

impeach:[英 [ɪmˈpi:tʃ] 美 [ɪmˈpitʃ] ]


过去式:impeached;   过去分词:impeached;   现在分词:impeaching;

impeach 基本解释

及物动词弹劾; 控告(某人)犯罪; 对(某事物)怀疑; 提出异议


impeach 相关例句


1. The House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach an officer of the United States government.


impeach 网络解释

1. impeach

1. 控告:[4]顺着这条思路,人们通常认为可以为控告(impeach)一位可能被相对方传唤(called)的证人而搜寻信息. 不过,在一些情形下,法庭会对当事人提出控告程序的义务予以限制. 至于 什么情形才构成控告,则是一个难以回答的问题. 必须明确的是,

2. impeach的翻译

2. 弹劾:安华一旦成功取得赛夫的口供书,以及能够证明赛夫的口供与他本身所面对的鸡奸控状有出入,他将申请弹劾(impeach)赛夫及撤销鸡奸指控.

3. 劾:弹劾(impeach)制起源于英国,以后被许多国家采用. 虽然各国发起弹劾动议的主体、受弹劾的官员范围和行为有所区别,但总的来说,弹劾案的提出权主要属于议会;弹劾的对象只是国家行政首脑、高级行政官员,如英国只限于内阁成员政府大臣,


4. 非难,指责,检举:impart 传递,给与,告诉 | impeach 非难,指责,检举 | impede 阻碍

impeach 双语例句

1. Any organization and individual has a right to impeach and accuse the illegal activities.


2. Article 80 Any entity and individual shall have the right to accuse and impeach the acts of Customs and its personnel that violate the laws and disciplines.


3. Consumers shall have the right to make suggestions to State organs on their work to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and the right to criticize, impeach or sue State organs and their staff for any violations of law or neglect of their duties in their work to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.


4. If the presidents, prime ministers, cabinet members, ministers, members of the Constitutional Court, judges, the Central Election Management Committee members, members of the Control Yuan or other government law officers found to have been carrying out their duties in violation of the Constitution or other any law that Congress have the right to impeach the motion put forward strong.



5. The Conflict of Power and Right in the Campaign to Impeach to President Clinton Zhao Yifeng (87) The attempt to impeach Bill Clinton in 1998-99 reflected complex conflicts of the power and right in American political, governmental, and social systems.


6. First of all, the land commissioner should have the inspectors on the major leadership of local governments in land law, discipline, failures, dereliction of duty, there are large or superior to the locals until the central organization for the right to impeach; Secondly, the local governments involved in land, land acquisition behavior, such as construction projects and feasibility studies, approval, including the appointment and removal of the land system of cadres, the presence of the Commissioner of land inspectors must be involved, and with veto power; The third is the right supervision and found that the central government weak or suspect the existence of significant cases of illegal land use, Commissioner immediately ordered local governments to investigate and deal with the power; four inspectors Commissioner of land should be tracking clues, summoned officials, access to files, in-depth grass-roots level, according to the powers of inspection; Fifth, the presence of land inspectors Commissioner should have the ministries and agencies to mobilize and their land at all levels of law enforcement powers to monitor the team.


7. Parliament has legislative power, the president of Congress the power to veto a bill passed by Congress also have the right under certain conditions, to overturn the presidential veto; the president the right to appoint senior officials, subject to Congress recognized that Congress shall have the right to impeach the president and senior civil service; the Supreme Court judges appointed by the president and approved by Congress, the Supreme Court but also on laws passed by Congress was unconstitutional on the grounds declared invalid.



8. Our mission and goal are to impeach this piece of shit.


9. Isn't it time to impeach him yet?


10. The House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach an officer of the United States government.


11. To this thing itself I am impeach.


12. I impeach him in the name and by virtue of those eternal laws of justice, which he has violated.


13. Will much impeach the justice of the state.


14. Synonyms: accuse, adjudicate, arraign, blacklist, blame, boycott, brand, castigate, censure, charge, charge with, criticize, damn, declaim, decry, denunciate, derogate, dress down, excoriate, expose, finger*, hang something on, impeach, implicate, impugn, incriminate, indict, inveigh against, knock, ostracize, proscribe, prosecute, rap, rat, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprove, revile, scold, show up, skin*, smear, stigmatize, take to task, threaten, upbraid, vilify, vituperate

Notes:denounce 着重公开谴责,指责。condemn 正式用词,与 condemn 意义最接近,有较强的司法意味,侧重从道义或原则上进行坚决、毫不留情的谴责。accuse 语气比 blame 强,本义为归罪,可用作指非难或谴责之义。blame 普通用词,语气较弱,仅是一般的责难,强调对过错等应负责任。rebuke 多指上级对下级进行的公开、强烈、严正而不宽容的责备。reproach 指因他人粗心,自私等引起不满而去指责,找岔。scold 普通用词,多指上级对下级,长辈对晚辈或雇主对雇员的态度粗暴,言词激烈的数落。


15. George Washington's Blog House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi is blocking efforts to impeach Bush and Cheney, or to take any other real steps to save America.


16. Article 32 Any enterprise or individual has rights and obligations to impeach and complain about the cheating practice of breaching the Methods and the Detailed Rules in the process of negotiated bidding.


17. I mean, in America, we apparently impeach presidents for having consensual sex outside of marriage and trying to cover it up.



18. If I have opinions about Prime Minister, I `ll impeach him directly instead in a roundabout way."Yet you beat around the bush!"


19. Yes, of course, Congress might not impeach.


20. At the time, most people thought the movement to impeach me was stalled.


impeach 词典解释

1. 控告;弹劾

If a court or a group in authority impeaches a president or other senior official, it charges them with committing a crime which makes them unfit for office.

e.g. ...an opposition move to impeach the President.


impeach 单语例句

1. Constitutional experts said that at least half of the National Assembly members need to sign a written notice of the intention to impeach the president.

2. Then, the legal procedure to impeach the village committee director began.

3. Parliamentarians and celebrity campaigners launched a bid on Wednesday to impeach Tony Blair for " gross misconduct " over his justification for the Iraq war.

4. An assessment of the failed Republican attempt to impeach Mr Clinton over the Lewinsky affair features prominently inside the centre.

5. Since learning of the efforts to impeach him, he has maintained that he is innocent of the allegations against him.

6. Romanians rejected an attempt by parliament to impeach reformist Basescu in the Saturday referendum, exit polls showed.

7. After a lengthy debate, 212 lawmakers from the powerful House of Representatives voted to impeach Gutierrez.

8. Why would a person in his or her right mind impeach CY at this moment?

9. Four House Democrats sent a letter to their colleagues Thursday seeking support for a motion to impeach Blagojevich.

10. But he delayed his visit on Wednesday as Pakistan's ruling coalition agreed to impeach him.

impeach 英英释义


1. bring an accusation against

level a charge against

e.g. The neighbors accused the man of spousal abuse

Synonym: accuseincriminatecriminate

2. charge (a public official) with an offense or misdemeanor committed while in office

e.g. The President was impeached

3. challenge the honesty or veracity of

e.g. the lawyers tried to impeach the credibility of the witnesses