

social:[英 [ˈsəʊʃl] 美 [ˈsoʊʃl] ]



social 基本解释


形容词社会的,社会上的; 交际的,社交的; 群居的; 合群的

名词联谊会,联欢会; 社交聚会

social 相关例句


1. social的反义词

1. She asked in a social voice.


2. George stayed out of the social life of the school.


3. Opinions on various social questions differ from person to person.


4. Bees and ants are social insects.


social 情景对话


A:I’d like to open a current account.


B:Certainly. May I see your social security and your ID, please.


A:Here you are. I wonder how much interest can I earn from a current account.


B:Oh, current account don’t pay out interest.



A:Why is that?



B:It’s primarily designed for business transactions. That is, writing checks to pay for bills, buying things and sending money.We won’t expect a large amount of deposit in a current account.


A:I see. How do I draw money for my own use then?


B:In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself.


Social Security-(社会保险)

A:Man, they take a lot of our paycheck.


B:Yeah, the government really takes a bite, doesn’t it?



A:Seriously. The only tax I don’t mind them taking is social security. It’s only a few dollars every paycheck.


B:Yeah, I don’t mind it either. We’ll both end up rich slobs and not need it, but what if we do, you know?


A:Yeah. It won’t be much, but at least we’ll have a monthly check when we get old.


B:Yeah. My grandmother gets by on social security and the money my grandfather invested when he was alive.


A:Let’s just hope the politicians don’t figure out a way to spend it.


B:Really?No, they couldn’t. None of them would have jobs if they did.



A:Excuse me. Can you tell me how to find some books on social science?


B:Sure. You see all these little drawers here and all the way around the walls?




B:These drawers contain cards describing every book in our library. Together they constitute the library’s “card catalog”.You can see that each drawer runs from one part of the alphabet to another. For example, this drawer goes from SCA to SCM.

这些抽屉里装着这本图书馆所有图书的卡片,它们构成了图书馆的“卡片目录”。你可以看出每只抽屉都是从字母表中的一部分排到另一部分。比如说这只抽屉,就是从SCA 排到SCM。

A:So if I’m looking for a look called A History of Western Society, I’d just look under “A”.


B:No. You’d look under “W”. The articles “a” and “the” don’t count in our alphabetization, and card are generally omitted for extremely common words and phrases such as “history of”, “introduction to”, “story of” and so forth.

不。应该“W”下找。冠词“a”和“the”不包括在字母排列中。一般来说,目录卡片往往省略一些特别常用的词和词组。如“history of”,“introduction to”,“story of”等等。

A:What if I don’t know the title of the book?


B:When you can look under the author’s name.


A:Could you give me an example?



B:Suppose you want to find a book by your professor, William Smith. You’d look under SMITH and then WILLIAM. Since that’s a very common name, you may have to go through several “William Smith” until you come to the one who wrote book on the subject you’re interested in.

假如你要找一本你的导师威廉?史密斯教授写的书,你可以在SMITH 栏下寻找,由于William Smith 是一个很常见的姓名,你可能得查阅很多William Smith 才能找到你所感兴趣的书的那位William Smith。

social 网络解释

1. 社会学:简乐慈进一步阐述道,高年级ESL学生,不光在英文课和社会学(Social)上有显而易见的困难,就算是引以自豪的数理化强项科目,也会遭遇学习障碍. 她说,中国的理科课程内容虽然程度高,但注重记忆公式和机械性的习题重复联系,而这边的教育,

2. social什么意思

2. 社会型:A:艺术型(Artistic)C:事务型(Conventional)E:企业型(Enterprise)I:研究型(Investigative)R:现实型 (Realistic)S:社会型(Social)路易威登(AVMH)是世界上数一数二的奢侈品公司,旗下有50多个品牌,如轩尼诗、CD、想要进咨询公司,

social 双语例句

1. The emancipation of their minds, the raised economic incomes and social status, and also the strengthened pressure from their works make more and more women go out and choose the form of travel to relax and keep abreast of the outside world.


2. social是什么意思

2. The paper takes the social economy change of the district village as a research subject, drawing lessons from and making use of sociological methods, historical methods, economical methods and various ways and means, also gives attention on both sides of scientific views of development and modernization theories. It makes an investigation on all the general situation, types, characteristics, reasons of the peasant household's sideline occupation economy of Longyan country in republic of China, probes into it's influence to the country's society and economy development at that time and the apocalypse to today's country's economy development in west of Fujian.


3. Moreover, it will re-examine the traditional three monopoly behaviors, stress their regulatory system standards, and discuss whether they are conducive to economic and social development, whether they can co-ordinate better balance between kinds of interests, in particular the human rights and consumer care. At the same time, it will make analysis regulations and countermeasures.


4. social的意思

4. It will get a large economic and social benefit by means of simulated moving bed chromatography for separating xylitol mother liquid..


5. Although elaborate political, social and cultural plans are being made, the material world has been described in the Bhagavad-gita as temporay and miserable.


6. social的反义词

6. I`m muttering what is wrong with the present social values.


7. Most of these people in the new social strata have contributed to the development of productive forces and other undertakings in a socialist society through honest labor and work or lawful business operation.


8. Most of these people in the new social strata have contributed to the development of productive forces and other undertaking s in a socialist society through honest labor and work or lawful business operation.


9. social的解释

9. Under the guidance of the Party's line, principles and policies, most of these people in the new social strata have contributed to the development of productive forces and other undertakings in a socialist society through honest labor and work or lawful business operation.


10. Research shows that the strategy of organizing sial workers have the mandate and role of the level of clarity did not significantly positive impact of the initiative staff on the social behavior of the task they have, the role of clear and social integration of the three factors to have a significant impact on the level; staff - organization fit right into the enterprise private enterprise employees to work after the contents of the factors there was no significant impact on the community and its organization to work on the strategy of content does not exist in the process of regulation.



11. On the other hand, man is the determinant element of a social development.


12. social的近义词

12. Opening the social security fund Yin Zhengyi, an analyst said the market should be concerned about the move


13. With the development of virtual goods transactions together from the various economic and social problems.


14. Furthermore, it elevated women`s social status and lightened the employment competitiveness, and there are significant improvement in health and education.


15. In his litigation of claiming the hospital for compensation, the medical identification---the misdiagnosis and the wrong treatments didn`t constitute medical blunders---made by the Medical Association would not be adopted by the court because the staff constitution of the identification group was not compliable. This non-adoption upgraded the status of the other evidence helpful for xxx. But in this favorable situation, xxx`s lawyer took advantage of the ignorance of xxx, convincing him to remove the litigation. As medical institutions have a powerful force in society, and they can affect many aspects of the social life, lawing medical institutions not only consume time and energy, but also would brought adverse effects to his career.


16. social的近义词

16. From the development trend and characteristics of the intergrated curriculum, it incline toward to accept the new contents provide of science and technology development and social needs, especially various contents that across knowledge.


17. Man is a social animal. He finds his fulfillment in association with others.


18. The relationship between the state and society is the core content through the whole process of social modernization.



19. This paper mainly analyzed the actual demand of social for IT professional, and then summarized the capability of practice and innovation that students should have.


20. Each language reflects the culture of various ethnic customs and social development.

每一 种语言都反映了各个民族的文化习俗和社会发展。

social 词典解释

1. 社会的

Social means relating to society or to the way society is organized.

e.g. ...the worst effects of unemployment, low pay and other social problems.


e.g. ...long-term social change.



Let's face it — drinking is a socially acceptable habit.


...one of the most socially deprived areas in Britain.


2. 同社会地位(或阶层)有关的

Social means relating to the status or rank that someone has in society.

e.g. Higher education is unequally distributed across social classes...


e.g. The guests came from all social backgrounds...



For socially ambitious couples this is a problem.


...socially disadvantaged children...


I felt there was a lot of pressure on me to achieve, both academically and socially.


3. 社交的;交际的

Social means relating to leisure activities that involve meeting other people.

e.g. We ought to organize more social events...


e.g. Social activities might include barbecues on the beach and walking tours of the Old Town.



We have known each other socially for a long time...


The two groups rarely meet socially...


Socially I found him delightful.


4. (为俱乐部或团体的会员组织的)晚会,舞会,非正式聚会,联欢会

A social is a party, dance, or informal gathering that is organized for the members of a club or institution.

e.g. ...church socials.


5. (动物)群居的

Social animals live in groups and do things together.

e.g. These endangered gentle giants are highly social animals.


e.g. ...social insects like bees and ants.


social 单语例句social的近义词

1. He said it is also a reminder for the government to pay attention to business ethics and social morality.

2. The city government promised on Sunday to maintain social and business order, including the operation of Carrefour.

3. He suggested that other companies can learn experiences from the champions on how to improve their competitiveness by combining social value into their business operations.

4. Heightened environmental concerns are reshaping the nation's approach to economic and social development, pressuring Chinese companies to manage environmental impact as effectively as other business operations.

5. The university studies and develops new products by combining theory and practice to meet social needs and solve technical business problems.

6. In practice it is not easy to get the balance right between feasible business models and their social impact.

7. Yet her devotion to one social network is not an act of sentimentality - it's part of a careful strategy for combating social media burnout.

8. The idea came to Rao after spending 10 years in the United States, where he attended Stanford University's business school and later founded a social networking website.

9. This trend has taken shape in response to evolving business needs as well as a growing recognition of corporate social responsibility.

10. Such clubs all have strict requirements about members'social status, business influence and wealth.

social 英英释义


1. a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity

Synonym: sociablemixer


1. marked by friendly companionship with others

e.g. a social cup of coffee

2. living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups

e.g. a human being is a social animal

mature social behavior

3. tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind

e.g. ants are social insects

4. composed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability

e.g. a purely social club

the church has a large social hall

a social director

5. relating to human society and its members

e.g. social institutions

societal evolution

societal forces

social legislation

Synonym: societal

6. relating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society

e.g. made fun of her being so social and high-toned

a social gossip colum

the society page