

rustic:[英 [ˈrʌstɪk] 美 [ˈrʌstɪk] ]



rustic 基本解释


形容词乡村的,乡下的; 质朴的,朴素的; 粗鲁的; 圆木造的

名词乡下人,农夫; 粗汉


rustic 同义词


rustic 反义词



rustic 相关例句


1. The village has a certain rustic charm.


rustic 网络解释

1. 乡村的:ruinous#毁坏的;荒废的 | rustic#乡村的 | rusty#生锈的;荒疏的

2. 乡下人:rust 铁锈 | rustic 乡下人 | rustically 乡土气地

3. 乡村的,乡村式的:ruralize 使农村化,在农村居住 | rustic 乡村的,乡村式的 | rusticity 乡村风味,乡村特点,质朴

4. 鄉土的,田園的,粗魯的:rune 符文,古北歐字母 | rustic 鄉土的,田園的,粗魯的 | rustle 沙沙響

rustic 双语例句

1. I mean you don't have to have this rustic Italian feast.


2. AOL last week the 5 ParentDish websites that rolled out a face formally to grow homeward, still Yu Benzhou 2 roll out Boot of rustic music website, and Xi Ha Hela moves musical website Boom Box.

AOL上周五正式推出了面向家长的ParentDish网站,还将于本周二推出乡村音乐网站Boot、以及嘻哈和蓝调音乐网站Boom Box。

3. This lends to a more rustic look and it's important to treat the wood before mounting it.


4. rustic的翻译

4. Home decoration advocates natural style, and simple and elegant rustic tiles are more and more popular.



5. Or will it be more of a rustic look with knotty pine and more simple detailing?


6. rustic的意思

6. To have to undertake the clothing of his rustic love was more than a little disturbing.



7. There, on the grounds of an abandoned school, he's started a more rustic enterprise, farming chickens.


8. In rural areas where homeowners may prefer a more rustic, natural look, a deck works well by letting you leave the land the way it is.


9. This road leads to the northern higher part of the lot. Nevertheless, it is possible to access the house from a more rustic footpath from the south.


10. rustic

10. He is not referring to things like rustic, thatched-roof retreat*ut rather to an architecture that is anti-urban in a metaphysical sense.


11. Conversely in the little rustic inns tucked among the hillsides of the Vienna Woods, members of the nobility mixed quite casually with lesser folk to dance to the sweet and giddy folk tunes of the region.



12. Corner to its left and right turns and, on the one, the next fold compared with the sightseeing tour, that is, they save time and effort force, in particular, you can put it into a ring full of times past of the mountain stream waterfall sound, or is interpreted as a rural rustic folk.


13. rustic的意思

13. Shangdang are well-known iron smelting industry in the production area, fireworks follow practices documented its long history of iron, the traditional rustic iron and luster of fireworks fireworks with modern technology decorate the fire horse, fire dragon, fire umbrella matched phase contrast, invites applications become a local folk scene of the holiday in the most ornamental of one of the programs.


14. In other words, this case for nearly a year of disputes will be ended, and those who have loss to the meat into a small rustic East, temporarily without fear down the drain.


15. Third quarter of this year, A shares fell 2000 points once integer clearance, with the index rise and fall, hundreds of billions of assets suddenly disappear, September small rustic public satisfaction with the proceeds of the stock market plummeted 64.1 points to only 28.1 points during the same period institutions satisfaction has 51.1 points.


16. Jinbi those high prices to buy PCCW's shares as principal of a small rustic old-age East, at the shareholders meeting shouted themselves hoarse against the privatization of a low price, but eventually was passed by a majority shareholder of the privatization proposal, and the incident has aroused wide a public outcry.


17. It is liquid cleaner composed of surfactant like high-effective lotion, wetting agent foam-killing agent. Etc. can efficiently remove the watermark, rustic Etc stained on the surface.

酸性清洗剂 Acidic cleaner 产品简介:酸性清洗剂是由高效酸性洗剂、润湿剂消泡剂等表面活性剂复配而成的液体清洗剂。


18. They can dominate their own fate in politics, and set up nationality rustic and nationality autonomous state.


19. Especially those rustic, simple painting works that reflect working people's hardships and true feelings always lead us to the spiritual world of nature with their great charms.


20. In the last part, the paper makes specific analysis of modern pursuance of simplicity in painting, questions the blind, absurd pursuance of lifeless forms in painting with the author's own accumulation of experiences and thought, concludes that rustic, unsophisticated simplicity that runs from outside to inside is the beauty of working people and the inner beauty of human being, emphasizes the origin of art—returning to simplicity and trueness, and proposes that simplicity should be regressed, kept and carried forward in painting.


rustic 词典解释

1. 乡村的;质朴的;有乡村风味的

You can use rustic to describe things or people that you approve of because they are simple or unsophisticated in a way that is typical of the countryside.

e.g. ...the rustic charm of a country lifestyle.


e.g. ...a half dozen or so wonderfully rustic old log cabins.


2. 乡下人;乡巴佬

You can refer to someone who comes from the countryside as a rustic if you find their behaviour amusing or very different from that of people who live in towns and cities.


e.g. ...lots of opera-loving Italian rustics in from the country.


rustic 单语例句

1. A giant glass Buddha is surrounded by water, and big wooden tables give a more " rustic " touch to the restaurant.

2. Rustic charm appears in the braised pork short ribs served with a piece of corn on the cob and wrapped in reed.

3. A pomegranate salad was the palate cleanser - followed by a rustic shredded green turnip in a clear soup and served with skinned cherry tomatoes.

4. Waiters in rustic red and green suits sing, clap and prance over to your seat.

5. It won for its pioneering effort in incorporating a clarinet into Rustic's music.

6. To present the image of people living in the countryside, he also inserted some husked hemp stalks into the clay to reflect the rustic flavor.

7. These visits made me rethink my understanding of Shaanxi cuisine as rustic rural food that comes mostly in snack form but rarely in formal dishes.

8. Looking around the open dining room with its quaint rustic log cabin aesthetic, it was apparent that fondue was the most popular choice.

9. The yam is most often diced to preserve its shape and cubes of salted pork added to enhance the rustic nature of this dish.

10. It would be unacceptable if a piece of traditional calligraphy had a beautiful form but the content was something extremely rustic or rude.

rustic的反义词rustic 英英释义


1. an unsophisticated country person


1. awkwardly simple and provincial

e.g. bumpkinly country boys

rustic farmers

a hick town

the nightlife of Montmartre awed the unsophisticated tourists

Synonym: bumpkinlyhickunsophisticated

2. characteristic of the fields or country

e.g. agrestic simplicity

rustic stone walls

Synonym: agrestic

3. characteristic of rural life

e.g. countrified clothes

rustic awkwardness

Synonym: countrifiedcountryfied