate former gymnast faced such a wave of criticism for cashing in on his misfortune that he was forced to close the account.

3. Some even start to hate their families because of the hardship they must endure, or at least complain about the misfortune of being born into a deprived family.

4. She explains there are reminders of misfortune everywhere but that is not something children diagnosed with terminal diseases need as a constant in their lives.

5. His daughter cannot fight back the tears when she remembers the tough days, but Xie takes the misfortune lightly.

6. Their misfortune up to now reflects a deep flaw in man's efforts to deal with climate change and the environmental crisis.

7. " I happened to be able to benefit from his misfortune of the day, " Hoffman added.

8. If ever you wanted proof that blessings can come in the guise of misfortune, then surely this is it.

9. The Tibetan people have fully realized through the March 14 riot that harmony brings happiness to the people while unrest stands for misfortune.

10. Had there not been intensive administrative measures to stabilize urban markets, the misfortune of these farmers might have been only a pitiful story of bad timing.

misfortune 英英释义



1. unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event

Synonym: bad luck

2. an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes

Synonym: bad lucktough luckill luck