

confer:[英 [kənˈfɜ:(r)] 美 [kənˈfɚ] ]


过去式:conferred;   过去分词:conferred;   现在分词:conferring;

confer 基本解释


及物动词授予,颁与; 比较,对照


confer 相关例句


1. The engineers and technicians are still conferring on the unexpected accident.


2. confer在线翻译

2. Diplomas were conferred on the students who had completed all courses of study.



1. They conferred on the best way to expand business.


confer 网络解释

1. 协商:离开就切除(ablate),出口在通风(ventilate),向前变椭圆(prolate),两边在扩散(dilate),共同来核对(collate)共同套他为曲解(contort),共同踹他为悔恨(contrite),共同带来为协商(confer),共同坚定为确认(confirm),

2. 授予(学士):conduct 行为;操行 | confer 授予学士 | confer 授予学士

confer 双语例句

1. Thus after their pontiffs have received from the Roman pontiff the pallium, which is the sign of the fullness of the pontifical office, and have taken an oath of fidelity and obedience to him they may lawfully confer the pallium on their own suffragans, receiving from them for themselves canonical profession and for the Roman church the promise of obedience.

因此后pontiffs收到了罗马教皇的披肩,这是标志丰满宗座办公室,并已采取宣誓忠诚和服从他,他们可以合法赋予的披肩自己suffragans ,接受他们的为自己的职业和典型的罗马教会的承诺服从。

2. The transfers of MDR1 genes into hematopoietic stem cells and hematopoietic progenitor cells are expected to confer drug-resistance to the bone marrow of patients so as to protect them from myelotoxicity which is the main adverse effect of high-dose chemotherapy.

但是,如果将MDR1基因转入造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cell,HSC),使之获得耐药表型,就可以在化疗过程中起到保护骨髓的作用,进而使大剂量化疗得以顺利进行,提高化疗的疗效。

3. This region, when transferred alone to the upstream of a heterologous promoter, can confer RTA responsiveness.


4. Sliding clamps are ring-shaped proteins that encircle DNA and confer high processivity on DNA polymerases.



5. They also present evidence that the development of resistance to one class of antibiotic may confer persistent increased resistance to other antibiotic classes.


6. confer的意思

6. Hiv strains that are transmitted in various areas of the world differ genetically. it is not known whether a vaccine derived from one type of hiv will confer protection against other types.


7. HIV strai that are tra mitted in various areas of the world differ genetically. It is not known whether a vaccine derived from one type of HIV will confer protection agai t other types.



8. While mutations of the gene which codes for a receptor in a major inflammatory pathway are strongly associated with Crohn`s disease, surprisingly, Consortium researchers report that one type of mutation may confer significant protection and identify potential targets for drugs therapies for the management of Crohn`s disease and ulcerative colitis.


9. As she recalled to China Newsweek, she went to confer with then CNS president Wang Shigu immediately, and they held that if Li and Xu could come, it would be regarded as a breakthrough in all aspects, for there were no direct exchanges between the two sides yet.


10. It is her most attractive style of bold and beautiful text and the right tension to make this confer knew of their lives.


11. Any one of the Contracting States shall have the right to call for a fresh confer ce with a view to considering possible amendments.


12. confer的反义词

12. Moreover, the person who has the right to confer the first benefice may freely bestow it, after the recipient has obtained a second benefice, on someone who seems to deserve it.


13. Participation in this or any other incentive or bonus plan during this or any other plan year does not confer the right to participate in this, or any other incentive plan, during any subsequent year.


14. confer的翻译

14. It gained the right to confer Master degree in 2002. There are 6 professors and 9 associate professors pursuing research in this field, who are young, robust, and creative, having precise scientism. More than 100 papers have been published on journals of different levels.


15. The first group of vocational and technical normal colleges were granted the right to confer master`s degrees which has greatly upgraded the levels and standards of vocational education. Then there comes the issue of how to guarantee the quality of postgraduates education.


16. confer什么意思

16. It is admitted that there are certain things that He cannot do such as making one equal to two (1), but should we not believe that He has freedom to confer a soul on an elephant if He sees fit?


17. confer的翻译

17. Combined with the test of All〓wden reaction and observation with SEM, the data have proved that protease SZ can digest the protein of epicuticle and then hydrolyzed the cuticle of wool, while the other proteases have no this distinctive effects, although they can confer wool bigger weight loss too. As protease SZ can digest the epicuticle and cuticle, the wool can be confered excellent antifelting property with low tenacity and elongation loss.


18. The reason why only when wool is pretreated with hydrogen peroxide can protease SZ confer wool excellent antifelting property is that the pretreatment can remove some lipid on epicuticle, thus the protease SZ has the possibility to digest the protein of epicuticle for no lipid's obstruction.


19. Only one complete corollinae chromosome was detected in Ml4, and was determined corollinae chromosome 9. We have used in situ hybridization of genomic DNA to discrimination the parental chromosomes in Beta Ml 4, suppression of cross-hybridization by blocking DNA was not necessary indicating that the investigated Beta genome contain sufficient species-species DNA enabling the unequivocal determination of genomic composition of the hybrids. In our study, the results of BAC -FISH combined with the analysis of GISH in Beta M14, indicating that present of the corollinae chromosome 9 alone was sufficient to confer apospory in Beta M14 upon celluar and molecular..


20. God is under no obligation to confer this grace upon any; for how can he be indebted to man, who had no precious gifts to bestow, as a foundation for such recompense?


confer 词典解释

1. 商谈;商议;交换意见

When you confer with someone, you discuss something with them in order to make a decision. You can also say that two people confer .

e.g. He conferred with Hill and the others in his office...


e.g. His doctors conferred by telephone and agreed that he must get away from his family for a time.


2. 授予,赋予(权力、荣誉等)

To confer something such as power or an honour on someone means to give it to them.

e.g. The constitution also confers large powers on Brazil's 25 constituent states...


e.g. An honorary doctorate of law was conferred on him by Newcastle University in 1976...


confer 单语例句

1. But seeking similar genetic traits " may confer individuals with additional adaptive advantages, " he wrote.

2. In April 1996 the CMC began to confer military ranks on reserve officers.

3. Leaders also will confer on climate change, trade and economic security.

4. The study suggests that the genes that confer pale skin and red hair evolved separately in humans and our closest extinct relatives.

5. They do not want detainees to have an opportunity to confer with each other and perhaps plot uprisings in the detention facility.

6. China began to confer military ranks to military and police officers in 1955, when Mao Zedong promoted 10 senior officers to the rank of marshal.

7. Hill has been in Seoul since Saturday to confer with senior South Korean officials to flesh out a joint strategy for Thursday's talks in Beijing.

8. Online brands like Baidu Inc and Facebook are prized for their functionality and innovativeness rather than the social status they confer.

9. It is against diplomatic principles and international rules for the US Congress to confer a medal on such a person.

10. New Defense Secretary Robert Gates journeyed to Iraq in his first week on the job in December to confer with American commanders and Iraqi leaders.

confer 英英释义



1. have a conference in order to talk something over

e.g. We conferred about a plan of action

Synonym: confabulateconfabconsult

2. present

e.g. The university conferred a degree on its most famous former student, who never graduated

bestow an honor on someone

Synonym: bestow