

helicopter:[英 [ˈhelɪkɒptə(r)] 美 [ˈhelɪkɑ:ptə(r)] ]


过去式:helicoptered;   过去分词:helicoptered;   现在分词:helicoptering;   复数形式:helicopters;

helicopter 基本解释





helicopter 相关例句


1. The officials were helicoptered aboard the ship.



1. He helicoptered to the capital.


2. The president helicoptered to California yesterday.




1. The helicopter hovered over the crowd for a while before inching away.


helicopter 网络解释

1. helicopter的反义词

1. 直升飞机:至于直升飞机 (helicopter)机场 (airport),当然就是 heliport;并起来吃的早午餐,当然就是 breakfast(早餐)跟 lunch(午餐)并起来的 brunch了. 掌握了这个英文造字原则,有些字我们纵使没有见过,也可猜到字义. 例如 monergy一字,

2. 直升机声:125 Telephone Ring 电话铃声 | 126 Helicopter 直升机声 | 127 Applause 欢呼鼓掌声

3. 直升机;用直升机载送:helicopter rig 直升机钻机 | helicopter 直升机;用直升机载送 | helicotron 螺线质谱计

helicopter 双语例句

1. A swarm of Jurassic insects and reptiles, allegory of the long terrestrial migration the Pendulum was tracing, aimed at me like angry archons with their long archeopterix-beaks; the planes of Bréguet, Blériot, Esnault, and the helicopter of Dufaux.


2. Our company specializes in proxy Esky Products, ESKY, from design, development, research and sales all kinds of model products, its products cover electric helicopter, oil moving helicopter, foam aircraft, wooden aircraft, electric, oil-dynamic models and a variety of model electronic remote control system.


3. As a best helicopter assault force, you have been commissioned at any price to stop them.


4. The Kamov Ka-26, which has the NATO codename Hoodlum, was announced in January 1964 as a light commercial helicopter with twin-turbine powerplant and a design making it easily convertible to meet the requirements of several roles.

该卡莫夫嘉- 26,它有北约代号流氓,宣布在1964年1月作为一个光与双涡轮发动机,设计使它很容易转换为符合数个角色的要求,商业直升机。

5. Part two contains advanced topics in helicopter aerodynamics, including airfoil flows, unsteady aerodynamics, dynamic stall, and rotor wakes, and rotor-airframe aerodynamic interactions.


6. Part two contains advanced topics in helicopter aerodynamics, including airfoil flows, unsteady aerodynamics, dynamic stall, rotor wakes, and rotor-airframe aerodynamic interactions.


7. It was used to control the speed 300 motor in my helicopter before.


8. The rescue helicopter found the missing ship and led it to safety.


9. The Ardiden engine is already flying in the HAL Dhruv, Advanced Light Helicopter, but the uprated versions, will be capable of producing 1, 800-2, 000 shp, making them ideal for six-eight tonne helicopters.

阿蒂丹发动机已经装在已飞行的印度先进轻型直升机北极星HAL Dhruv直升机上,但正在研发的是大功率的版本,将能产生1,800-2,000马力,使它们适合6-8吨直升机。

10. helicopter什么意思

10. After the helicopter passes the pilot, execute a 180 degree turn towards, continue to reduce power/collective so as to descend at a gradual angle to the landing zone.


11. After the helicopter passes the pilot, execute a180 degree turn towards, continue to reduce power/ collective so as to descend at a gradual angle to the landing zone.


12. March 10, shock troops in Afghanistan conducting combat helicopter crew from the aircraft flight training quickly.



13. In Iraq toady near Najaf, the US military has confirmed a helicopter went down during combat operations. Two crew members aboard were killed.


14. In Iraq toady near Najaf, the US military has confirmed a helicopter went down during combat operations. Two crew members aboard were killed. US backed Iraqi forces were on hand in the region to prevent attacks on religious pilgrims. About 250 militants were killed during the daylong battle.


15. It is one of the important tasks in the design of helicopter to analyze the strength of composite level-stability-panel.



16. And there's nothing more exciting than flying over a wolf in a helicopter.


17. helicopter

17. And theres nothing more exciting than flying over a wolf in a helicopter.


18. This is a Turbine Enstrom Helicopter on the Heli Pad of a Greenpeace ship some where off the coast of Ireland.


19. Aerodynamical parameters in longitudinal model of a certain type of helicopter are identified in the paper.


20. The local government later halted Wu's plan to fly the helicopter out of safety concerns.


helicopter 词典解释

1. 直升机

A helicopter is an aircraft with long blades on top that go round very fast. It is able to stay still in the air and to move straight upwards or downwards.

helicopter 单语例句

1. Freddy Padilla told reporters the Ecuadorean helicopter pilot flew the craft into Colombian territory by mistake.

2. The government also said the rebels violated the UN resolution by using a helicopter and a fighter jet to bomb Libyan armed forces.

3. He recalls their helicopter was struck by lightening when they flew over Cambodia in 2009, causing the aircraft to suddenly plummet 50 meters.

4. Brown arrived by helicopter at Camp David after booming thunderstorms gave way to sunshine.

5. The boaters were found uninjured and were being rescued from the canyon, whose floor is unreachable in many places except by helicopter.

6. The destroyer positioned itself between the small pirate boats trying to board the cargo ships and used its helicopter to repel them.

7. Bell Helicopter believes that the country's huge market potential and manufacturing opportunities hold great promise, even though actual returns may be a long time coming.

8. It excluded the cases of 134 firemen and helicopter pilots who suffered acute radiation sickness, leading to death in around 40 cases.

9. A " patient " is brought to a helicopter during an emergency medical drill organized by the 999 Emergency Center and Beijing Capital Airlines on Oct 11.

10. Yang did not give details about these plans but said occasional chartered flights by helicopter to private clubs in nearby provinces started in 2011.

helicopter 英英释义


1. an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades

Synonym: chopperwhirlybirdeggbeater