

encourage:[英 [ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ] 美 [ɪnˈkɜ:rɪdʒ] ]


过去式:encouraged;   过去分词:encouraged;   现在分词:encouraging;

encourage 基本解释


及物动词促进; 支持; 鼓励,鼓舞; 鼓动

encourage 同义词


encourage 反义词


encourage 相关例句


1. She encouraged him to talk to her.


2. Don't encourage her laziness by doing things for her.


3. I encouraged her to work hard and to try for the examination.


encourage 双语例句

1. Therefore, teachers should not only encourage students speaking often, speaking voluntarily, but also try their best to design roleplays in realistic and relaxed linguistic background, and have students develop their motivation in speaking english. Opportunities of speaking English need to be created, to develop students'parcitipation and involvement in class activities, motivate their interest and desire in English, and encourage their persistence in learning.


2. A WORD ABOUT SYSTEMIC DUCK FEEDERS: Some organizations and groups encourage anonymous feedback, in the mistaken belief that this provides a safe environment for honest communication.



3. This would encourage homeownership and eliminate speculation at the same time.


4. Demonstration of ETT as one of the histologic manifestations of recurrent testicular germ-cell tumors should encourage pathologists to recognize this unique feature in assessing posttreatment mixed germ-cell neoplasm.


5. I life in have you of the day, when and all and you together at, as long as your happiness I would also lead of happiness of, I would effort, for oneself also for believe me encouragement my each person to encourage!


6. encourage的意思

6. How do we encourage good behaviour in children, and how do we discourage bad behaviour?


7. encourage在线翻译

7. Ren Yuling, a consultant to the State Council, listed measures taken by some cities to encourage young couples to go for tests before tying the knot; and suggested these practises be promoted widely.


8. Okay, are you ready to laugh it up and encourage your colleagues to do the same?


9. Xie Zheng-feng tries to use his own story to encourage students to not lose self-confidence even when they face difficult situations.



10. The idea appears to be to encourage consolidation within the sector by disadvantaging smaller property companies.


11. The goal of the IDM is not to encourage critical thought, but to foment a revolution which would supplant evolutionary theory with ID.


12. All of the software I used have downloadable demos and I encourage people to give it a try.


13. The reason for this is the fact that these yeast-containing foods encourage the multiplication of the Candida yeast infection.


14. encourage的意思

14. Denmark is a beautiful and dreamlike place. Its beauty and serenity encourage people to create their own fairy tales.


15. encourage

15. Therefore, this teacher would always try to encourage me to be more outgoing.


16. Encourage your child to read at home as well as in school.


17. encourage的反义词

17. Therefore, the school board should encourage schools to buy books on tape and to use them in elementary education.


18. But it might also encourage the conferees to play to the gallery, a nerve-racking prospect for Wall Street given the surge in anti-bank sentiment over the course of this year.


19. And the changing of reading habit and the trend of vulgar, mad them decided to read out the literary type by ping-dian. These conditi翠¤ interlock the influence; encourage the trend of ci-poetry discussion.


20. The financial sector will grant greater support to economic growth and encourage all quarters in society to increase investment.


encourage 词典解释

1. 鼓励;激励

If you encourage someone, you give them confidence, for example by letting them know that what they are doing is good and telling them that they should continue to do it.

e.g. When things aren't going well, he encourages me, telling me not to give up.


2. 使有希望;使有信心

If someone is encouraged by something that happens, it gives them hope or confidence.

e.g. Investors were encouraged by the news...


e.g. Mr Blair said he had been encouraged by recent Irish statements about the issue.



We were very encouraged, after over 17,000 pictures were submitted...


I am encouraged that more physicians are asking questions in these meetings and coming to workshops.


3. 鼓动;劝说;怂恿

If you encourage someone to do something, you try to persuade them to do it, for example by telling them that it would be a pleasant thing to do, or by trying to make it easier for them to do it. You can also encourage an activity.

e.g. We want to encourage people to go fishing, not put them off...


e.g. Herbie Hancock was encouraged by his family to learn music at a young age...


4. 刺激;助长;促进

If something encourages a particular activity or state, it causes it to happen or increase.

e.g. ...a natural substance that encourages cell growth...


e.g. Such secrecy breeds and encourages fear and suspicion...


encourage 单语例句

1. Huang said more should be done to encourage private companies to keep their business in the production of goods and provision of services.

2. The purpose of this form of business is to encourage investors to invest without risking more than the capital they have contributed.

3. And it should continue taking steps to encourage individual entrepreneurs in their business operations, as it is often such people who play an important role in creating jobs.

4. Some worry that we may encourage the illegal sex business by doing so, but leaving sex workers vulnerable to the virus is against ethical principles.

5. The Chinese Government also selected 29 domestic software firms to encourage them to develop their software outsourcing business in US and European markets.

6. Governments should encourage large firms and investors to buy shares in SMEs that show potential, he said.

7. Shanghai is also planning incentives to encourage motorists to scrape their old cars and buy new ones meeting the national IV standard.

8. Critics question whether taxpayers are being put at risk and if expanded safety nets will encourage financial companies to act more recklessly in the future.

9. China does not encourage its enterprises to succeed in the global market simply by increasing export volume.

10. According to the bylaw, local governments have to support special funds to encourage informatization construction.

encourage 英英释义


1. spur on

e.g. His financial success encouraged him to look for a wife

2. inspire with confidence

give hope or courage to

3. contribute to the progress or growth of

e.g. I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom

Synonym: promoteadvanceboostfurther