

bible:[英 [ˈbaɪbl] 美 ['baɪbl] ]


bible 基本解释

名词圣经; 有权威的书


bible 相关例句


1. bible

1. This dictionary should be your bible when studying English.


2. bible的近义词

2. This dictionary should be your Bible when studying English.


bible 网络解释

1. 圣经 ,圣经:圣经圣经(Bible)中记载,耶稣诞生时,天使飞越全世界向世人报佳音. 但最近科学家指出,这一传说很有问题,因为天使根本就飞不起来. 英国生物学家罗格?沃顿认为,从生理学角度来看,艺术作品中那些长有翅膀的天使根本不可能飞得起来.

2. 最喜歡的書:興趣: basketball, singing, tambay, gala and play girls | 最喜歡的書: bible | 最喜歡的電影: spiderman

bible 双语例句

1. Each evening I pray for our fellowship, for your peace, your health and joy for I especially miss you all - remembering/reminiscing the warmth and joy in the Lord together; missing especially the singing; Bible studies and discussion during Saturday evening dinner fellowship.



2. If you are a born again believer in Jesus, this may well be one of the most important books, other than your Bible, that you read.


3. When you first came to Christ, the Bible became a new book to you.


4. With New Occident A-level Bible, you are able to pass your exams like piece of cake.


5. The lost Bible is possibly the biggest loss of my possession s.



6. After you have attended all your meetings, and denounced Communism until you can scarcely speak, after you have dealt with your apologetics, and displayed your wonderful knowledge of theology and your understanding of the times, and your complete map of the next fifty years, and after you have read all the translations of the Bible, and have shown your proficiency in a knowledge of its mechanics, I still ask you:'What about your relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ?


7. She will assist the Sihanoukville Bible School from July.


8. bible的解释

8. I think it was named after the first chapter of the Holy Bible.


9. Based on the early works of Catholic missionaries, Robert Morrison and William Milne entirely translated the Bible in Guangzhou, Macao and Malacca, while Joshua Marshman and Joannes and Lassar did the same work in Serampore in India.


10. If you have your Bible, turn to Matthew 13:31


11. Moses took that message to the people of Israel, but the Bible says they did not listen to Moses because they were in such great heaviness of spirit.


12. According to the Bible and many codex, women are responsible for men's fall, who, are the evil that lure men to the hell. Sexual abusement, body torturement and defamation are the primary punishments for women.


13. In any case, Martin Luther established Protestant beliefs by insisting that ONLY the Bible be trusted for such things.



14. When I was little, london was like a place in the bible.


15. There is a system of doctrine taught in the Bible.


16. bible什么意思

16. Bible writers convict people of sin, declare God's plan of salvation in Christ, and urge their readers to embrace and cling to the grace of God by faith.


17. There is already a developing streak of irony in the Hebrew Bible, one that the Talmud amplifies.


18. bible

18. If a book has more in it than the Bible, it is too much.



19. The Bible, a hymnbook and quite a number of booklets and tracts are printed in the Romanized.


20. bible

20. Medhurst then engaged Wang Changgui's young son, Wang Tao, as his replacement, and Wang Tao helped to complete the Bible as well as to write tracts and revise a hymnbook.


bible 词典解释

1. 《圣经》

The Bible is the holy book on which the Jewish and Christian religions are based.

2. 一本《圣经》

A Bible is a copy of the Bible.

3. 宝典;权威著作

If someone describes a book or magazine about their job or interest as their bible, they mean that it is the best and most useful book about the subject.


e.g. ...the photographer's bible — Amateur Photographer.


bible 单语例句bible什么意思

1. Hollywood turned its back on his bloody Bible flick, a cross that Mel was only too happy to carry himself.

2. Christianity and Literature secularizes the Bible as a literary classic and examines its influence on Western literature.

3. Centres were setting up across the mainland to deliver the Bible to the faithful.

4. So God conjured up two things for them to eat, the Bible says.

5. As the " eyeball economy " bubble broke, seeking profits was regarded as the Bible in the business world.

6. The guard then takes Hansen's Bible and strikes him in the side of the face with the book.

7. For example, 30 million copies of the Bible have been printed.

8. Karl Marx's Bible of Communism is being made into a stage comedy, Zhang Kun reports.

9. Confucius taught that no man is truly good, as does the Bible.

10. Green tea from Wuyuan is recorded in the Tea Bible of Tang Dynasty.

bible的反义词bible 英英释义



1. a book regarded as authoritative in its field