

overt:[英 [əʊˈvɜ:t] 美 [oʊˈvɜ:rt] ]


overt 基本解释

形容词公开的; 明显的; 公然的; 阳

overt 反义词


overt 网络解释


1. 外显的:overstrainofnervousprocess神经过程过度紧张 | overt外显的 | overtbehavior外显行为

2. 公开的:invert 反转,颠倒 | overt 公开的 | subvert 颠覆

3. 公然的:obvious 明白的 显然的 | overt 公然的 | rebuff (回来不作那件事情)断然拒绝

4. 公然的,公开的:orthodox 正统的,公认的 | overt 公然的,公开的 | overwhelming 势如破竹的,压倒性的

overt 双语例句


1. You have reached the cock the overt action reversing. All call from Monster and may be recovered at any time. State nature of your emergency after the pump.


2. overt

2. As with many protozoal problems, fish may carry low levels of this organism without overt signs of disease.

与许多 protozoal 问题,鱼类可进行水平低,这个有机体,没有显性疾病征兆。

3. I honestly can't understand how somebody with a reasonably well-furnished mind can lend himself to this kind of overt propaganda.


4. overt的翻译

4. Sometimes the symbolism is overt, as with a panoramic painting of Beijing`s Forbidden City, on which are superimposed images of hands holding coins, emblematic of the threat of commercial greed to China`s past. Sometimes it is only hinted at, as in his panoramic views of the new Shanghai, with its towering skyscrapers.


5. And, these three elements are analyzed as triggers which trigger an aspect to bind the hidden argument of the predicate (Higginbotham 1985). For example, si `be` triggers a state to serve as an operator to bind the referential argument of the nominal expression that functions as the predicate. Also, the covert or overt auxiliary trigger a sate to function as a binder to bind the event argument. As for u, it serves as an aspectual light verb triggering a stative aspect that unselectively binds an event, a situation, or the degree argument of the verbal or the adjectival predicate.

为了进一步探讨X在句构中所扮演的角色和功能,本论文沿用Higginbotham (1985)所提出的理论:「一个事件中会含有一个E且其对等到一个隐含的论元」,并且将「有」、动词「是」、和外显或隐藏的情态助动词分析为驱动语素,意指其驱动一个时态来约束在句子中隐含的论元,而此论元可以是一个事件、状态或程度,这样的约束机制亦称为非选择性约束。

6. The circadian period of a given overt rhythm under constant conditions is close to but rarely equal to 24 h.

到达 SCN:与昼夜周期同步日常条件下,昼夜节律的周期很显然接近24小时,但很少等于24小时。

7. The original utilizes the literature datum law、To video statistics law、Analyzing comparing the means such as law and so on adjust putting into practice 21 Each ball scoring system of branch badminton world cup since、This glass of Tom of 24th fall due、21Malaysia of fall due You Baibei and in 2006、The badminton at Quan Ying and Hong Kong stop is judged several distinguishing feature in overt competition to analyze and research.


8. overt在线翻译

8. One of the most surprising things about this revolution is how little overt celebration it has engendered.


9. The reputation incentive is a process of long-term accumulation, a good reputation can make up for a defect that the investment manager is not given enough incentive by the overt promption. The thesis analyses the opportunism deeds of investment manager with the reputation mechanism, which is undoubtedly good for the investment managers self incent and restriction.


10. The overt intelligence and diligence gathering make the existing resplendency of Vancouver, which also includes the multiracial dedication.


11. Analysts here said China had avoided attempts to influence the parliamentary election with overt threats or intimidation, since saber rattling before past elections appeared to have increased support for the Democratic Progressive Party.


12. Because the early diagnosis and therapy can delay or prevent the onset of overt HF, it is necessary and of great importance for all the cardiovascular patients to monitor their cardiac function in time.


13. To date, the Japanese government has still not actually expressed sincere remorse and made no overt apology.


14. If he/she has overt diarhea, mushy stools, or constipation, a simple explanation could be that this diet helps people's bellies feel better, or makes their poops healthy.

对一些孩子,解释一下为什么你要使用 SCD 食谱是有好处的,如果他/她有明显的腹泻,大便呈糊状或便秘,一个简单的解释可以是这个食谱能让肚子舒服,让大便正常。


15. Hua Bin says. By this year May, EBay expedited an investigation group to inspect market of austral small commodities, Xi Qiao to spin city of city, saline cloth underwear gently to wait, think Nanhai is the main source of a variety of products such as toy, underwear, small commodities, these products suit to make trade on the net very much, have the overt price advantage that serves as country of origin again, and the price is online one of factors with trade the mainest; In the meantime, the Nanhai informatization that start is earlier, infrastructure of electronic business affairs is quite perfect, the respect waits in center of sth resembling a net of content drift net, data and economic employment condition, all have a network the advantage of online commerce and value.


16. The model of chronic pancreatitis induced by oleic acid demonstrated extensive acinar degeneration and overt damage of islet. So, it is suitable for research work of pancreatogenic diabetes.


17. overt的意思

17. Overt expression of hostility is considered evidence of marital problems.


18. Gay men and lesbians say there is less overt hostility than in the west and certainly less physical harassment.


19. Without one overt act of hostility, one upbraiding word he contrived to impress me momently with the conviction that I was put beyond the pale of his favour.


20. All across China the united front gave the Communists new legitimacy as patriotic fighters against a foreign enemy, a temporary reduction in overt Nationalist hostility, and fresh opportunities for growth and expansion.


overt 词典解释

1. 公开的;明显的;不隐藏的

An overt action or attitude is done or shown in an open and obvious way.

e.g. His recent productions have been beautifully crafted works with little overt political content...


e.g. Although there is no overt hostility, black and white students do not mix much.



He's written a few overtly political lyrics over the years.

他这些年写了几首政治色彩鲜明的抒情诗。overt 单语例句

1. The consequence of overt involvement of the government in the economy leads to sluggish spending, a slump in economic growth and a possible decrease in State income.

2. Somali officials said many died in Monday's strike the first overt US military action in Somalia since a disastrous humanitarian mission ended in 1994.

3. The age gap is just the most overt manifestation of the dodgy water Jenny navigates.

4. Some net users ague the dog saving mission is placing overt attention to animals while lots of needy people are still left unattended.

5. But the lira currency weakened in international trade following the general's unusually overt criticism of Washington.

6. This also promotes overt speculation in the market, warned the article.

7. Policymakers should try to improve the economy's structure with monetary and fiscal policy, rather than paying overt attention to the details of the market.

8. The conspiracy count alleged 28 individual overt acts involving child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion.

9. The plot thickens when she begins expressing her love for an army officer through a myriad of blatantly overt lies.

10. Traditionally, the national security adviser does not engage in overt politics.

overt 英英释义


1. open and observable

not secret or hidden

e.g. an overt lie

overt hostility

overt intelligence gathering

open ballots

Synonym: open