

promptly:[英 [ˈprɒmptli] 美 [ˈprɑ:mptli] ]


promptly 基本解释

副词迅速地; 敏捷地; 立即地; 毫不迟疑

promptly 相关例句


1. He promptly forgot all about it.


2. After he had put it on the floor, he promptly went to sleep again.


promptly 网络解释

1. 迅速地:effect 实行,生成 | promptly 迅速地 | dispatch 发送

2. 敏捷地:promptitude 敏捷 | promptly 敏捷地 | promptness 机敏

3. promptly的反义词

3. 早速:promote 昇進させる | promptly 早速に | pronoun 代名詞

promptly 双语例句

1. But when he came to Rome, he promptly searched for me and found me.


2. promptly

2. At present, the company is submitted in accordance with the Shenzhen Stock Exchange added letter the requirements of the relevant documents prepared materials, supplementary materials will be promptly submitted ready.


3. If the person against whom no prosecution is to be initiated is still kept in custody, he shall be promptly released.


4. For keeping a rare hope to defeat Yin Zheng, Zen and Xue guard the arrow regardless of their personal safety and exert themselves to block the fiery scales away. Later, however, a pelt of eight continuous scales is approaching: Doug and Phoeny hit one off respectively. Zen holds his spear horizontally to block the biggest one yet is pushed down and rolls on the ground; Xue, then, promptly stretches all her 2 arms and 2 devil arms out to block four scales at same time. However, she has just taken one aspect into consideration and neglected the other—even though the arrow is protected, she could not timely elude the last one scale closely followed so her left human arm as well as a devil arm is cut off on the spot!



5. Article 237 The insurer shall indemnify the insured promptly after the loss from a peril insured against has occurred.


6. Where a third party initiates an action against the depository or applies for the distraint of the deposited article, the depository shall promptly notify the depositor.


7. promptly什么意思

7. Fixed quantity/plan cost investigating and determining a price: The extremely familiar mold workshop casts the ramming mold the cost accounting, to casts the workshop to cast the product and the punching department ramming product cost accounting; Outside (2) familiar operation punching department some need galvanization product sends the galvanization the flow and makes the request processing the flow; (3) end of the month organizes and supervises the mold/to cast/the punching department stocktaking, and compares with the SAP system in goods in stock, the verification goods in stock storehouse amount on deposit, discovers the difference reason, the request production workshop gives the detailed explanation, and reports the goods in stock the management level; 4 supervises the factory expense the rationality, compared with the factory expense and the budget difference, and carries on the comparative analysis explanation to the difference; (5) checks the material use factor regularly, traces the reason to some use factor change quite big material which and analyzes causes truly, and to the production workshop proposed the rationality suggested, and requests the workshop implementation; (6) end of the month carries on the expense to the service department mold product to compile, and carries on through the self-made half-finished product storehouse to the mold expense shares monthly; (7) end of the month establishes the cost computation chart with produces the report form (8) establishment ratio of margin report form which sells saves, and changes the big product to the ratio of margin to carry on the analysis, and gives the true reasonable explanation to it; (9) each year's end makes the cost budget, and so on each department coordinates the communication with the sales/purchase/workshop/transportation to supervise each department to give the next year the departmental budget, enables its to be possible to complete the cost material labor cost the budget; (1) promptly maintains product standard cost (2) in the SAP system promptly to maintain the supplier price in the SAP system, the track material price difference, writes up the analysis report

工作描述及业绩:作为现公司财务的成本管理会计主要工作及业绩为:(1)定额/计划成本的核价:非常熟悉模具车间注塑冲压模具的成本核算,对注塑车间的注塑产品和冲压车间的冲压产品的成本核算;(2)熟悉操作冲压车间一些需要电镀的产品外发电镀的流程和做委托加工的流程;(3)月末组织并监督模具/注塑/冲压车间的存货盘点,并与SAP系统里的存货比较,审核存货库存额,找出差异原因,要求生产车间给予详细解释,并将存货上报管理层;(4)监督制造费用的合理性,比较制造费用与预算的差异,并对差异进行比较分析说明;(5)定期核对材料利用率,对一些利用率变化比较大的材料追踪并分析真正导致的原因,并向生产车间提出合理性建议,并要求车间实施;(6)月末对辅助车间模具产品进行费用汇总,并通过自制半成品库对模具的费用进行按月分摊;(7)月末编制成本计算表与产销存的报表(8)编制毛利率报表,并对毛利率变化大的产品进行分析,并对其给出真正的合理的解释;(9)每年末做成本预算表,与销售/采购/车间/运输等各个部门协调沟通督促各个部门给出下一年度的部门预算,使其可以做好成本料工费的预算; SAP方面:(1)及时在SAP系统中维护产品标准成本(2)及时在SAP系统中维护供应商价格,跟踪材料价格差异,出具分析报告;(3)协助财务主管进行财务分析

8. We will continue to take maintaining steady and relatively fast economic growth as our primary task. We will unswervingly follow the proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy, and fully implement and continuously enrich and improve the stimulus package. We will promptly identify and address new developments and new problems in the economy, make our policies more targeted, effective and sustainable, and guard against and fend off various potential risks, including inflation, so that the Chinese economy will achieve fast and steady growth and the country will enjoy social stability and harmony.


9. Zen nods and cooperates with Zhong to stabilize the state of Shin. Then, they escort Shin to the Long-ze manor quickly. Zhong suggest Zen to request the drugs from well-stocked Yu-jian manor while calling Yin xiu to come. Zen agrees and summons the six masters and Yin xiu urgently by mailing eagle for meeting here. Master Skywalker lets master water, fire and earth stay to keep weapon casting and home defence while he goes to Long-ze manor promptly with master metal and wood.


10. Provident Fund loans with low loan interest rates, reduction in processing loans related charges, the family members of the provident fund of credit lines can be combined use of the concessions, so as long as they are promptly paid in the payment of provident fund and workers should first apply for the maximum amount they could be, the longest period of provident fund loans.


11. Provident Fund loans with low loan interest rates, reduction in processing loans related charges, the family members of the provident fund of credit lines can be combined use of the concessions, so as long as they are promptly paid in the payment of provident fund and workers should first apply for their maximum amount available, the longest period of provident fund loans.


12. promptly的意思

12. This project apply the supercritical technology into ammonia synthsis industry. It utilized the unique properties of supercritical fluid to remove ammonia from the surface of catalysis promptly. Then, the reaction can continue in the direction of producing ammonia. therefore it breaks throught the restriction of chemical equilibrium in macroscopic, and upgrade the convension rate of ammonia.


13. promptly的翻译

13. If the floor with grease stains and dirt, should be promptly removed, can be used for household cleaning agents heating water colour neutral handling, and the best use of floor cleaning floor supporting dedicated protection liquid cleansing.


14. Should be right up Berkshire's alley, and Frank promptly gave me acall. I thought right away that we would make a deal and beforelong it was done.


15. promptly什么意思

15. It is one kind of objective laws which the language scholars do not argue with that the language and the society Changes together, in other words, any change of the society can promptly obtain the reflection in the language, especially in the vocabulary field, it reflects rapidly.


16. 2 Subject to the requirement to protect confidential information, evidence presented in writing by one interested party shall be made available promptly to other interested parties participating in the investigation.


17. I rode to the opposite side of the road and promptly dropped the bike over again while parking it.


18. promptly

18. Even with that deviation, the probation officer could see enough of a likeness to recall a name promptly.


19. Failure to notify the Trade and Industry Department promptly of any change in the particulars of registration (e. g. address) may result


20. Another reason for doing your task now is so that you can meet your deadlines promptly.


promptly 词典解释

1. 立即;马上;及时

If you do something promptly, you do it immediately.

e.g. Sister Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat, and promptly fell asleep.


2. 准时地

If you do something promptly at a particular time, you do it at exactly that time.


e.g. Promptly at a quarter past seven, we left the hotel.


promptly 单语例句promptly的近义词

1. She finally managed to drive the bears back into the cage wielding a bamboo rod and then promptly locked the cage.

2. As and when our trend following system flashes new signals, we will promptly deploy the capital in appropriate assets.

3. Joyce promptly ejected Posada as Carlson shouted curses at the star catcher.

4. The government has formed a national central committee for prevention of natural disaster to promptly and effectively carry out relief and resettlement tasks.

5. Chinese insurers acted promptly after the devastating quake by sending emergency teams to serve policyholders, the CIRC said.

6. The office also asked Google China to clear out its allegedly pornographic and lewd content promptly.

7. Fan said both sides will promptly implement an agreement on currency clearing signed last month.

8. My wife was perturbed when I promptly used it to buy a cup of coffee.

9. Collection of taxes must be promptly resumed when any preferential tax policy expires.

10. Local departments were also ordered to adjust prices promptly and to impose temporary price controls on important daily necessities and production materials where necessary.

promptlypromptly 英英释义


1. in a punctual manner

e.g. he did his homework promptly

Synonym: readilypronto

2. at once (usually modifies an undesirable occurrence)

e.g. he promptly forgot the address

Synonym: right away

3. with little or no delay

e.g. the rescue squad arrived promptly

come here, quick!

Synonym: quicklyquick