

plea:[英 [pli:] 美 [pli] ]



plea 基本解释

名词恳求,请求; (被告或被告律师的)抗辩,答辩; 借口,托辞; 请愿

plea 相关例句


1. The prisoner made a plea for mercy.


2. plea的反义词

2. Her plea was that she did not see the signal.


3. She left the party on the plea of a headache.


plea 网络解释

1. 请求:remand 发回重审 | plea 请求 | abatement 撤销

2. 抗辩:plaintiff原告 | plea抗辩 | principal主犯

plea 双语例句

1. plea的翻译

1. Champa Dorje boarded the shuttle and said to them, Usually, when we`re out and about they don`t dare present a plea. They don`t know which lama can help them with their problems. At the same time, we don`t like to show ourselves on purpose.


2. It is considered the first plea for toleration in modern times.


3. The spirit moving him he would much have liked to follow Jack Tar's good example and leave the likeness there for a very few minutes to speak for itself on the plea he so that the other could drink in the beauty for himself, her stage presence being, frankly, a treat in itself which the camera could not at all do justice to.


4. It is an innocent question invariably asked by earnest students, and every time I hear it I feel that this sincere plea must admit of a clear answer and that I, as an English teacher, should know what this answer is.


5. That book by the Belgian jesuit, Le Nombre des 蒷us, seemed to Father Conmee a reasonable plea.


6. plea的翻译

6. Your plea has been heard, your offering accepted, you may remain among us.


7. plea什么意思

7. A vegetarian, the Indian economist made a plea for people around the world to tame their carnivorous impulses.


8. The assumption of risk doctrine originated from the Roman Law. It has been accepted as the ground of plea-ding both in common law system and civil law system.



9. And please don't forget the guilty plea from his former henchman David Radler, part of another sentencing deal.


10. Under months of controversy and scandal, Detroi t Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick entered a guilty plea to abstraction chargesthis morning.


11. The writers are determined not to repeat the mistake they made in 1985, when they listened to the studios'plea that home video was an unproven new market and agreed to a residual payment of 0.3%, which translates into about four cents for each sale of a DVD—or one-tenth of what DVD-box manufacturers get.

而编剧们决心这次不再犯他们 1985 年犯通的错误了,当时他们听信了制片商的借口,说家庭录像还是一个未知的新国国,于是在终同意收取 0.3%的重映费,这相当于每卖出一张 DVD 他们只能得 4 美分,这是 DVD 制造商所得的 1/10。

12. I smoked with concentration and plea sure, as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette.


13. In Havana, the speech has been swiftly denounced. Cuba's Foreign Minister said that it was a plea for violence and the use of force to topple the revolution and to impose the president's own ideas.



14. Do not say that you have not been forewarned; do not blame us for not having forewarned you; we accept no plea of ignorance



15. If you are denie'd a v i's a, plea s e lis't en care'f u lly to wh a t the v i's a of'ficer tells you.


16. In order to definite the system clearly, the third part compare it with some similar legal system, such as plea bargain.


17. Lowering his head and biting his lip, he acquiesced the other mans plea to bed with him.


18. Lowering his head and biting his lip, he acquiesced the otherman's plea to bed with him.


19. Because of their plea under the tyranny of God.


20. Eller has declared this narrative unhistoric, on the plea that the Apostles were in Galilee after the death of Jesus.

ELLER先生已宣布这一叙事unhistoric ,就恳求说,使徒保罗在加利利去世后,耶稣。

plea 词典解释

1. 恳求;请求

A plea is an appeal or request for something, made in an intense or emotional way.

e.g. Mr Nicholas made his emotional plea for help in solving the killing.


e.g. ...an impassioned plea to mankind to act to save the planet.


2. (法庭上表明对于被指控的罪名服或不服的)申诉,答辩,抗辩

In a court of law, a person's plea is the answer that they give when they have been charged with a crime, saying whether or not they are guilty of that crime.

e.g. The judge questioned him about his guilty plea...


e.g. We will enter a plea of not guilty...


3. 辩由;借口;托词

A plea is a reason which is given, to a court of law or to other people, as an excuse for doing something or for not doing something.


e.g. Phillips murdered his wife, but got off on a plea of insanity...


e.g. Mr Dunn's pleas of poverty are only partly justified.


plea 单语例句

1. The ministry denied it had ignored the company's plea, saying it had communicated many times with the company's representatives by telephone.

2. Bryant won't be asked to enter a plea Wednesday, only to acknowledge the charge against him.

3. Tan did not immediately enter a plea for the murder charge, which carries a penalty of death by hanging on conviction.

4. The prosecution accused Lui of murder and earlier rejected his plea to the lesser manslaughter charge.

5. Defence counsel Kevin Tang interceded with the Chief Magistrate with a plea for leniency.

6. As part of a plea agreement, the citation against Bobbie Nelson was dismissed.

7. One of the victims of the mishap wrote a plea asking clemency for Lau.

8. PHILADELPHIA - A woman suspected of killing five newborns and keeping their skeletal remains in a locked closet has negotiated a plea.

9. She had entered treatment in August after reaching a plea deal on misdemeanor drunken driving and cocaine charges following two arrests.

10. Her plea garnered a great deal of attention within the online community - and has piqued the interest of authorities.

plea 英英释义



1. an answer indicating why a suit should be dismissed

2. (law) a defendant's answer by a factual matter (as distinguished from a demurrer)

3. a humble request for help from someone in authority

Synonym: supplication