

wondrous:[英 [ˈwʌndrəs] 美 [ˌwʌndrəs] ]


wondrous 基本解释

形容词奇妙的; 令人惊奇的; 非常的

副词惊人地; 异乎寻常地; 令人惊叹地


wondrous 网络解释

1. 令人惊奇的:wonderment 惊奇 | wondrous 令人惊奇的 | wondrously 惊奇地

2. wondrous

2. 惊人的:wonderful 奇妙的 | wondrous 惊人的 | wont 习惯的

3. wondrous是什么意思

3. 奇物:*Head Slot Item => 頭部物品 | *Wondrous => 奇物 | *Head Slot => 頭

4. 迸发的:The first...|第一次... | wondrous...|迸发的... | explosion.|火光

wondrous 双语例句

1. Moderate conjuration; CL9 th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Price2, 000 gp; Weight5 lb.



2. For You are great, and You do wondrous deeds; You alone are God.

86:10 因你为大,且行奇妙的事;惟独你是神。

3. wondrous的解释

3. For you are great, and do wondrous things: you are God alone.


4. wondrous什么意思

4. For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God.


5. wondrous

5. The long avenue, so bright and pleasant when the perfumed limes scattered their light bloom upon the pathway, and the dog-rose leaves floated on the summer air, was terribly bleak and desolate in the cheerless interregnum that divides the homely joys of Christmas from the pale blush of coming spring--a dead pause in the year, in which Nature seems to lie in a tranced sleep, awaiting the wondrous signal for the budding of the tree, and the bursting of the flower.


6. Why waste time in this world looking for the bad, disappointing or annoying when we can look around us, and see the wondrous things before us?


7. As a spiritual being, you are the most beautiful, wondrous, and holy person alive.


8. Vereesa commented on various parts of his story, making even the most mundane accomplishments of the elder man seem wondrous and brave.


9. Weeks passed on, and Cathy recovered her temper; though she grew wondrous fond of stealing off to corners by herself; and often, if I came near her suddenly while reading, she would start and bend over the book, evidently desirous to hide it; and I detected edges of loose paper sticking out beyond the leaves.



10. In spite of all this they still sinned And did not believe in His wondrous deeds.

78:32 虽经这一切,他们仍旧犯罪,不相信祂奇妙的作为。

11. It will be a wondrous indeed, a banquet of pure love.


12. Alertness, Blinding Speed (2), Cleave, Corrupt Spell, Corrupt Spell-like Ability, Craft Epic Rod, Craft Epic Wondrous Items, Craft Rod, Craft Wondrous Items, Dark Speech, Empower Spell, Epic Spell Focus, Eschew Materials, Extra Turning (2), Fly-by Attack, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Spell Focus, Ignore Material Components, Improved Bullrush, Improved Initiative, Improved Spell Capacity (10th), Improved Spell Capacity (11th), Improved Spell Capacity (12th), Intensify Spell, Maximize Spell, Multispell, Negative Energy Burst, Planar Turning, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Quicken Spell-like Ability, Reach Spell, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus, Sunder, Toughness, Vile Natural Strike, Weapon Focus, Willing Deformity, Zone of Animation.

技能与特长:炼金术+56,平衡+11,哄骗+48,集中+102,手艺+35,手艺+63,交涉+48,逃跑艺术+50,医疗+33,隐藏+38,胁迫+53,跳跃+28,知识+63,知识+124,知识+96,知识+84,知识+ 63,聆听+55,安静移动+50,占卜+101,搜索+68,察言观色+55,法术识别+119,观察+57,摔绊+50,警觉,盲感(2),顺劈斩,腐化法术,腐化类法术能力,制造传奇法杖,制造传奇魔法物品,制造法杖,制造魔法物品,黑暗圣言,授予法术,传奇法术专攻,无须原料,额外活动力(2轮),飞行攻击,强力顺劈斩,异常强韧,强化法术专攻,无视原料材质,改良重击,改良先攻,改良施法(10级),改良施法(11级),改良施法(12级),强化施法,法术极效,负能量脉冲,转化位面生物,,猛力攻击,快速施法,快速施展类法术能力,法术效果延长,抄写卷轴,法术专攻,击破武器,坚韧,邪恶自然打击,武器专攻,扭曲肉体,活化区域

13. Faces so pale with wondrous eyes, very dear, gather closer yet


14. Behind it thy seat is woven in wondrous mysteries of curves, casting away all barren lines of straightness.


15. wondrous的近义词

15. Yet, an ear trained to listen to music detects wondrous subtleties that the untrained ear misses.



16. By accepting Shi Zhaohui's invitation, we are going to enter the Buddhist academia; we hope our endeavor made in Taiwan can help both academic scholars and Buddha's followers in the world start to understand the theory and methods of realizing Tathagatagarbha so that the real face of the wondrous dharma of the great-vehicle Buddhism during the Buddha's time can reappear. In the near future, we also will actually and gradually rebuild the bodhisattva sangha community of the great-vehicle Buddhism that is similar to the sangha of the Buddha's time—both home-staying bodhisattvas, similar to Manjusri or Samantabhadra, and home-leaving bodhisattvas, similar to Maitreya or Vasudhara, live together over a long period of time in the True Enlightenment Temple to concentrate on spreading the dharma and benefiting the public.


17. wondrous是什么意思

17. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of clouds, wondrous pines and unique rocks around you.


18. If your heart is pure, wondrous things can happen.



19. It is interesting to note that Lewis Caroll in his classic tale, Alice in Wonderland, lets his heroine encounter the magic mushroom at the gateway between solid and lucid realities: It is the abode of the stoned caterpillar, who explains some of the oddities of Wonderland to the confused Alice, who had already experienced the wondrous effects of'macropsia', and micropsia, which happen to be a typical symptom of Fly Agaric inebriation.

有意思的是看到刘易斯卡罗尔在他的经典寓言,爱丽丝漫游仙境,让他的女主人公遇到魔菇在网关之间的坚实和清晰的现实:它是居的石头毛毛虫,他们解释一些趣闻的华景给爱丽丝混淆,他们已经经历了奇妙效果' macropsia ',并micropsia ,恰好是一个典型的症状飞金顶沉醉。

20. wondrous什么意思

20. In his poor opinion, the wondrous whale was but a species of magnified mouse, or at least water-rat, requiring only a little circumvention and some small application of time and trouble in order to kill and boil


wondrous 词典解释

1. 奇异的;美妙的;令人惊叹的

If you describe something as wonderous, you mean it is strange and beautiful or impressive.

e.g. We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests.



Ever since they had set eyes on each other they had been wondrously happy.

从第一眼看到彼此起,他们就异常高兴。wondrous 单语例句

1. In the glass they appear cloudy but they have wondrous aromas and flavors.

2. As he runs his practice, he uses his professional insight into radiology to create these wondrous works.

3. As the seasons change, the place shimmers with wondrous serenity of every kind.

4. This is a wondrous drink, worthy of the gods of wine.

5. With thick forest coverage and wondrous water resources, it has become one of nation's most popular summer resorts.

6. This wondrous first novel won both a National Book Critics Circle award and the Pulitzer Prize.

wondrous 英英释义


1. extraordinarily good or great

used especially as intensifiers

e.g. a fantastic trip to the Orient

the film was fantastic!

a howling success

a marvelous collection of rare books

had a rattling conversation about politics

a tremendous achievement

Synonym: fantasticgrandhowling(a)marvelousmarvellousrattling(a)terrifictremendouswonderful



1. (used as an intensifier) extremely well

e.g. her voice is superbly disciplined

the colors changed wondrously slowly

Synonym: wonderfullywondrouslysuperblytoppinglymarvellouslyterrificallymarvelously