

skating:[英 [ˈskeɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˈsketɪŋ] ]


过去式:skated;   过去分词:skated;   复数形式:skates;

skating 基本解释


名词溜冰; 如履薄冰; 身处险境; 冒着危险

动词溜冰,滑冰( skate的现在分词 )

skating 网络解释

1. 滑冰:除以上运动项目外,美国人还比较喜欢网球、游泳、滑冰(skating)、滑雪(skiing)等体育运动. 英国人对草地网球(lawn tennis)、女子曲棍球、摩托车运动、打猎等也很感兴趣.

2. 溜冰:1.露易丝湖城堡饭店提供各种各项户外活动,包括夏季的划独木舟(Canoeing)、徒步健行(Hiking)、骑马逍遥(Horseback Riding)、激流泛舟(White Water Rafting)等行程;以及冬季的狗拉雪橇(Dog Sledding)、雪鞋(Snowshoeing)、溜冰(Skating)等琳琅满目的套装产品,


3. 冰:比赛也许是一场曲棍球(field hockey)或足球比赛(soccergames),来宾们也可以参加一项体育活动,诸如滑冰(skating)、垂钓t:fishing)或者宿营(camping). 或者在司仪(emcee)引导下,让来宾参与一些娱乐活动. 男子单身聚会这一变化趋势是令人难以忘怀的.

4. 溜冰式移动:VerticalsineVibe:颤动的垂直移动 | Skating:溜冰式移动 | HorizontalRubber:平磨擦

skating 双语例句

1. Famous marathon ice-skatings athlete Xiao Erde undertook on ice stadium a series of ice-skating first-rately to experiment and slip smoothly run.



2. In the future the international standard skating rinks in the center can be used for ice sport competitions in China.


3. I also like swiming, skating and skiing.



4. You know how I love sledding, skiing, and ice-skating!


5. Next to skiing my favourite sport is skating.


6. You know I love sledding, skiing and ice-skating!


7. Skating on thin ice, and getting knighted for it.


8. Look at the chaps in politics and business, whose whole lives were passed in skating on thin ice, and getting knighted for it.


9. If I decide to go to school, if I decide to do an internship with Rachel Zoe, if I do anything that's not figure skating, it'll be culture shock for me and I wanted to get that message out there too, because there are so many people who can relate to it and people changing from high school to college.


10. skating

10. Skill training was the of the field of the speed skating and needed to be strengthened.


11. Skill training was the emphasis of the field of the speed skating and needed to be strengthened.


12. Women competed in speed skating for the first time.


13. He has four gold medals in speed skating, three of them from Lillehammer.


14. Speed skating, It is spectacular, fast and easy.


15. Then he put on his coat and put his skating boots in a bag and went out.


16. B: The ice will soon be thick enough for skating.


17. She was very upset to realize that her skating career was a washout.



18. Her mother, Maribel, had won the U. S figure skating championship nine times.


19. With a backdrop of rolling wooded hills, the Clarion community offers canoeing, horseback riding, camping, and for those that love winter activities, 12 miles of snowmobile trails, ice skating, and cross-country ski trails in Cook Forest State Park.


20. In terms of design for performance, it should combine dance, acrobat, stunts, fire-dance, and skating, and other elements, assisted with factor of dancing as we do hope to break loose of the stereotype of stage and eliminate the barrier between actors and audience.


skating 单语例句

1. The tranquility was broken only momentarily by children rolling skating in the square.

2. With many outdoor lakes opened as skating sites last week around downtown Beijing, skating fans can hit the ice for some winter fun.

3. Her desire to carry on skating has forced her to put off plans to start a family.

4. But figure skating is anything but predictable, and the only certainty is that someone will come along to shake things up.

5. While China is chasing its first gold medal in the Olympic figure skating, traditional powerhouse Russia will attempt to sweep all the four golds on offer in Turin.

6. Shijingshan District will add roller skating to its compulsory course list when the new semester starts next month.

7. Chilly winter is coming to Shanghai and to go ice skating at an outdoor swimming pool will be an absolutely fresh experience for city dwellers.

8. The veteran pairs skaters missed the week's China Figure Skating Classic in Beijing since they are working with their choreographer in Canada.

9. World champions Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo failed to clinch their third straight title, putting in a disappointing performance in the pairs'free skating event.

10. Li's name is closely linked to China's first breakthrough in figure skating.

skating 英英释义


1. the sport of gliding on skates