

sulky:[英 [ˈsʌlki] 美 [ˈsʌlki] ]



sulky 基本解释

形容词愠怒的; 绷着脸的; 生闷气的; 不搭理人的


sulky 相关例句



1. He was very sulky about it indeed.


sulky 网络解释


1. 生气的, 阴沉的:sully 玷污 | sulky 生气的, 阴沉的 | sundry 各式各样的

2. 生气的:succinct简明的 | suffice满足 | sulky生气的

3. 郁郁不乐的,阴沉的:pattern 木底鞋 | sulky 郁郁不乐的,阴沉的 | riotous 喧闹的,吵嚷的

4. sulky是什么意思

4. 轮单座马车:Stagecoach 马车 | Sulky 轮单座马车 | Surrey 两个座位的四轮游览马车 (美国)

sulky 双语例句

1. A Little Boy How I never could be tired with roaming about that huge mansion, with its vast empty rooms, with their worn-out hangings, fluttering tapestry, and carved oaken panels, with the gilding almost rubbed out---sometimes in the spacious old-fashioned gardens, which I had almost to myself, unless when now and then a solitary gardening man would cross me---and how the nectarines and peaches hung upon the walls, without my ever offering to pluck them, because they were forbidden fruit, unless now and then, ---and because I had more pleasure in strolling about among the old melancholy-looking yew-trees, or the firs, and picking up the red berries, and the fir-apples, which were good for nothing but to look at ---or in lying about upon the fresh grass, with all the fine garden smells around me---or basking in the orangery, till I could almost fancy myself ripening too along with the oranges and the limes in that grateful warmth-or in watching the dace that darted to and Fro in the fish-pond, at the bottom of the garden, with here and there a great sulky pike hanging midway down the water in silent state, as if it mocked at their impertinent friskiness, ---I had more pleasure in these busy-idle diversions than in all the sweet flavors of peaches, nectarines, oranges, and such like common baits of children.

tapestry绣帷;挂毯 nectarine油桃 gilding镀金 pluck 采,摘,拔 fir-apples:枞树的一种圆锥形果实 dace鲦鱼 dart猛冲,飞奔 impertinent不切题的一个小男孩查尔斯·兰姆我在那所很大很大的宅院里满世界地跑,从来不知什么是疲倦:那里有许许多多又大又空的房间和破破烂烂的帷帐,墙上的幔子还随风飘动,橡木雕花嵌板上的金粉却已剥落了——我常常到那座古老的大花园里去玩,那花园简直叫我一个人独占了,偶尔才碰上一个孤零零的老园丁——那园子里,油桃和桃子垂在墙头上,我根本不去碰它,因为那是禁果,除非偶然一回两回——因为,我更高兴在那些带着忧郁神情的老水松树或者枞树之间跑来跑去,从地上捡那么几颗红浆果,几只枞果,而那些枞果只能看,不能吃——有时候,我随便躺在嫩草地上,让自己完全沉浸在满园子的芳香之中——要不然,我就在桔子园里晒太阳,晒得暖洋洋的,一边想象自己跟那些桔子、好些菩提树一同成熟起来——再不然,我就到花园深处,看那些鲦鱼在鱼池里穿梭般游来游去,不定在哪里还会发现一条很大的梭子鱼冷冷落落地停在深水之间,一动不动,好象对于那些小鱼们的轻狂样儿暗中表示鄙夷,——我喜欢的是诸如此类无事忙的消遣,而对于象桃子呀,油桃呀,桔子呀等等这些普通的小孩子们的诱饵,碰也不去碰它。

2. sulky

2. This is one of the same conditions of the emerging of sulky crime and present rule.


3. Such sentiments might be the staple of sulky adolescents in the West, but they are new in China.



4. I should have been sulky and mean.


5. He was very sulky about it indeed.


6. He has sulky to back home.


7. Jeremy was standing by her, looking as sulky as a bear with a sore head.


8. A harness race is one in which a horse pulls a light, two-wheeled vehicle called a sulky.

轻驾车赛马是由马拉着一辆轻型、称为 sulky 的两轮马车进行比赛。


9. Rosicky would stand at the fence corner and watch them, and the earth was so dry it blew up in clouds of brown dust that hid the horses and the sulky plough and the driver.


10. The dropping of the ashes on the hearth, the ominous crackling of the burning coals, the slow and ponderous ticking of the sulky clock in the room below, the low moaning of the March wind (which might have been the voice of an English Banshee, screaming her dismal warning to the watchers of the dying), the hoarse breathing of the sick man--every sound held itself apart from all other sounds, and made itself into a separate voice, loud with a gloomy portent in the solemn stillness of the house.


11. When she says British ones are difficult and sulky, I think they're probably just reserved.


12. sulky

12. Toad was inclined to be sulky at first; but he brightened up immediately, like the good fellow he was.


13. Accordingly, like a defeated general, sad and sulky, he led back his discomfited forces to the metropolis.


14. Nothing makes Libra more miserable then a sulky, complaining Pisces.


15. Or as sulky as a member of the Privy council.



16. Sulky and overpaid stars, dubious deals and rapacious players'agents are now part of the scenery.


17. It's surely no great cause of alarm that Heathcliff should take a moonlight saunter on the moors, or even lie too sulky to speak to us in the hay-loft.


18. He went to town by a sulky. The journey took two days by stagecoach.


19. sulky

19. I was quite sulky, so I didn't take part in much.


20. She brought along a couple of sulky looking kids.


sulky 词典解释

1. 面有愠色的;生闷气的;闷闷不乐的

Someone who is sulky is sulking or is unwilling to enjoy themselves.


e.g. I was quite sulky, so I didn't take part in much.


e.g. ...a sulky adolescent.



'You haven't got the right attitude,' he said sulkily.

他怄气道:“你态度不端正。”sulky 单语例句

1. It's the story of svelte and sulky Hayden Christensen who discovers in himself a disconcerting ability to teleport out of trouble.

sulky 英英释义


1. a light two-wheeled vehicle for one person

drawn by one horse


1. depressingly dark

e.g. the gloomy forest

the glooming interior of an old inn

`gloomful' is archaic

Synonym: gloominggloomygloomful

2. moving slowly

e.g. a sluggish stream

Synonym: sluggish

3. sullen or moody

Synonym: huffish