

arid:[英 [ˈærɪd] 美 [ˈærɪd] ]


arid 基本解释


形容词干旱的,干燥的; 贫瘠的,荒芜的,不毛的; 枯燥无味的,无趣的

arid 相关例句


1. The audience soon grew tired of his arid speech.


2. The settlers irrigated the arid land.



3. Desert lands are arid.


arid 网络解释

1. arid的解释

1. 干旱的:最后的(Utimate) 粘化层和低的盐基饱和度图单元氧化土Oxisols (法)Fr.Oxide 氧化物(Oxide) 氧化层, 无粘化层, 高度风化变性土Vertisols (拉)L.verto 转化(Invert) 高膨胀型粘粒, 干燥后裂缝深干旱土Aridisols (拉)L.aridus 干旱的(Arid)干旱土壤, 色淡表层,

2. 干旱:盐结晶作用通常和[[乾旱]](arid)气候有关,因为强烈的加热引起强烈蒸发,从而产生盐结晶作用. 盐结晶作用亦在岸边活跃. 盐风化的例子亦可以在[[海堤]]上的蜂窝石(honeycombed stones)找到. 盐结晶作用通常和[[乾旱]](arid)气候有关,

3. 乾燥:此等气候在其研究中,予以较严格之定义,以年雨量为季分布及年温度之函数 (见草原气候Steppe climate下subhumid), 半乾燥(Semi-arid) 及乾燥(Arid)气候; 与此相反为「潮湿气候」(Moist climate) .

4. 干燥的:arhythmia 心律不齐 | arid 干燥的 | arid zones 干燥带

arid 双语例句

1. arid什么意思

1. The North-western region of China, where it is arid or semiarid, is the most important in stock-raising of the country.


2. arid什么意思

2. Among C4 plants, however, special leaf anatomy and a unique biochemical pathway enable the plant to thrive in arid conditions.


3. Arid and semiarid areas are main areas of food production in our country.


4. How do you explain three planets right next to each other, one is a dry oven, one is an arid desert, and the one in the middle is flooded with water?


5. The release rules and effects on trees of dry water were studied, so as to discuss a new way for drought resistance and increase living and keeping rate of forest in arid areas from the angel of timely effects and gradual release, and provide theoretical base for dry water popularization in drought-resistant afforestation.


6. This Paper dealt With a clnical analis of 8 cases with Primary cars inoma of the gallbladder occuring during 30 years arid reviewed the relative lite- re in our country and abroad.


7. The essay expounds the basic concept of danger arid insurance existing in the production and life of human beings, and analyzes the relationship and difference between value-insured transportation and transportation insurance from the aspects of three countermeasures for dangers.


8. Based on the study of sedimentary, the Lower Tertiary stratigraphy can be divided into ten depositional facies:(1) arid alluvial fan, (2) steep slope fan-delta, (3) gentle slope fan-delta, (4) delta, (5) lacustrine shoreface, (6) salty lacstrine, (7) shallow lacustrine, (8) semi deep and deep lacustrine, (9) carbonate shoal, (10) incised channel.



9. Liver function indexes arid AFP were inspected by automated biochemical analyzer anti radioimmunoassay. Results No SRY-positive was detected in the N, C group all the time and the E group after transfusion at l/2h.

结果 PCR和BrdU免疫组化初步分析对照组在不同时期均无雄险BM-MSCs,实验组在1/2处死的5例中均阴性,在第1wk处死的5只中有2例阳性,在第2wk处死组5只中有3只阳性,在第3、4wk处死组5只中均阳性。

10. Human activities result in increasing of duststorm by decreasing vegetation covers in semiarid and arid region during the economical development.


11. A device for determining molar mass with freezing point depression was improved, which consists of the Dewar bottle, sample container, Beckmann thermometer, arid motor stirrer, Before the experiment, the freezing point of the coolant was controlled about 2℃ below the freezing point of the sample solution by adjusting the composition of the coolant.



12. Arid David said to him: To buy the thrashingfloor of thee, and build an altar to the Lord, that the plague, which rageth among the people, may cease.


13. Agriculture is the body of the economy in arid areas in China, and oasis is its carrier.


14. arid的解释

14. The development of water- saving agriculture is the key for present arid agriculture development.


15. arid什么意思

15. Research showed that, crack emerge and stress will up to resist-pull limit when moisture gradsinside about 6~7.5%/mm during absorption of rice kernel. In order to offer reference data to ricestoring, moisture content bound of storing safety was found under different surrounding relativehumidity. Combined the experiment research results of mechanical physical property arid moisturetransfer property, humid stress crack emerging mechanism were discussed under normaltemperature, humidity field, and stress field analyzed theoretically and triangle unit analyzed byfinite element. Ellipsoid finite element entity model set up by use of constants such as elasticmodulus, possion ratio, humid linear expansion coefficient, moisture diffusion coefficient acquiredrice physical parameters in humid stress field.


16. This paper analyzes the characteristics of small enterprise accounting arid finds the difference between the small enterprise and the big ones.


17. arid的意思

17. METHODS A total at 13 cases of osteoradionecrosis of temporal bone were retrospectively reviewed from 1995 to 2002, which were classified as local disease and diffuse disease based on extent of disease 8 cases of local disease arid 3 cases of diffuse disease were treated by surgery, 1 case with local osteoradionecrosis and 1 case with diffuse osteoradionecosis were treated by conservative methods.


18. arid的反义词

18. Tell her what Heathcliff is: an unreclaimed creature, without refinement, without cultivation: an arid wilderness of furze and whinstone.



19. With a crack of joke, all our worries and sadness disperse like mist and smoke, and we are full of vim arid vigor once again.


20. arid

20. Worries'.''and sadness disperse like mist and smoke, and we are''.'full'.''''.'of'.''vim arid vigor once again.


arid 词典解释

1. 干旱的;不毛的

Arid land is so dry that very few plants can grow on it.


e.g. ...new strains of crops that can withstand arid conditions.


e.g. ...the arid zones of the country.


2. 枯燥无味的;乏善可陈的

If you describe something such as a period of your life or an academic subject as arid, you mean that it has so little interest, excitement, or purpose that it makes you feel bored or unhappy.

e.g. She had given him the only joy his arid life had ever known.


e.g. ...the politically arid years of military dictatorship in the 1960s and '70s.


arid 单语例句

1. Given the market potential and adaptability to arid areas, the potato may well be a new industrial star in China's west.

2. Gu said the arid cropland is unlikely to yield a cent this year.

3. Zhangye boasts the typical and the country's largest arid area danxia landform.

4. Before modern technology, they were what made the otherwise arid land of Turpan fertile and livable.

5. The Shenyang Application Ecological System Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences has brought good news for the country's arid regions.

6. But now it has become one of the most arid areas in China.

7. The Texas panhandle may look arid on the surface, but underground it's a different story.

8. Yet a desert pincer is squeezing this struggling oasis town, and China's long campaign to cultivate its vast arid northwest is in retreat.

9. The first regional sandstorm of the spring hit the northwestern province of Gansu on Friday, with the arid Minqin county experiencing a strong sandstorm.

10. The drought has so far affected 737 villages in 11 counties, mostly in the central and southern parts of Ningxia where the climate is traditionally arid.